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Posted by: soutskeptic ( )
Date: January 29, 2013 11:49AM

Nadine Hansen will speak about the history of the FLDS, lawsuits and prosecutions that have occurred in recent years and the recent doomsday pronouncements of Warren Jeffs.

Mrs. Hansen is a guardian ad litem for children in custody disputes, has worked with people in the FLDS community.

The lecture will be February 3rd 2012 at 2 PM at the New Lexington Hotel 850 So. Bluff St St. George, Utah.

Come and enjoy meeting like minded people, refreshments will be served.

For additional information email

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Posted by: free ride to the top N/t ( )
Date: January 29, 2013 11:12PM

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Posted by: Bump for all the Exmo's in Southern Utah n/t ( )
Date: January 30, 2013 10:35PM

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Posted by: St. George Weather forecast Sunday is in the low 60's. Celebrate your enlighten in Utah's Dixie. N/t ( )
Date: January 31, 2013 12:46PM

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Posted by: Ride to the top for those apostates in Utah's Dixie n't ( )
Date: February 01, 2013 12:11AM

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Posted by: Ruby Jessop's finally escapes with her children ( )
Date: February 02, 2013 04:13PM

Ruby Jessop's finally escapes with her children, is the sister of Ex/Mormon Flora Jessop presenter at the ExMormon Conference

The following link is powerful, shows Warren Jeffs wedding bed for his 14 year old brides in the FLDS Temple

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