The church has a form of honesty, but denies the power/true intent thereof.
Li’l Joe: What polygamy? I’ve only got one wife.
ChurchCo yesterday: What investment fund? We don’t have one. We are honest in our dealings - all of them.
ChurchCo today: We spoke the truth yesterday, and our truth doesn’t need further explanation. 5 mil penalty/fine? It’s a donation to our god-inspired institutions. Now, move on. Nothing to see here.
Me: Additional confirmation that it’s still business as usual for ChurchCo - Almost 200 years of deception. Their motto: over 17 million scammed.
The bullshit of this is, the morg is trying to play it off as "we made a mistake, we own up to it, and correct it".
It was not a simple clerical error or "oops, I put the decimal in the wrong place".
The Morg went to great effort to create this money laundering mechanism since 1997. More than 20 years of blatant, deeply planned out dishonesty, to cheat the system in which it claims in article of faith #12, to honor and obey!!!!
The hell of it all is money was supposed to go to charity as I read this, holy hell is that not EVIL??????
You're telling me the head of this church, JESUS CHRIST, and even, GOD, are no different than Bernie Madoff and Al Capone??????????
FOR SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHAME ON YOU LDS Inc!!!! You got blood all over your garments LDS church.