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Posted by: slskipper ( )
Date: December 18, 2020 12:50PM

Here's a thought: celebrate/commemorate the season with no recourse to any religious institution or tradition! Just connect with friends/family, acknowledge the passing of time and recognize that You Are Good Enough!!!

There was no baby Jesus. There was no Menorah miracle, either. Just like there was no Hiawatha or Blue Corn Girl. It is not cosmically required that you get all weepy and sentimental and make figurines of Santa Claus kneeling in front of a baby in a feeding trough. It really isn't. Thank you.

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Posted by: josephssmmyth ( )
Date: December 18, 2020 12:59PM

slskipper Wrote:
> Here's a thought: celebrate/commemorate the season
> with no recourse to any religious institution or
> tradition! Just connect with friends/family,
> acknowledge the passing of time and recognize that
> You Are Good Enough!!!
> There was no baby Jesus. There was no Menorah
> miracle, either. Just like there was no Hiawatha
> or Blue Corn Girl. It is not cosmically required
> that you get all weepy and sentimental and make
> figurines of Santa Claus kneeling in front of a
> baby in a feeding trough. It really isn't. Thank
> you.

You are good enough, sorry about that mormo-ism thing that maybe happed to you and all of us here.

Sometimes it seems nearly epidemic, in some ways.

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Posted by: josephssmmyth ( )
Date: December 19, 2020 03:15AM

If buildings that once were more filled are now more emptied, does emptiness begat emptiness?

Because if it really does, are the renderings of a possible re-righting of the forever listing USS LDS boat might just be in the works.

They're not likely tho to put in a Starbucks cafe in the Ward house just yet. But is a Keurig machine possibly in the cards?

Still too evil of a devil device I'm sure..

We definitely need to have a virtual meter calibrated in degrees, showing the amount of listing in the LDS cruise ship!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/19/2020 03:16AM by josephssmmyth.

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