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Posted by: olderelder ( )
Date: September 07, 2021 07:24PM

I hadn't been near Cedar City in a long time. Coming down I-15 today I saw what could only be a Mormon temple atop a hill. The funny part (to me) is that it's the same general style as the Logan/Manti/St. George temples. Maybe they're thinking nostalgia will bring folks to the temple.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 07, 2021 07:45PM

    Driving up to Orem a week ago Wednesday I stopped to gas up at the bottom of the hill from the Cedar City temple.  Then I drove up the hill, curious as to what I could find to critique, cuz I'm a big jerk that way.

    The parking lot was 3/5's full and people (old ones!) were exiting.  They had looks on their faces that reflected the glories they'd experienced.  There were many small, fancy suitcases. Nobody had their temple shizz in a rolling bag.

    What I found to critique was the sign across the street, and a bit down the hill.  It was a realtor's sign, advertising the availability of homes in Temple Cove!  Talk about holiness to the lord!

    Here's a link to a photo I took of it:

    Would there, could there be any connection between the owners/builders/sellers of the homes in Temple Cove and the First Presidency or the Presiding Bishopric? ...or anyone who was able to get ahead of the curve on this temple in terms of its being announced in Conference?  Or am I just too jaded?

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Posted by: Shinehah ( )
Date: September 07, 2021 08:10PM

You're probably jaded but probably pretty close to the real estate truth.
Don't forget, the old St. George temple is closed for renovation and the new St. George temple is barely under construction. That means if the Cedar temple parking lot was partially full, a lot of those senior Mormons are part of an effort to keep seniors off the streets of St. George by guilting them into driving to Cedar for their temple stuff.

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Posted by: auntsukey ( )
Date: September 08, 2021 11:57AM

The master-planned Cedar City community (Temple Cove?) was planned in conjunction with the plans for the temple. Lots of temple-goers and church leaders, politicians, city planners, construction and real estate development companies played musical beds better than Brigham in his most dynamic dreams!

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: September 08, 2021 12:23PM

I know a bit about Cedar City. I think of it as Southern Utah's little Provo. Mormonism is strong in this one. Also, way more progressive Mormonism than Rexburg which isn't really a little Provo but more an enclave of Right-trumpet-holding Moronis.

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Posted by: cludgie ( )
Date: September 08, 2021 03:14PM

My ex-Mo son and his never-Mo wife live in the Satterield part of Pocatello, where they just built a temple that is only some 100M from their front door, where once there was prairie just one or two years ago. They hope that it will raise the value of their home. But the temple is such a monstrosity, a carbuncle on the landscape.

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: September 09, 2021 02:02AM

You really don’t see the LDS Temple from Satterfield Drive. You only see it if you are right by it. The hillside it’s on is so ugly that an ugly Lego stacked temple is kind of neutral. All you see from I-84 is the ugly fairgrounds, the ugly temple and the ugly weed and juniper covered hills behind.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: September 09, 2021 01:24PM

"...the ugly weed and juniper covered hills behind."

I kinda like the area. Desert beauty in my opinion having lived in green hills now for over 20 years.

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: September 09, 2021 09:01PM

It’s a nice neighborhood when you get up there but the view east from the Interstate is ugly. Pocahellhole is a place you either love or hate. I like green.

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