The Mosaic Law - Stage 8

The Mosaic Law

The Eighth Commandment

"Thou Shalt Not Steal"
Exodus 20:15

Stage 8: Bound - "Voluntary" Union

"The Eighth Commandment sanctified private property, bound it up with religion and the family as one of the three bases of Hebrew society." Durant, The Story of Civilization, Vol. 1, Chapter XII, p. 337.

The Land, The Law, The Family - Private Property of Yahwah
Private property consisted mostly of land which was "given" to the Israelites from Yahwah who had commanded them to take it by force from His enemies. The Lord spake unto Moses: "The land shall not be sold for ever: for the land is mine; for ye are strangers and sojourners with me," (Lev., 25:23). The LDS Bible preface to this chapter capsulates it as: "The land is the Lord's, as are the servants." The land, the religion and the family (all servants of Yahwah) were One with Yahwah as His possessions. "Private" property, real and personal, belonged to Yahwah; His religion was The Law and the "family" of humanity His "servants." As "servants," sons could be taken as bondmen (bound to service as slaves to a creditor) to pay off debts. (2 Kings, 4:1) This was also true for daughters before they reached the age of puberty.

Yahwah's commandment is "Thou shalt not steal;" yet, like His commandment "Thou Shalt Not Kill," He commands His servants to steal from, and/or kill his enemies; this is not considered "stealing" inasmuch as Yahwah only claims what is His. However, His servants are not to steal from each other since they, and all they possess, are Yahwah's; to steal from a neighbor (a member of the tribe) was to steal from Yahwah. Only Yahwah could take or distribute according to His Law of ownership of all things.

In Leviticus 25:10 Yahwah promised that every man would have his possessions and his family returned to him every fiftieth year, however, "We have no evidence that this fine edict was obeyed, ..." Durant, Ibid., p. 338. ("Yes, but no, yet 'will be.'")

Plundering and Pillaging by Mormon "Danites"
during the "Mormon War" in Missouri.
As it was in ancient days the Mosaic Law "Thou Shalt Not Steal" meant Thou Shalt Not Steal from a fellow member of the tribe of Israel ... of which the Mormon church claimed it was. The rest of mankind were "outsiders," "gentiles," ... "enemies" of the race of Yahwah." Since all land, laws, and propagation belonged to Yahwah, Joseph Smith, as a "Moses," claimed that the lands of others belonged to Yahwah and proceeded under the same Mosaic laws of murder, plunder and stratagem to claim "promised lands" in Ohio, Missouri, and Illinois. He sought to reinstate the ancient Theocratic Mosaic Law with all the Double-Standard ramifications listed in the Ten Commandments above. At the same time, he claimed Democracy and individual choice as a cover to attract new converts. As in ancient days, the modern Israelites owned nothing of their own; all was consecrated to the church and administered by the "Priests" of Yahwah through the same ancient means ... theft, havoc and plunder through war, fraud and force (Stages 4, 5, and 6).

The "Mormon War" occurred during the "nomadic" Stage (4) of these Latter-Day Israelites at the time they were trying to claim their new "promised" lands. They had made enemies of those they had invaded with their attempts to reinstate a Theocratic government which was anathema to Democracy; Smith's Theocracy was "above" the law of the land. Like peoples of ancient lands, the people in Missouri fought back, this time against an invasion that threatened to destroy their democratic way of life. Smith's army of "Danites" were his "Avenging Angels" assigned to avenge the "wrongs" done by resisting "enemies" by pillaging, plundering and burning their real and personal property. For example:

"... twenty-year old Benjamin F. Johnson participated in a raid that Danite captain Cornelius P. Lott led against an isolated settlement:

"My sympathies were drawn toward the women and the children, but I would in no degree let them deter me from duty. So while others were pillaging for something to carry away, I was doing my best to protect, as far as possible, the lives and comfort of the [non-Mormon] families who were dependent on getting away upon horseback....While others were doing the burning and plunder, my mission was of mercy so far as duty would permit. But of course I made enemies at home [among fellow Mormons], and became more known by those who were our avowed enemies. Before noon we had set all [houses and barns] on fire and left upon a circuitous route towards home." (Origins of Power, Quinn, p. 97. Italics, mine.)

"Voluntary" Union with Theocracy or Death to our "Persecutors."
Defense Defined as "Aggression"
Using Democracy to destroy it for Theocracy is Theft by Stratagem

While the Mormons were implementing their aim to live under Theocratic Laws, they claimed and used civil laws, in their own way, in order to destroy civil law by organizing the Mormon vote for candidates of their choice. "... on election day ... they voted to notify the US postmaster general that Sidney Rigdon was "the person of our choice to fill the place of W.W. Phelps, as postmaster in this city" (Far West). "A month before, the First Presidency had virtually dared the Missourians to try to stop Mormons from exercising their civil liberties: "It shall be between us and them a war of extermination," Counselor Rigdon warned, "for we will follow them, till the last drop of their blood is spilled, or else they will have to exterminate us." Joseph Smith published this Independence Day talk as a pamphlet, advertised it in the church periodical and explained that Rigdon's ("salt") sermon expressed "the fixed determinations of the saints, in relation to the persecutors ... for to be mob[b]ed any more without taking vengeance we will not." (Quinn, Ibid., p. 94, 96)

In The Pattern, the Binder creates the problem, applies force against the Bound's resistance, labels their self defense as "aggression," then retaliates with a "justified" vengeance against enemy "persecutors." This is a process of theft ... stealing, by fraud and force, the property and rights of others by turning the real world upside-down.

"Yes," ... a man may steal ... "if" Yahwah sanctions it.
Apostle Orson Hyde:
"... a man may steal and be influenced by the spirit of the Lord to do it, that Hickman (a Danite "Avenger," under Brigham Young) had done it in years past." (Quinn, Ibid, p. 431)

"But, no ..." a man may not steal.
"When a man is found to be a thief," (Brigham) Young tells bishops, "he will be a thief no longer, cut his throat, & thro' him in the River." (Quinn, Ibid., p. 657)

"Yet, it is" ... Theft and pride.
Brigham Young:
"I have many a time, in this stand, dared the world to produce as mean devils as we can; we can beat them at anything. We have the greatest and smoothest liars in the world, the cunningest and most adroit thieves, and any other shade of character that you can mention." Journal of Discourses, Vol. 4, p. 077.

The Binder's credo is: "What is mine, is mine; what is yours, is mine also. Therefore, it is impossible for me, or my obedient servants, to "steal" what is already mine. He states, "What crime?" It is not a question.

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The 9th Commandment

"Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness"

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Next Page: The Mosaic Law - Stage 9

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