Posted by:
Date: October 13, 2017 06:25PM
RfM doesn't have too many major rules but one of the primary ones is that no Mormon apologists are allowed to post here. It is one little space on the World Wide Web where questioning Mormons and fed up exmos do not have to see or read Mormon apologetics.
Participants in this space do not want to read the usual apologetic discussions. Heard it. Seen it. Don't need to keep going through it all again.
If we want to read the apologist's point of view we know where to find it.
Hard as it may be for Mormons and apologists and even some exmos and nevermos to understand and accept, for people who have been hurt by Mormonism it is exceptionally counterproductive to see Mormon apologetics or think about all the usual talking points. They've seen and heard it and are now actively wanting to avoid it all. Endless apologetic debates/discussions do not further the purpose of RfM or help the majority of our readers. Hard, perhaps unfathomable truth for some to hear. But true nevertheless.
Not only do we ask apologists to refrain from participating at RfM, we ask posters here not to respond to them.
Thank you all for observing this (rare) restriction on our site (which has a set purpose and rules of use, just like most other sites).