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Posted by: anybody ( )
Date: November 19, 2024 06:37AM


A Tesla Cybertruck has become the electric vehicle of choice for an Amish electrician who has made it his mission to bring solar energy to his conservative community. It’s a rather unusual sight, but one can argue that the Cybertruck is the perfect vehicle to symbolize change in the Amish community.

Ben Zook was raised in Gordonville, Pennsylvania, where his family lived in a home that was never connected to the power grid. Zook and his siblings also traveled to school by horse and cart. As noted in a report from The Sunday Times, everything changed for Zook when his father gave him a battery powered teddy bear. The toy sparked his interest in electricity, and he would carry this interest all the way to his adult life.

There is some contradiction to the fact that an Amish electrician is driving around in a Tesla that looks like it was made for another planet, but as noted by the Times, an “industrial revolution” of sorts is happening among Amish communities today, particularly in places like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin. Zook, for his part, is ready to embrace the clean energy revolution. In a comment to the Times, Zook noted that he still studies the latest developments in solar technology regularly.

On a hyper-local level, however, debates are intensifying over how and why Amish families should bring solar into their homes, and what the consequences might be. To some it is “God’s grid”, to others “the mark of the beast.”

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: November 22, 2024 10:59PM

The Mennonites are 'cousins' with the Amish; the Mennonites told me the first Amish folks w were Mennonites prior to the split.

A guy named Mennos Simons gets historic credit for starting that ball rolling.

Even today there is a slight division between different groups that refer to themselves as Mennonites.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: November 22, 2024 11:24PM

I've never quite understood the subtle differences between what is acceptable vs. not acceptable for the Old Order Amish. It looks like it's starting to confuse even them.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: November 23, 2024 01:24AM

I view that as a positive; I'm not convinced that they thought their lifestyle/culture was 'God's Word'

Mos, otoh always taught that their lifestyle was specifically mandated in the details, hence changes need to be painfully explained- justified.

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Posted by: anybody ( )
Date: November 23, 2024 05:01PM

summer Wrote:
> I've never quite understood the subtle differences
> between what is acceptable vs. not acceptable for
> the Old Order Amish. It looks like it's starting
> to confuse even them.

It's not "top down" like Mormonism.


Restrictions vary in northern Indiana. Old Order groups stretching southeast to Fort Wayne and Allen County have made the technology common, as even some businesses that use large generators have switched to solar. In the Berne area, south of Fort Wayne, almost no groups use solar because of differences in bishops and districts.


Holmes County, Ohio, is home to greater Amish diversity, creating a patchwork of allowable uses for solar. James Mast founded ARK Battery in Sugarcreek, Ohio, to respond to the need for improvements in the lithium batteries needed to regulate power fluctuations. ARK works to tailor systems to each group’s needs.

“In Holmes County we have like 15 different Amish flavors, and in the New Order group I come from there are 15 to 20 churches and definitely differences from church to church,” said Mast, who recently joined a Beachy Amish congregation. “But most of the New Order Amish in Holmes County would be OK with lighting in their houses.”

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Posted by: anonynon ( )
Date: November 28, 2024 11:36PM

They believe in self reliance and don't want to be reliant on a grid. That's why they don't have electricity and they collect rain for water. They have (or had, I haven't lived in Amish country for a couple decades) crank heaters because it didn't rely on the grid. They probably have solar lamps and things like that now.

When they were required to put lights and reflective triangles on their buggies, the bought those at Walmart (it was interesting getting into or out of a strip center where the traffic was cars and horses and buggies!).

As a community, they - really the leaders - discuss what is practical for the community to buy,because their default is to only use things they make, so things like roller blades were practical as a means of transportation.

One of the reasons they use horses and buggies (in addition to not relying on gasoline along the way) is so they can't regularly go too far from their communities. I suppose with solar power, electric cars might satisfy that, but a horse will always get them back home, with an electric car they need to make sure they have enough charge to get somewhere and return, otherwise a charging station is no different than a gas station in terms of going against self-reliance.

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Posted by: bradley ( )
Date: November 23, 2024 03:15PM

It was inevitable. They are already putting LED lights on their buggies. You can be driving the back roads and think you've encountered a UFO, only to find a horse-drawn buggy decked out in bright red light strips.

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Posted by: anonynon ( )
Date: November 30, 2024 01:59PM

That's a requirement from the municipality. People get into terrible accidents with horses and buggies because they can't see them in the dark, and it's even worse in snow or rain.

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Posted by: Kentish ( )
Date: November 24, 2024 04:04PM

The is an Amish community near Salmon Idaho. They use power tools in construction projects.

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Posted by: anonynon ( )
Date: November 30, 2024 02:06PM

Are they Amish or hutterites (also Anabaptists)? They're similar, though more communal, Hutterites are mostly in that part of the country and also Canada.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: November 27, 2024 02:20PM

Some consider solar energy to be Directly from God/Heaven, a Natural power...

Now if the Amish and the Mennonites would OK / embrace naturism/nudity...

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Posted by: anybody ( )
Date: November 28, 2024 09:25AM

The point I'm trying to make here is the contrast between a religious grift / top-down cult like modern LDS Mormonism and the natural evolution of a religious movement, Anabaptists, Mennonites, Amish, etc.

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Posted by: anonynon ( )
Date: November 30, 2024 02:11PM

You don't think there's grift and abuse (physical, spiritual, sexual, etc.) in the Amish/old order mennonite/hutterite communities??????? I recommend the book Amish Abuse (I think he also published it under the title Amish Deception) by David Yoder. Alternately live adjacent to their communities. You'll see beyond the charm.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: November 30, 2024 02:20PM


Unfortunately it seems that sexual and other abuse is pervasive in our culture - society, IDK if that's more prevalent in the Americas (North & South) than others or not.

I hate to think that might be the case for Scandinavia where my father came from.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/30/2024 02:44PM by GNPE.

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Posted by: anybody ( )
Date: November 30, 2024 03:54PM

anonynon Wrote:
> You don't think there's grift and abuse (physical,
> spiritual, sexual, etc.) in the Amish/old order
> mennonite/hutterite communities?

No, I didn't say that.

I was referring to how religious movements adapt and and change over time and how that's different from the Mormon cult Soviet/1984 method of trying to erase the past as if it never existed.

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: November 29, 2024 12:35AM

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Posted by: anybody ( )
Date: November 29, 2024 08:23AM

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: November 30, 2024 04:12PM

brings to mind 'americans' attempts to normalize slavery, splitting of families, etc.

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