Posted by:
Date: October 06, 2019 06:34PM
I very much agree. In the ensign this month there are 3 articles just on porn. Mormons are obsessed with this stuff. I looked at the first article About children viewing porn and how horrifying and scarring that is. My reply is that kids need to develop a little backbone. They are going to hear their friends joke about things, and they are going to see bodies sometime. This over emphasis on hating the body is actually shaming kids to think their bodies are dirty, and nasty. That they are evil little pathetic demons.
Never mind the fact that mormondoms founder was a ladies man who really liked teenage girls and did who knows what with his step daughters? This is what todays children should really be horrified at!
Then there is an article about young dating couples who like porn and how <<bad>> that is. It's all too much to take.