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Posted by: anybody ( )
Date: September 26, 2023 09:11PM

"Dr. Bret Ruby is a National Park Service archaeologist who drives a ruby-red Camaro with the license plate DR RUBY.* He is notably passionate about his work, which is why I felt a little guilty on a recent Ohio morning as he enthusiastically showed me around a historic monument that did not, honestly, look like all that much to me. We stood on a hill overlooking the Hopeton Earthworks near Chillicothe, Ohio, south of Columbus. Nearly 2,000 years ago, Native Americans built 800,000-square-foot geometric shapes in this meadow, an enormous circle and square aligning with the movements of the sun and the moon."

"That is, obviously, very impressive. The problem was what had happened since then: centuries of erosion, followed by more centuries of farming and plowing, which meant that even from above, it took me a long time to see the square and circle down in that field. It mostly looked like a scrubby field with a gravel plant on the other side. Eventually I picked out a few straight lines of dark grass, a gradual curve at the far end of the meadow."

"As we ambled down the hill, Ruby pointed out a swell in the landscape. “That hump there is the earthwork wall. That’s melted out from plowing. These walls were once 12 feet tall.” I nodded in admiration, and I did admire these walls, in theory. In the distance, a staffer drove a tractor; the NPS engages in “interpretive mowing,” Ruby said, using differing lengths of grass and a mix of native plants to distinguish the earthworks for visitors."

"There was one visitor. She was walking her dog. This was supposed to be the United States’ newest UNESCO World Heritage Site?"

"The Grand Canyon. The Great Pyramids. Versailles. ..."


(Please don't post long passages - short excerpts only. And indicate quoted material by using quotation marks due to copyright issues).

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 09/27/2023 12:25AM by Maude.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 26, 2023 10:46PM

You'll see...  It'll be discovered that they kept Kosher...

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: September 26, 2023 11:01PM

Bravo, anybody!
I 'really' enjoyed reading your essay - description, TY for posting it!!!

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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: September 27, 2023 07:14AM

"Nearly 2,000 years ago, Native Americans built 800,000-square-foot geometric shapes in this meadow, an enormous circle and square aligning with the movements of the sun and the moon."

Now we know how the Nephites got such big muscles. The construction details must be in the sealed portion of the Golden Plates.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: September 27, 2023 12:21PM

Did they get a excavation permit first?

Inquiring minds want to know...

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Posted by: Heartless ( )
Date: September 27, 2023 05:40PM

No, they just sued everyone until they gave up.

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Posted by: Trails end ( )
Date: September 27, 2023 10:38AM

Yet 1800 years later they have become completely nomadic following seasons and game and living in hide teepees.yet ever so grateful the Spanish had left a few horses ...historians seem convinced of the struggle it took to attempt to make these people into farmers...naw something about this whole affair seems off but trust a mormon to make mountains out of mole hills...I mean really it’s the only way the bofm might work...big muscles indeed..not the first time a mormon has strained at a gnat to swallow a camel..hmm seems I’ve read of camels on this continent too and now indications the Egyptians may have had a walk’s all in the sealed portion of course...when we are worthy it will all be showed

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: September 27, 2023 06:01PM

Two thousand years ago, there was a genuine spirituality and religious practice in America that had nothing to do with the fictitious accounts in the BoM.

Thanks for sharing, Anybody.

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