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Date: July 26, 2021 07:53PM
When I was a kid, I used to love to watch “supernatural” type movies that would scare the shit out of me. As a young teen, being told in seminary to “extend my hand” to a visiting spirit brought a “Uhhhhhh…hell no!!” response from me. As an adult, in the LAST prayer I ever offered up, I asked for a visitation. If it worked for Bro. Joe, it could work for me…after all , God loves me SOOOOOOO much. Nothing special…The Big E., Jeho, Bro. Joe, and select family/loved ones who could appear and testify of the truthfulness of the gospel to me. In return, from that day forward, I would wander the earth proclaiming the truthfulness of the gospel. It has been 23 years. Still waiting.
A few weeks ago I took a trip to southern Arizona. I decided to do the “tourist thing” and Tombstone was on my list. Specifically, I wanted to take a tour of the Bird Cage Theatre. When I discovered there was an evening “Ghost Tour”, I was all over that.
There were around 20 of us on the tour. A few were serious Ghostbuster types. I whispered to my gal, “How much do you want to bet they have some sort of experience on the tour?” Her response was a sharp elbow to my ribs. Before starting the tour, the tour guide gave us all kinds of history and told us all sorts of paranormal experiences that had occurred in the theatre over the years, many that had been caught on camera. You would have thought that with so many occurrences caught on camera, there would have been some video for us to watch. But no. She also mentioned that the spirits would not appear to any “non-believers”. I whispered to my gal, “Shouldn’t the non-believers be the spirit’s target audience?” Another elbow shot to the ribs.
I was most interested in the history of the theatre. The tour guide would also point to areas where spirits had been spotted in the past. This sent the Ghostbusters scurrying. When the guide mentioned that images had been caught in the backgrounds of photographs, the Ghostbusters went into a cell phone photo frenzy. I had the pleasure of photo-bombing many of their efforts. Sadly, nobody was able to produce a photo with any supernatural image floating around in it.
The “highlight” of the tour came at the end when the guide seated us in the main area of the theatre in total darkness. There were some “paranormal sensing” devices set up to detect any spiritual movement. None were set off. The tour guide would occasionally call out to any visiting spirits to come and touch one of the devices to set it off. Nada. It was a windy night outside which caused a few sounds in the old building. The Ghostbusters ate this up. And as I predicted, they “heard footsteps”, “saw shadows”, “felt something brush my leg”, etc. I had to suppress laughter when one of them claimed to have seen a blinking red light in the corner of the room. He was convinced it was a spirit manifesting itself to the group. The tour guide pointed out that it was the light from an infra-red camera. The darkness sitting went on for 30 minutes. It was excruciating…like sitting in a fast/testimony meeting with nobody getting up.
The best part was towards the end when the tour guide said that if anyone wanted to take a random picture in the darkness (you know…to maybe capture a spirit floating in the room), to announce that they were going to “flash" so others could protect their eyes from the flash in the pitch black room. People would speak up and say, “O.K., I’m going to flash”, and we would cover our eyes. I whispered to my gal, “I’m going to say, “O.K., I’m going to flash…but it has nothing to do with taking a picture”. Big time elbow to the ribs.
The tour was fun, saw some old west history. The Ghostbusters were happy because they heard a few “bumps in the night”. Now when there is a noise in my house I tell my gal, “It looks like the Tombstone spooks followed us home!” Then I cover up my ribs.