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Posted by: PapaKen ( )
Date: August 26, 2013 04:19PM

"Look, that's behind us. Don't worry about those little flecks of history."

..... who was it said that? Oh, right. Gordon Hinkley, the PROFIT. Probably the silliest and most moronic thing any Mor(m)on has ever said.

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Posted by: wideawake ( )
Date: August 27, 2013 12:00AM


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Posted by: adoylelb ( )
Date: August 27, 2013 12:14AM

"Temples are the most beautiful buildings on Earth"

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Posted by: wideawake ( )
Date: August 27, 2013 12:24AM

"There are too many things in the temple that are way too deep and spiritual for you to understand, so I can't tell you about them yet."

the mo ex strikes again, despite having never been in the temple during years of inactivity and now...!

(I put this somewhere else, before I realized this thread was there...d'oh!)

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Posted by: closer2fine ( )
Date: August 27, 2013 02:34AM

Gods ways are not our ways.

So dont worry if things make no sense, or completely contradict themselves.

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Posted by: bona dea ( )
Date: August 27, 2013 03:22AM

Mormon churches are much nicer than the cathedrals of Europe Yeah, right. The cookie cutter ward house is so superior to Notre Dame or St. Peter's.

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Posted by: CA girl ( )
Date: August 27, 2013 10:11AM

I know someone who was on vacation in Europe when the church announced they were going to have missionaries give tours of the ward houses. When he came back, I mentioned it to him and the look of shock on his face was priceless. After seeing all that great architecture and art, the idea that ANYONE would want a tour of the dumps Mormons worship in was incomprehensible. He thought I was pulling his leg.

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Posted by: qwerty6pack ( )
Date: August 27, 2013 07:05AM

"There is no place as beautiful for a wedding as the temple."

They don't tell you the downside: that your wedding will be in a closet.

You picture the meeting rooms, or celestial room, and those rooms are very nice, but I've never met anyone who was wed anywhere in the temple but in the small rooms, with a padded altar and two opposing mirrors for the eternity effect.

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Posted by: sstone not logged in ( )
Date: August 27, 2013 09:25AM

"A temple marriage is always good."

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Posted by: CA girl ( )
Date: August 27, 2013 10:18AM

This comment makes me nuts too - when they downplay historical facts or character traits of the founding church leaders. They honestly believe that their eternal destiny is entrusted to these men, then don't bother to give more than a cursory glance at who these men really are. Because the church makes them "feel good" for believing. How can you trust something so important to something you are choosing to remain so ignorant of? That seems a very casual attitude toward eternal things.

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Posted by: danl ( )
Date: August 27, 2013 10:49AM

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