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Posted by: Villager ( )
Date: May 22, 2023 12:52PM

Today the church doesn't offer anything to ordinary members other than financial and family ruin and mental illness and depression.

They have used us and our ancestors to obtain their goals of being rich and powerful. The GA's love money and power much more than ANY member.

They marry their kids off to other top 10% families. BYU grads only. They hate freedom of speech (No agency anymore) and federal government programs. They try hard to dismiss the masses of homeless people outside their front doors. They hate women having any kind of power in the church or government. And "the gays" will always be living in sin.
At some point in the future we will be more of an expense than an asset. Compare it to a hostile takeover of a company. They came, they took, and then they will say goodbye.

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Posted by: anybody ( )
Date: May 22, 2023 01:04PM

Mormonism started off as a sex, power, and money scam -- just like Jim and Tammy Faye's or Rev. Ike's operation.

Now it's a multi-billion dollar corporation using religion as a tax dodge.

The membership are just a perpetual source of investment income that costs very little to maintain.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: May 22, 2023 01:24PM

While it doesn't need them, they either want them or are pretending to want them.

There's an article in today's SLTrib with the headline: "Stop delaying marriage and start having kids, Dallin Oaks urges.."

Hoaks is quoted as saying, "Date more, marry earlier, don’t delay having children — even for financial reasons..."

Here's a link to the talk, as posted on

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: May 22, 2023 05:34PM

Young people are rightly concerned about the cost of living. Housing has gotten ridiculously expensive. Student loans are difficult to pay off. Daycare is through the roof. The cost of food has gone up.

Of course they are looking at the numbers. They have to. Telling them to not delay in marrying or having kids is not going to cut it for many. I don't see them jumping in to marriage, or especially parenthood blindly. They know all too well that bills must be paid.

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Posted by: Wasatch Now ( )
Date: May 25, 2023 07:44AM

summer Wrote:
> Young people are rightly concerned about the cost
> of living. Housing has gotten ridiculously
> expensive. Student loans are difficult to pay off.
> Daycare is through the roof. The cost of food has
> gone up.

These are the issues people should be campaigning on. Yet most of the time they're busy campaigning about other things. The media is part of the problem.

I agree about student loans and am aware of the problems they cause. Again people need to reassess their priorities. The problem is that nearly everyone gets told to go to college, but college is not for everyone. Many college courses will not improve your career prospects or earnings. But you still end up in debt either way. If you want to become a surgeon or an architect etc, then it is worth going to college. If you want to enter certain other lines of work, not so so much.

If it isn't enjoyable, isn't educational, is stressful, and is not going to make you any money there is little point. Even the achievement and social sides are overrated. Students here do little but drink and pull their hair out when it comes to assessments.

It's more useful in some cases to get work experience. You get to drink and socialize at weekends but at least you get paid.

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Posted by: Heartless ( )
Date: May 22, 2023 10:54PM

Maybe they need to assign the elders a sister companion.

Go on a mission, come back with a wife and kid.

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Posted by: sunbeep ( )
Date: May 22, 2023 02:01PM

I suspect that before too long we will see a major effort by the big dogs in Salt Lake City to remove all of the deadwood that is useless to them.

The members who are inactive, non-recommend holders, non-tithe payers, and anyone who refuses callings will be among those culled out and cast aside like a worn-out pair of shoes.

I also suspect that this number could be upwards of that 90% figure.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: May 22, 2023 05:44PM

They can't do that.

The church is held together by myths, including prominently the appeal to all people of all social and economic classes. The fact that people are leaving is a major problem because it discredits the faith.

And really, how much does it cost to keep the "deadwood" on the books? They may not add much but neither do they cost anything substantial, and 17 million sounds a lot better than 200,000.

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Posted by: blindguy ( )
Date: May 24, 2023 10:39PM

Lot's Wife Wrote:
> They can't do that.
> The church is held together by myths, including
> prominently the appeal to all people of all social
> and economic classes. The fact that people are
> leaving is a major problem because it discredits
> the faith.
> And really, how much does it cost to keep the
> "deadwood" on the books? They may not add much
> but neither do they cost anything substantial, and
> 17 million sounds a lot better than 200,000.

I'd go even further. If the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints were to lose 90% of its membership in one fell swoop tomorrow, it would also lose its political leverage, especially in Utah. No, it has to keep these people on the books in order to control the state legislature of Utah, let alone anywhere else.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: May 25, 2023 01:39AM

And I will go farther than you.

If the church lost 90% of its members, it would almost immediately lose another eight or nine percent because the illusion of authority would have collapsed completely.

At that point only those with a direct stake in the enterprise would remain loyal--and that number would not be anywhere near as high as 10%.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: May 22, 2023 07:11PM


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Posted by: I ( )
Date: May 24, 2023 10:23PM

TSCC doesn't need anything but followers...

BLIND followers

Villager Wrote:
> ... the church doesn't offer anything to
> ordinary members other than financial and family
> ruin and mental illness and depression.

TSCC doesn't offer a ANYTHING to members
It expects members to offer and make offerings

> They have used us and our ancestors to
> obtain their goals of being rich and powerful. The
> GA's love money and power much more than ANY
> member.
> They marry their kids off to other top 10%
> families. BYU grads only. They hate freedom of
> speech (No agency anymore) and federal government
> programs. They try hard to dismiss the masses of
> homeless people outside their front doors. They
> hate women having any kind of power in the church
> or government. And "the gays" will always be
> living in sin.
> At some point in the future we will be more of
> an expense than an asset. Compare it to a hostile
> takeover of a company. They came, they took, and
> then they will say goodbye.

There are TAKERS and GIVERS

TSCC expects members to Give Give Give & be givers
Those at the top just can't take it

All they do is take

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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: June 05, 2023 12:03AM

'Give', said the little stream.

I have a little stream for the guys at the top.

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Posted by: Remember ( )
Date: May 27, 2023 01:09PM

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Posted by: Marcus ( )
Date: June 03, 2023 07:17AM

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: June 05, 2023 12:14AM

90% of the members don’t really need the church either.

That’s a lot of common ground. Maybe we can work out a deal…

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: June 05, 2023 01:37PM

The church makes rich suberbanites feel important. They will stay on. If you can’t afford the tithing, have the time or have no real desire to play the game, you get worn down and quit.

Those still in the club will call you a loser and feel good that they aren’t you.

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