Recovery Board  : RfM
Recovery from Mormonism (RfM) discussion forum. 
SubjectPosts Started By Posted
Sticky: REMINDER: No Partisan or General Politics Maude06/28/2019 09:20PM
Sticky: Politics: Limited Discussion - Maybe. Party Politics - No Maude05/21/2019 07:15PM
Sticky: Clashes Between Posters - Be Kind. Be Calm. Be Safe Maude05/01/2019 11:35AM
Sticky: *** Short Story Contest Entries (with winners) *** Concrete Zipper10/23/2018 11:36AM
Sticky: Reminder: Board Rules re Swearing Maude03/13/2018 01:17PM
Sticky: Mormon Apologists: Go Home Maude10/13/2017 06:25PM
Sticky: LDS Org Essays Susan I/S02/21/2014 08:48PM
Sticky: Suicide Hotline Info now 988 Susan I/S03/12/2012 10:39PM
When did "Plan of Happiness" become a thing? 17 Brother Of Jerry02/05/2025 05:51PM
OMG I Just Had A 25 Year RFM Anniversary 13 metatron01/26/2025 02:30PM
Do LDS Pets go to Heaven 13 moehoward02/17/2025 09:21AM
Hello from the Boarderlands indields02/17/2025 10:44AM
How Normal People Get Brainwashed by Pseudoscience | Dr. Craig Foster 21 anybody02/14/2025 11:43AM
"Freckleface Strawberry" Book Banned. How Ridiculous Will This Get? anybody02/17/2025 11:38AM
Please help me with strong boundary language 13 Twinker02/06/2025 09:49AM
BYU student has no clue 10 subeamnotlogedin02/09/2025 04:16PM
Rise of religious extremism and racism 25 Eric K02/09/2025 10:02AM
Proposed law to rename Mormon cricket 22 Brother Of Jerry01/29/2025 12:26PM
O/T: Bird Flu Is Coming For Humans, And We're Not Ready 18 anybody02/15/2025 07:27AM
Book Review: The Book of a Mormon Count Chocula11/04/2015 10:55AM
Joseph had to be a front man 14 bradley02/10/2025 05:52AM
Visit from Brother onthedownlow02/16/2025 08:34PM
I Learned All About the Atonement of Satan in SM Today Concerned02/16/2025 03:13PM
Mark your calendar: SLC Temple open house 12 messygoop02/14/2025 03:33PM
Where are the Mormon elders come to save the US Constitution as it hangs by 14 Tahoe Girl02/04/2025 11:14AM
For Black History Month 17 Human02/03/2025 03:57PM
I literally ran into the LDS missionaries messygoop02/14/2025 10:14AM
Formally resignng is a life-defining action 12 unconventional02/14/2025 10:38PM
Helmuth Hübener and the whitewashing of history 24 White Rose02/13/2025 01:20PM
Dr. Francis Collins: Facts Matter, And They Don't Care How You Feel. 13 anybody02/13/2025 07:35PM
impossible vs improbable Douglas Adams laperla not logged in02/13/2025 11:30PM
Too many gods to bribe. Heartless02/15/2025 02:48AM
UK data protection law subeamnotlogedin01/31/2025 11:01AM
New Mormon Hymns Added from Nevermo Sources Nightingale02/14/2025 06:18PM
Young lady learns truth of JS tumwater02/14/2025 04:25PM
Where's Rusty? 12 GNPE01/28/2025 10:06PM
My delusions carry the same weight as your delusions 12 bradley02/13/2025 10:06AM
Young woman talks about her struggle to give up music for religious reasons Figaro Jill02/12/2025 05:50PM
Have the Rock, why not the Hat? BoydKKK02/02/2025 09:19PM
Church named in sex trafficking lawsuit **WARNING contains graphic info** [|}02/07/2025 05:21AM
"I move to proclaim him a living god!" 13 anybody02/12/2025 02:01PM
The Horse, The Wheel, And Language 26 anybody01/29/2025 01:00AM
Study: Climate Change Denial Deeply Aligned To Perception Of Divine Will 34 anybody02/01/2025 09:22AM
Mormon garments discussed in the Daily Mail (link) 11 3X (nli)02/11/2025 06:09PM
Could a poor global image of the USA hurt LDS Church recruiting efforts? 11 unconventional02/03/2025 12:15AM
registered sex offener becomes Elder Quorum President 21 subeamnotlgedin01/31/2025 10:08AM
Ministering Seems to Have Failed New Inspired Program Now 17 Concerned01/19/2025 04:58PM
Missionaries Sent Home for Burner Phones? 24 Hedning01/04/2025 12:49AM
Does the church rely on psychics? 21 AnonWon01/21/2025 07:43AM
Fast offering. Who started this nonsense??? 18 Bentaylor2304/17/2016 08:39AM
Brigham Young = Monster? Maniac? Petty Tyrant? Benevolent Dictator? U Pick? (n/t) 23 BeenThereDunnThatExMo06/04/2015 02:10PM
I want to see apostles slain with the spirit 11 messygoop01/29/2025 01:16PM
When is the next meeting of the Earring Police? GNPE02/11/2025 12:45PM
Rappers in the Kirtland, Ohio temple Banjolele02/03/2025 12:00PM
The Prophet and My Sister 16 Nightingale02/08/2025 05:40PM
O/T Giant cat terror ... Dave the Atheist02/10/2025 01:02AM
The big game... Kentish02/08/2025 06:20PM
They call me the seeker bradley02/10/2025 09:26AM
The Book of Mormon is the Collapsing Keystone of the LDS Church 20 zliska01/11/2025 11:12AM
Observations on Open Mic Sunday (F&T Meetings) Toronto Boy02/04/2025 08:29PM
The one thing that prevents Mormons from being accepted as Christians... 24 slskipper02/05/2025 04:49PM
The cost of living behind the Zion Curtain Mountain Man02/08/2025 08:54AM
Trump announces task force to ‘eradicate anti-Christian bias’ 13 W.N. Rizzo02/07/2025 06:11PM