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Posted by: rocomop ( )
Date: March 21, 2019 11:35PM

From the SLTribune: (

The first lady of Mormonism and others have noted before how God talks to the current Latter-day Saint prophet in the night.

In a recent Church News video interview, Wendy Watson Nelson sheds additional light on those moonlit messages.

“My husband will say during the night, ‘OK, Dear, it’s happening,’” she says. “I just remain quiet and then soon he’s sitting up at the side of the bed writing, now with a lighted pen that someone gave him.”

Wendy Nelson explains that the number of nighttime messages coming to her husband since he became the church’s 17th president has “increased exponentially.”

It is, she adds, “incredible.”

The full Wonderful Wendy Winterview can be seen at

I didn't watch the video. (I don't think I possess the requisite self-loathing.) But I did read the article that appears with the link and that was pretty wack. Seriously Wack. Major Mental Wack!! I'm not going to point any fingers, but yeah, it was that wack!!!

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Posted by: 4evergone ( )
Date: March 21, 2019 11:49PM

right. i would believe it too if i had the filthy rich life she has.

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Posted by: Hedning ( )
Date: March 21, 2019 11:54PM

Also the vasodilation from viagra can cause strange bouts of euphoria, and hallucinations in elderly men. No bullshit.

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Posted by: lachesis ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 02:26PM

That's what I've been chalking it up to, because I know that's right about the Viagra. Every nonagenarian wet dream Russ has is word from God. Some of them good (i.e. "I dreamed we were in the temple and you didn't have your face veiled in the prayer circle. Write that down, women can unveil their faces.")

Next thing on the horizon, "I dreamed we were in Starbucks and I told them I wanted a small coffee and they laughed at me and said, "do you mean tall?" Write that is ok."

But sadly, probably coming soon, "I dreamed that Sister Jones knocked on our door and said she had something to tell me and she told me that her son just said he was gay. I told her that she would have to appear before a high council court and answer for how she raised him and if she answered that she had ever let him listen to a Cher album she would have to be excommunicated. Write that down. Parents must answer for why they raised a GLBT child."

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Posted by: ziller ( )
Date: March 21, 2019 11:55PM

this spot for sale ~


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Posted by: mel ( )
Date: March 21, 2019 11:55PM

Why at night in a dark bedroom? You’d think if God felt like talking he would turn on the light. Or swing by in the daytime once in a while. Or, light up the pen himself.

Just saying.

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Posted by: slskipper ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 12:15AM

Or show up at the regularly scheduled meetings in the temple on Thursdays.

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Posted by: not logged in ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 12:09AM

Wait, I thought she had to leave the room when he got his [random brain farts] revelation.

And why does he need a lighted pen? Doesn't he know how to turn on the lamp? Or maybe install The Clapper™?

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Posted by: Shinehah ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 12:19AM

Technology is so awesome. A lighted pen! In the old days the finger of the Lord had to appear to write the message.

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Posted by: babyloncansuckit ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 01:03AM

Just like lighting the Jaredite barges. If God touches his balls, he won’t need the lighted pen.

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Posted by: CrispingPin ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 07:48AM

Why doesn’t he just use Joe’s magic peepstone? In a dark room, he wouldn’t even need to put it in a hat.

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 01:06AM

For the future of silliness called Mormonism, I really hope that someone gives a Rusty an astronaut pen. You know the one featured in the Seinfeld episodes so Rusty can write upside down.

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 01:53AM

"Ok, Dear, it's happening!" (Viagra is kicking in)

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Posted by: Wally Prince ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 05:46AM

Sometimes, in the middle of the night, Mr. Nelson will suddenly start getting a bunch of ideas that seem like good ideas, so he decides to write them down before going back to bed so that he can remember those ideas later.

I know dozens of people who do the same thing.

It's usually called "getting ideas while you're laying in bed late at night."

But in the world of Wendy and the Lost Boys, it's called "how God talks to the current Latter-day Saint prophet."

I gotta hand it to them. They have a rich fantasy life.

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Posted by: Historischer ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 06:25AM

A very perceptive comment. I simply can't see God working in such bleak circumstances. It looks as if much expectation has driven Dr. Nelson to madness.

By the way, you can add me to your dozens. I've started doing the same thing, and it's done wonders for my career. Two months ago I had merely a sporadic passion and a few scattered ideas. Now I've got a hard-edged research proposal.

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Posted by: Wally Prince ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 11:13AM

The difference is that Nikola's ideas often resulted in world-changing technological innovations.

Nelson's nocturnal thought emissions/brain farts result in things like an expensive nagging campaign to persuade the world to stop calling him a "Mormon" or the cancellation of campy religious-themed pageants that the commoners loved.

But Nelson is supposedly the one who is "God's specially anointed prophet, seer and revelator and the only individual authorized to speak for God to the world as a whole.." Apparently God has just let himself go and doesn't give a flying fork about keeping up appearances.

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Posted by: lachesis ( )
Date: March 23, 2019 01:56PM

It's certainly a "which came first, the chicken or the egg" scenario. Do Rusty's dreams mean he's a prophet? Or does the fact that Mormon fantasy world has dubbed him prophet mean that normal dreams that all people have mean it has to be revelation from godalmighty BECAUSE he's the prophet?

We were taught from the time we were mormon kids that God speaks to us in dreams. Geez, I couldn't count how many people I know or heard of who had more babies because they dreamed they had one so it meant they were supposed to. Old people are especially prone to dreams and daytime hallucinations. Partly it's the brain shutting down (whether or not they show many outward signs of dementia), partly it's medication or combinations of medications and supplements, and partly it's because they get more sleep than the average younger person. We all know how convoluted our dreams can be and how many times we wake up wondering "where on Earth did that come from?" or "WHAT did THAT mean?" Dream interpretation is big business.

But for millions of mormons, that's how God is speaking to them. For the rest of us, well, they're just freakin dreams!

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Posted by: S. Richard Bellrock ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 06:51AM

Nurse! Nurse! It’s happening again! The voices...

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Posted by: Elyse ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 07:37AM

It's not revelation. Those are TIAs

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 09:39AM

(I don't think I possess the requisite self-loathing.)

Hahahahah. Funny.

And, a band new saying for us, " It's not just whack. It's full on "Wendy Whack!"

I think 'okay it's happening is code for, "Okay Wendy, do your thing. I've got to have something for the board meeting tomorrow and I'm blank as usual. Oh and I got a new pen with a light so you don't have to turn that annoying lamp on when you write."

This is getting more like Televangelism every day.

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Posted by: Jokers4u ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 10:15AM

I had relented and decided that the photo of the top15 all dressed in white at the Rome temple was the photoshop work of some jokster; BUT now I find it in the Church News story about the Wonderful Wendy and it’s the real thing. I’m shocked, saddened, and shocked to see this ”over the top” photo is real. Talk about a bridge too far... 15 men of God posing in front of 13 “graven images” just finally broke the camel’s back for me.

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 10:16AM

Many years ago, the members were led to believe that these Q15 spiritual leaders had regular visitations from JC. Members were told not to inquire because these alleged visitations were too sacred to be divulged among spiritual clods called members. However, the cat got out and they were all of sudden not actual witnesses of the Lord, but witnesses of his name. They pretty much have denied that anyone ever sees God; not even in their holy of holies room in the temple.

My point is that the notion that they do repetitive stories on Rusty and his inspiration from bed. 30 years ago, the idea that critical revelation comes from taking Nytol would have been a disgrace. Yet, today it's so marvelous that a doped up 94 has his notepad ready for his impressions.

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 10:27AM

I can testify to that. When I was a kid it was clearly "known" that the temple was the place where at least the prophet if not the whole Q15 spoke face to face with Jesus. It was all inferred as you say--but, the Gerontocracy not only let you believe that by not contradicting it but in some instances encouraged it.

There was a story going around about someone doing an official portrait of Jesus and when the prophet saw it he said with a wink that "Jesus eyes were blue, not brown," as the artist had rendered them. The artist then thanked him and changed them. I heard it as McKay but someone on here said it was another one of the prophets--forget who.

Because of those stories and the they secrecy of the temple, I was sure when I got my endowments that I would see at least one glowing angel hovering somewhere near the crown molding when I finally got to the temple.

Seems they are finally realizing they can minimize the let-down of going to the temple if they stop over-selling everything. No?

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Posted by: Jokers4u ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 10:32AM

In my aging years I have often woke up and transcribed my urgent impressions on a ready notebook. 90% of the time when I read this gobblegook in the morning waking hours I just looked at its total jibberish and slapped my forhead in stuptifying shock. Once I composed a complete symphony note for note—when I woke up there was nothing but squiggles and scratches. I could have been a real “contender” for musician of the century if only I had had real music manuscript paper ready or a vapid wife to explain my greatness to a news reporter.... and ownership of the news paper. Rock on Rusty...before Captain Hook comes for Wendy.

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Posted by: Kristy ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 11:50AM

This may be slightly off topic, but Wendy Nelson only 67 years of age AND Rusty is 94 years of age.

That would make Rusty almost 30 years older than Wendy. Perhaps when in the middle of the night he says to her, "ok dear it's happening", not to take her words out of context, but perhaps Rusty is responding to the effects of the Viagra, which given his age - must be a monumental feat and one that Wendy finds amazing (and Rusty too).

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Posted by: rocomop ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 12:16PM

Wendy was a few months shy of 65 when Rusty Nailed, I mean married her. (I have no idea if that's true or not, but it sounds like it ought to be. [Okay, I just checked: they were married on Jesus' birthday in 2006, the 183rd anniversary of the founding of the restored and constantly changing gospel of even Jesus the Christ].)

Rusty Smnelson is a marvelous work and a wonder. I certainly envy him in terms of his energy and mental presence at age 93. No way will I make that age, given how much I drink, smoke and hang out, mentally, with people from Glendale. (CA not AZ.) I'm going to be lucky to make 40...

The 4/6/2006 marriage was Wendy's first; she remains childless... Was it a Marriage Made In Heaven, brokered by Jesus the Meddler, himself?

It's worth ridiculing that her education centered on marriage and family counseling, and progressed from earning her R.N. license in Calgary, her B.A. from U. of Hawaii, her M.Sc. from BYU, and her Ph.D. from U. of Calgary.

And why does no one ever mention that she and Sheri Dew own (owned?) a house together in SLC? And one wonders if Wendy ever watched Sheri write stuff down in the middle of the night?

Finally, one of Wendy's best selling books is "Things Are Not Always as They Appear."

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 12:36PM

Shame Wendy never had a child with Russ. Too old when she snagged him? Who knows, because as she herself famously wrote, "Things are not always as they appear."

Sarah was 90 or 91 when Isaac was born, and she died at the age of 127. Sarah was 90 when Isaac was conceived, but there are some disparate records of her age at his birth. Still, it is only a matter of a very small amount of time, and she was either 90 or 91 when Isaac was born.

So Wendy. Russ. What are you waiting for? Multiply and replenish the earth! If Abraham and Sarah could do it so can you.

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Posted by: exminion ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 12:58PM

I'm still stuck on why doesn't Russ (or God) turn on the light? Is Wendy's beauty sleep more important than revelations from God?

I have always been that "getting ideas while lying in bed at night person," and, yes, like jokers4U, I would write stuff that my sleep-stupified mind thought was amazing! The next morning, I would invariably throw it in the trash. I did 100% better in the daytime, fully cognizant.

This explains why Rusty's ideas have been so lame. He seems to be flying by the seat of his pants, because he actually is. Someone would have to be half-asleep or senile to come up with that stuff.

His advisors should tell him to wake up in the morning, have a good breakfast, and go into a sunny room, pray, then take up an ordinary pen, and give his writing careful consideration, for more than just a few minutes. You'd think a doctor would have enough common sense to do things the normal way.

You just wait and see! Deseret Books will come out with a massive sale on lighted pens, identical to what Russ uses for his revelations. Notebooks sold separately.

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Posted by: exminion ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 01:10PM

LOL! If Rusty received a revelation directly from God--wouldn't he remember it? Wouldn't God make sure he remembered? Maybe he doesn't remember, because it is such, uh, what name are we supposed to use for the the women still bow their heads in the temple...the BOM, is it mostly myth, now...exactly why, again, did all of the 15 fly to Rome? What are we supposed to tell the public?
It's really forgettable, mixed-up stuff, not important enough to remember, and only temporary.

Besides, it's difficult to keep all the lies straight.

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Posted by: Wally Prince ( )
Date: March 23, 2019 12:18AM

"A nocturnal revelation not written is merely a wish."

or was it "a goal not written down is merely a wish". I get confused sometimes.

Oh, I know what it was: "A brain fart at 2 a.m. becomes a revelation if you write it down using a light pen."

That Kimball guy. He really knew some stuff.

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 07:25PM

Gold digger's wisdom?

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Posted by: gemini ( )
Date: March 22, 2019 10:38PM

If Wendy is giving Russ suggestions, I can think of some she should give him:

Let LGBT couples get sealed if they want to
Get rid of these hideous garments
coffee and tea are ok
let family members see temple sealings, regardless of membership or TR
start hiring real janitors for the buildings

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Posted by: Shinehah ( )
Date: March 23, 2019 12:05AM

Give up on trying to deny documented historical facts. There's this thing called the internet now.

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Posted by: 3X ( )
Date: March 23, 2019 10:47AM

Why in the Bleeping Hell can't a Supreme Being communicate with his subjects using email?

Did he fail his ESL course - or is he techno-incompetent?

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Posted by: Wally Prince ( )
Date: March 23, 2019 11:16AM

it would make perfect sense for him to actually visit with the leaders and let them take photos. What's the point of having a perfect physical body, if you're never going to show it off?

What's wrong with God putting on a glow show as featured speaker at random Stake Conferences several times a year?

Why would God think it a good idea to let lying Bozos pretend that "impressions" they get in their minds are God's "revelations" -- especially when the impressions in question simply confirm whatever the Bozos in question wanted to do anyway?

Like when Joseph Smith begged God to ""reveal" to him whether boinking multiple women was something God wanted Joseph Smith to do...and then Joseph Smith got an impression in his mind that this was exactly what God wanted Joseph Smith to do? And God stands/sits still for this kind of nonsense? (What a surprise that must've been to Joseph Smith! "Hey, God, I really want to bang that lady who came into the Nauvoo Mansion bar last night.
God, when I saw her, I was like if it feels so right, how could it be wrong? That's you telling me that it is right, right? Thanks for the revelation, God. Always a pleasure to do business with you.")

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