Posted by:
Date: December 18, 2020 12:59PM
slskipper Wrote:
> Here's a thought: celebrate/commemorate the season
> with no recourse to any religious institution or
> tradition! Just connect with friends/family,
> acknowledge the passing of time and recognize that
> You Are Good Enough!!!
> There was no baby Jesus. There was no Menorah
> miracle, either. Just like there was no Hiawatha
> or Blue Corn Girl. It is not cosmically required
> that you get all weepy and sentimental and make
> figurines of Santa Claus kneeling in front of a
> baby in a feeding trough. It really isn't. Thank
> you.
You are good enough, sorry about that mormo-ism thing that maybe happed to you and all of us here.
Sometimes it seems nearly epidemic, in some ways.