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Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 

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5 months ago
Posted by: A Nobody ( ) Date: August 28, 2024 08:03AM Re: Why are MORmONs so delusional? new “Evolution is a fraud. Matter cannot create itself from nothing. Life cannot start by itself. Bacteria will NEVER evolve into a hummingbird. I am not Mormon. Joseph Smith was a pathological liar. There is NO archaeological evidence for the book of mormon. If you think evolution is true, wi
Forum: Recovery Board
5 months ago
Monkey Man Mormon Re: Joe Rogan’s ExMo guest on growing up MORmON “Yeah it's really odd that I'm A white supremest who goes to church(a Mormon one) with multiple people of color. And if we were really white supremest then why would we send missionaries to regions of primarily people of color.” Uh, Because everywhere else has internet and ain’t buying it? Have you read the Book
Forum: Recovery Board
6 months ago
schrodingerscat Oh good a preview
Forum: Recovery Board
6 months ago
From his wiki Past predictions Kurzweil's first book, The Age of Intelligent Machines, presents his ideas about the future. Written from 1986 to 1989, it was published in 1990. Building on Ithiel de Sola Pool's "Technologies of Freedom" (1983), Kurzweil claims to have forecast the dissolution of the Soviet Union due to new technologies such as cellular phones and fax machines disemp
Forum: Recovery Board
6 months ago
The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge with AI NYT Bestselling book right now by Ray Kirzweil, I read that I highly recommend reading. Ray has been working on AI since the 60’s and is Google’s AI expert. He’s really good at predicting the future and has called every technological advancement way early for the past 30yrs. He is optimistic about the coming sing
Forum: Recovery Board
6 months ago
As one who has taken his fair share of Steve’s ire, I do wish him well. He is a great thinker and a sapient homo sapien, which is all one can hope to accomplish. And from all reports he is loved and loves. Give him all of our love.
Forum: Recovery Board
6 months ago
schrodingerscat Hilarious Kid wears a ‘I CANT IM MORMON’ t-shirt to Mormon family night at the ballpark and announcer calls him out’”I found my new favorite t-shirt, I can’t I’m a Moron”
Forum: Recovery Board
6 months ago
schrodingerscat Interesting BYU study indicates Mormons get plastic surgery more than non-Mormons. Why? Also, why do they lead the nation in porn subscriptions and Prozac consumption? Is it something about a sick rape CULTure that convinces Mormons they should sing the praises of a serial rapist/adulterer/con-man? And name thei
Forum: Recovery Board
6 months ago
schrodingerscat ‘The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives’ Chronicles Swinging Sex Scandal in New Hulu Series As first teased in January, Hulu has finally made it official: The new unscripted series “The Secret Lives of Mormon Lives” will premiere on Friday, September 6. All six episodes of the show wil
Forum: Recovery Board
6 months ago
Remind me to check my Dr’s diploma in the future to verify he doesn’t have the name of a child rapist on his resume!
Forum: Recovery Board
6 months ago
I told my NaziTBM X-MIL I had coffee with her and she was an active Mormon lesbian, with a calling. She said, ”I don’t judge anybody based upon who they sleep with at home but I’m just surprised that a lesbian is given a calling.” (Yeah right, she is the most judgmental person I know and extremely bigoted)
Forum: Recovery Board
6 months ago
I raised my kids for 25yrs with a young girl in our ward whose parents were converts. Fast Fwd 20yrs and she is the girlfriend of my wife’s best friend and we are at her house having coffee and mimosas and talking about our backgrounds. I mention I raised my kids in same town whe grew up in. Tell her my last name and boom. Connection. Tons of connections. Mind blowing how small the world is. He
Forum: Recovery Board
6 months ago
Corona with lime and Keylime pie!
Forum: Recovery Board
7 months ago
bradley Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Belief in evil has its utility. It may even be > necessary. What about belief in God or other > transcendence? Belief in God has its utility too. Originally it was used as a way to get Romans to pay taxes to the Emperor as faithfully as they paid their tithes to the Pope. Just make them one and the same and p
Forum: Recovery Board
7 months ago
The ‘Latter Days’ talk seems to have gone by the wayside.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 months ago
I did not leave the church to smoke, drink and have sex. I left the abusive Doomsday CULT because it is abusive towards blacks, women, homosexuals and children. It protects pedophiles and blames victims. And I didn’t want to raise my children in the abusive CULT that routinely covers up for sexual abusers and normalizes sexual abuse by singing the praises of a rapist who abused his power and au
Forum: Recovery Board
7 months ago
The internet has taken a lot of wind out of their sails.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 months ago
bradley Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If a coyote eats a wild rabbit, is it evil? No. It’s survival. > How > about if it eats your dog? No. Evil is non-existent outside of humans. > Human predators do what they were born to do. > Sometimes it's nurture, but sometimes it's all > nature. We call those kinds evil. Evil may be a
Forum: Recovery Board
7 months ago
It’s a common word in the English language meaning extremely bad, as in, genocide, murder, rape or just about any other felony. It is non-existent outside of humans.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 months ago
schrodingerscat Cool article about Dan’s complicated relationship with Mormonism. He says he is not raising his kids to be Mormon and his main goal as a parent is not manipulating his kids and let them find their own spiritual path through life.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 months ago
Keep your head on a swivel and maybe this is Mother Nature’s way of saying, “you might want to think about moving to higher land. That or start digging a storm shelter.”
Forum: Recovery Board
7 months ago
It’s amazing to me that more Sister missionaries don’t get abducted/kidnapped in some of the dangerous countries they serve in, like America.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 months ago
Starring High Grant Every Mormon missionary’s worst nightmare.
Forum: Recovery Board
7 months ago
According to worlds richest man, it’s the under population crisis, After a July 2022 report from Insider unearthed court records that revealed the existence of Musk and Zilis’ twins, he tweeted, “Doing my best to help the underpopulation crisis. A collapsing birth rate is the biggest danger civilization faces, by far.”
Forum: Recovery Board
7 months ago
I agreed with you 20yrs ago, but since then have also figured there is an option E. God is just a word we use to try and describe the vast mystery of our existence in an otherwise hostile cosmos. There are lots of words that attempt to do the same job, like Lambda, Logos and Tao. It could be that mystery is a mystery to all of us, equally m, as long as the universe is 95% Lambda (Dark Energy,
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
BoydKKK Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > He uses lightning and fire and that causes Global > Warming. Al Gore & the Government told him to > knock it off. That or He’s a She, which is why we call her Mother.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
cludgie Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I live in Washington now, and I am > an irregular cannabis user. I live in WA too and partake of mother nature’s most wholesome herb occasionally and with thanksgiving. The usual occasions, when I wake up, after lunch and after dinner. Thank you for the beautiful bountiful herb almighty God Particle!
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
It will be interesting when, not if, they rule Presidents have absolute immunity. Joe Biden,”Hello Seal Team 6….”
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
Are those the same commandments where God commanded us not to murder, right before murdering 3,000 Jews for dancing around a gold calf? Seems like the author had the same morals as Hamas.
Forum: Recovery Board
8 months ago
Somebody on another platform responded to that question,”How do you know He doesn’t?” I said, Because I prove it every day. I make a point to blaspheme God daily just to see if he’ll please strike me dead before one of His delusional believers hits the big red button and self fulfills one of his many competing prophecies that all end with the earth turning into a sun and all of his be
Forum: Recovery Board