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11 years ago
baura Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Remember, the WOW was not a "commandment" yet. > > God hadn't changed his mind yet. Actually, per the oficial History of the Church (the 7-volume one, I think), per orders of BY himself, carrying whiskey and coffee/and or tea was a commandment of God. Check it out.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Let's not be too hard on them. I have met Donny a couple of times (in church settings, in which he served with regular, normal callings), and he seemed like a down-to-earth, pleasant guy. I have nothing but sympathy for Marie. She seems to me to be the type of person who did everything right and ended up losing every time. I personally have nothing but respect for her. She seems like a person who
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
As has been pointed out about a billion times, if you claim that the existence of our planet is evidence of a god, then you have a lot of explaining to do, and the fact is you can't do it without (a) mental acrobatics and circular logic on a scale that is just amazing, and (b) ulimately conceding that you believe there is a god because you need for there to be a god, and therefore there must be a
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
ladell Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Au contraire mon frere, not only is the US a > christian nation, but it is a Mormon nation. This > matter was put to rest when the founding fathers > appeared unto Wilford Woodruff in the Saint George > temple and begged to have the endowment performed > for them. They don't talk about that much &g
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I never lied to my bishop. Luckily I never had one who directly asked me about any supposed "sins". But they asked me if I was "worthy". My response at the time, and my response to this day, was that of coures I was. I was always and forever worthy to enter God's house. Because God was my father, and my father would never shut the doors on any of his children. Of course I was
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
We both speak the tgruth. I was referring to the very first incarnation of the rite, as a set if simple password/countersign exchanges by the Templars post-downfall, used to identify fellow Templars and also to warn each other graphically of the fate that awaited them from outsiders if any of them were revealed to the authorities. And in the 1300's, the authorities would not hesitate for a second
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
A voice in the wilderness again. The forms of the endowment make much more sense when we understand their historical bases. The "blood oaths" originally were understood as what outsiders would likely do to the initiated few if the outsiders ever learned their identity. As far as moving from room to room: for whatever reasons, the designers of the endowment chose to model the ceremon
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
diablo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If there is no hot, there is no cold. > > No dry w/o wet....left right up down. > > In my view, if you don't have an opposite, you > don't exist. You have stated the true meaning of that "opposition in all things" passage on the BOM. It is not aobut Satan choosing to thwart God's peop
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
jacob Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > This isn't even close to be accurate. Early > Christian churches didn't invent anything > including the demigod/god of chaos and evil. > Cronus, Set, Hades, Loki, and even Zeus are evil > set against the backdrop of good. Christians > didn't even invent the name of Satan, it is taken > from a Hebre
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Actually, the Devil was a creation of the proto-Catholic church. See "The Origin of Satan" by Elaine Pagels. They needed a reason for people to be afraid, and so Satan was invented, as a cosmic force to be countered at every turn by the church.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Does that make atheism the world's fastest growing religion? If so, then it must be true!!!
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Please,somebody, answer me this. Why do the church leaders continue to ignore Harry Reid? If Mitt Romney bombed out so badly, why don't they change gears and start to promote Reid as the Next Big Thing?
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I'm being cynical here, but let's take bets. How long until TSCC decides to implement Flirty Fishing? I know, I know. But with TSCC the rules can change in a heartbeat.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Knowing what we know now, about Josseph's weapons stash while in jail, I seriously doubt that he actually said that. I would be more inclined to believe "I'm going to blast my way out of that hell-hole."
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
steve benson Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- >,874660 Yes, he did teach that. But then, he taught a lot of things that were a bunch of hooey. It did not originate in Solomon's temple. The main connection with Solomon's temple is that the instituion from which Freemasonry sprang had as its charter the protection of pilg
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
How come I never got to do things like this??????
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
The only real place to start from a history perspective is "Born in Blood" by John J. Robinson. I am not exaggerating. I spent years trying to understand where Freemasonry came from, and went up a lot of blind alleys, until I finally came across that book. It answers the final riddle in the puzzle. After that you can expand into other areas, such as how things like Rosicrucianism and th
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
From an earlier time: everybody was just so sure that Walt Disney was a Mormon- and if not him, then surely his wife had to be. I guess in a roundabout way, he sort of was, if by "Mormon" you really mean someone who championed the middle-class American suburban 1950's lifestyle.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
So maybe some people do have a real addiction to such things. I fail to see how it is an ecclesiastical matter. yes, the LDS church "preaches" against it, but then, so does everybody else. And I understand how it is difficult to draw the line between being excited over naked females and outright addiction. But true addiction must be seen as a psychological/medical condition, not a theol
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
mia Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > > > They don't stop and consider what > the 18 year old may want to do. It's pathetic. > > The sad fact is, most 18 year olds have no idea what they want to do. That is such a tragedy, that they will be pushed into a mode of thinking that explicitly stifles any attempts on their part to figu
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Bully for them. The tax exemption was instituted as a way to relieve the government of some of its burden for caring for the poor. It is supposed to promote charitable activities. It has been totally turned on its head to the point where the churches see it as their privelege in exchange for their public "service" of being other-worldly. Maybe someday America will wake up and realize th
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Yes, the Ten Commandments are good rules to live by. So is the Code of Hammurabi, the Seven Aphorisms of Summum, and the Zend Avesta.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I'm with smithscars. A fourteen-year-old who indulges in porn is in no way addicted. I don't think anybody is actually addicted to it, apart from maybe one or two really messed up people in the whole world. Porn addiction is an ailment invented by religious folk to give them a purpose in life. A 14-yo is curious, and probably hopelessly lost in the vast sea of hormones. He doesn't need condemnati
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I may have posted this before. If so,please forgive me. But the fact is, I have finally worked it all out. I mean everything. It came to me in a vision in the night that was accompanied by a glowing man wearing a loose robe. He said his name was Mahonri. Or Nephi. Or something. But that doesn't matter. What matters is the thoughts and feelings that came into my heart and mind at the time. And
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
My parents had lots of oddball phobias and rules that did not derive from the church- sort of (see below). My father wanted me to have crooked teeth, so I didn't get braces when I was a kid. He also didn't believe in: TV remotes, pizza, and racial equality. I kid you not. Having said that, one of the defining features of Mormonism is the subtle but very real way in which it reflects back to th
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
In the mid-Seventies one of the eastern states was considering a bill "allowing" new brides to keep her maiden name rather than give it up for that of her husband. I was at BYU at the time, and in my ward the genealogy specialist passed around a petition requesting that the state not proceed. The argument was that it would make genealogy harder. Apparently it was instigated by the leade
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
It has never been acceptable to "marry" a fourteen-year-old when you are twice her age and married already and supposedly the most perfect representative of our Creator on the earth.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
Shaklee Noni Juice Agel MonaVie Tupperware Pampered Chef Party Lite and on and on. Some of these companies sell legitimate products, and for some people it works out well. The problem comes when the products themselves are bogus, and the "hook" is faith in the company. This is the point of contact between Mormonism and MLM's, as many people have pointed out. The emphasis is op
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
And another thing: there was a religion that apparently promised its adherents that participation in its ceremonies would ensure continuation of the family unit as constituted on earth in the afterlife. The religion in question was the Eleusinian Mysteries.
Forum: Recovery Board
11 years ago
I raised this issue once in a Sacrament Meeting talk. The next Sunday, I came a few minutes late, and found out that I had been released from my calling. I kid you not.
Forum: Recovery Board