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Posted by: munchybotaz ( )
Date: December 17, 2011 02:46PM

"He added: 'You have to respect the position of authority and people that God’s put as authority over you, so that’s part of it, and just finding the right place and the right time to do things is part of it, too.'"

Yep, I have to switch teams.

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Posted by: nonmo ( )
Date: December 17, 2011 02:50PM

I'm a Chargers fan so I hate the Broncos...

That being understanding of the students Tebowing at school were blocking hallways and doorways. You can't do that for any reason.

If the students were out in the common areas, the grounds, on the grass then I don't care.

That ALL being said, watching Tebow wearing his religion on his sleeve, like other ball players in ALL sports wearing their "street cred" on their sleeves is obnoxious.

Even Kurt Warner...the NFL's biggest religion-wearing pro athlete told Tebow to tone it down.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/2011 02:50PM by nonmo.

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Posted by: Stray Mutt ( )
Date: December 17, 2011 04:38PM

It couldn't possibly be leaders who invented that out of self interest. No no, because God wouldn't have let people like that rise to positions of authority, only good people -- according to the people in authority.

Tim, Tim, Tim. One day, when you get a little older and encounter totally awful, even criminal, people in positions of authority, you might reevaluate that belief.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/2011 04:39PM by Stray Mutt.

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Posted by: matt ( )
Date: December 17, 2011 05:44PM

They need someone like Mr Tebow to get them to sort themselves out.

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Posted by: munchybotaz ( )
Date: December 17, 2011 06:37PM

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Posted by: snb ( )
Date: December 17, 2011 06:33PM

I agree with Tebow, and I'm the least Mormon person with the biggest anti-authority attitude you might ever meet. In school, especially in the case where you are bothering other people and making things difficult for everybody else, you have to do what you are asked. Who do those kids think they are to constantly bother other people?

I don't think God has to enter into this discussion, so on that point, he is just trying to push his agenda.

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Posted by: nonmo ( )
Date: December 17, 2011 09:11PM

I'll tell you what...years and YEARS ago when I was in Jr high school, at our Fri flag ceremony (pledge of allegience and star spangled banner played), me and my friends did our own personal expression during this Fri flag ceremony....It didn't bother anyone else and it was for us.... was the Nazi salute.......

We caught hell for we should have and deserved to..

damn kids...

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Posted by: Tiffany Bell ( )
Date: December 20, 2011 08:10AM

Good post, the Pledge of Allegiance is the origin of Nazi salutes and Nazi behavior. The early Pledge began with a military salute for the phrase "I pledge allegiance" and then the military salute was extended outward to point at the flag at the phrase "to the flag" and the nazi salute was
held for the rest of the pledge. In practice, the second gesture was performed palm-down (the Nazi salute). Wakipedia covers up the story. Instead, See the work of the historian Dr. Rex Curry.

Adolf Hitler learned the gesture from Harvard grad Ernst Hanfstaengl and Harvard football, which used the gesture from the pledge. Today, the pledge remains a scary part of the USA's current police state.

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Posted by: blindmag ( )
Date: December 20, 2011 08:57AM

I dissagree. You do what is needed for the good of all.

Studants blocking up the halls should listen when anyone says they should let others through it's only logical.

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Posted by: Timothy ( )
Date: December 20, 2011 09:24AM

... or Saints or Steelers or Broncos or whatever.

Paying tribute to a role model? That the "role model" in question is a sports figure should warrant the suspension. After all, wasn't Joe Paterno a "role model?"

These guys get paid - a lot - to divert our attention from life's constant dents and dings. Who gives a s**t what they think or do off the field? Michael Phelps smokes weed. He's also earned like a billion Olympic gold medals. Are folks so naive to believe that smoking weed will lead to Olympic glory?

Remember Homer Jones? Probably not. He's the guy who invented spiking the ball. The NFL has a rule against excessive celebration yet allows the Lambeau Leap, Tebowing and any number of rituals, unless you call yourself Emmitt Smith and remove your helmet after a score. Then you get a penalty named in your honor. Ifin ya axe me, Emmitt Smith and Walter Payton are the closest things the NFL ever had that even remotely resemble role models. Even so, I couldn't care less what either believed or had to say off the field.

Here's a real role model:

Funny that parents and kids alike generally pay the good doctor no mind, yet shower accolade upon accolade on football players who, so far, have accomplished nothing of any real value or concern.

Hokay, maybe Alan Page but that's it!

America loves an under-dog which is why so many have jumped aboard the Tebow train. I want the guy to succeed for that very reason, but only on the field.

Off the field, Let Tim Tebow stand as a testament to human gullibility and an example that all religions employ a fair degree of brainwashing.

On the field, let him do his thang. After all, that's what we pay him to do.

Party on, Broncos!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/20/2011 09:24AM by Timothy.

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: December 20, 2011 06:39PM

NOTHING annoys me more that athletes endlessly invoking the name of God regarding every thing they do....surprised they don't ask his permission to fart then have to tell us all about the experience...

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