Posted by:
Date: September 07, 2021 07:45PM
Driving up to Orem a week ago Wednesday I stopped to gas up at the bottom of the hill from the Cedar City temple. Then I drove up the hill, curious as to what I could find to critique, cuz I'm a big jerk that way.
The parking lot was 3/5's full and people (old ones!) were exiting. They had looks on their faces that reflected the glories they'd experienced. There were many small, fancy suitcases. Nobody had their temple shizz in a rolling bag.
What I found to critique was the sign across the street, and a bit down the hill. It was a realtor's sign, advertising the availability of homes in Temple Cove! Talk about holiness to the lord!
Here's a link to a photo I took of it: Would there, could there be any connection between the owners/builders/sellers of the homes in Temple Cove and the First Presidency or the Presiding Bishopric? ...or anyone who was able to get ahead of the curve on this temple in terms of its being announced in Conference? Or am I just too jaded?