Some EV Christians Are Moving Away From Anti-Trans Hysteria
| 4 | anybody | 08/25/2024 12:30PM |
Matching Set Of Dinosaur Prints Found On Opposite Sides Of The Atlantic
| 1 | anybody | 08/26/2024 10:04PM |
Drivers ...
| 7 | Dave the Atheist | 08/18/2024 08:41PM |
"The Mormons May Seem Strange but..."
| 11 | Nightingale | 08/22/2024 04:21PM |
What's It All About, Alfie?
| 10 | Done & Done | 08/26/2024 11:09AM |
“Before long you will stop laughing, and start luxuriating.”
| 4 | Human | 08/26/2024 12:40PM |
O/T: Burning Man Tickets Didn't Sell Out For The First Time In Years
| 33 | anybody | 08/19/2024 06:46AM |
what specifically prompted this issue of LD$ inc PR dept propaganda?
| 8 | smirkorama | 08/19/2024 06:36PM |
Dave, it's Phil Donahue
| 5 | Susan I/S | 08/19/2024 10:59AM |
Briefly, what comes to mind (words, phrases) about Mo Leadership?
| 29 | GNPE | 08/21/2024 04:17PM |
Do Mormons do constructive things wit their lives?
| 7 | Boyd Packer | 08/22/2024 07:23AM |
ChurchCo (D. Uchtdorf) admits occasional leaders' mistakes, but
| 2 | GNPE | 08/23/2024 11:01PM |
"Golden Families"?
| 7 | cludgie | 08/22/2024 05:52PM |
Perfectly Preserved Bronze Age Sword Found In Germany
| 12 | anybody | 08/16/2024 11:56PM |
Book banning advocate to speak at BYU Education Week tomorrow
| 27 | unconventional | 08/20/2024 08:09AM |
Updates to Handbook - trans, young women getting a formal role, etc
| 27 | Brother Of Jerry | 08/20/2024 12:42PM |
BYU Education Week
| 12 | unconventional | 08/19/2024 05:32PM |
13,600 Year Old Mastodon Found In Iowa
| 6 | anybody | 08/20/2024 06:37AM |
The Fairview, Texas incident
| 19 | markc | 08/17/2024 07:01PM |
Missionary died
| 6 | subeamnotlogedin | 08/19/2024 11:54PM |
Est-ce que Dave le sait ?
| 3 | [|] | 08/19/2024 01:45AM |
Christ’s Bleeding Heart
| 22 | Human | 08/13/2024 06:14PM |
Gilbert Goons
| 4 | wondering | 08/18/2024 04:08PM |
Update on Arizona abuse case
| 5 | subeamnotlogedin | 08/19/2024 12:34AM |
| 3 | subeamnotlogedin | 08/18/2024 10:01PM |
Weird Stuff Local Leaders Taught in the 70s
| 63 | cuzx | 08/13/2024 09:13AM |
O/T Chihuahua races plus Lucha Libre women ...
| 1 | Dave the Atheist | 08/19/2024 01:02AM |
Silly Question!
| 1 | GNPE | 08/18/2024 02:12PM |
Membership number
| 12 | anniee882000 | 08/09/2024 04:04PM |
How many active Mormons are there?
| 23 | Rubicon | 08/15/2024 03:03PM |
The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge with AI.
| 42 | schrodingerscat | 08/12/2024 05:23PM |
FLDS kidnapping
| 7 | [|] | 08/15/2024 12:31AM |
and Tonight... an entire Jeopardy category to (wait for it!)
| 3 | GNPE | 08/15/2024 10:49PM |
| 1 | CrispingPin | 08/15/2024 05:08PM |
Why I don't believe in Time Travel and lost 11 hands of Blackjack in a row!
| 8 | elderolddog | 08/14/2024 04:21PM |
Who are your favorite imaginary friends? (n/t)
| 18 | bradley | 08/14/2024 08:00AM |
Fairview, TX refuses to "Let My Temple Grow!!" Plagues expected!!!
| 53 | elderolddog | 08/07/2024 01:20PM |
Will the advent of AI change the landscape?
| 8 | sillymo26 | 08/12/2024 07:56PM |
Las Vegas Residents Ask Court To Stop Mormon Temple Construction
| 5 | anybody | 08/14/2024 06:15AM |
OT: inflation !!!
| 21 | elderolddog | 08/10/2024 10:51PM |
The 2 US President - NO temple work?
| 9 | BoydKKK | 08/13/2024 09:47PM |
Another Ballard associate in trouble
| 5 | [|] | 08/07/2024 12:31AM |
The guy in the family with lots of money
| 3 | unconventional | 08/14/2024 07:48AM |
Please tell me I made the right decision
| 30 | Marie9984 | 08/03/2024 11:05AM |
Being Good At Love
| 15 | Human | 08/06/2024 08:48PM |
Nephite Cement doesn't last?
| 5 | BoydKKK | 08/13/2024 09:43PM |
First time in the temple.
| 23 | Rubicon | 08/06/2024 12:23PM |
comparison of Jesus v. Horus
| 12 | onthedownlow | 08/10/2024 01:46PM |
How IS Ministry Program Going? How is Come Follow Me Going?
| 11 | SEcular Priest | 08/13/2024 12:50PM |
LDS restitution (adult)
| 1 | Subeamnotloged | 08/13/2024 04:27PM |
Lars Nielsen theory of Book of Mormon origins
| 18 | Old Al | 04/18/2024 03:06PM |
Deadly mulch ...
| 2 | Dave the Atheist | 08/12/2024 11:18PM |
Stuck on amusement park ride ...
| 8 | Dave the Atheist | 08/02/2024 01:37PM |
Cutting edge to blah.
| 4 | Rubicon | 08/10/2024 02:23PM |
Abortion? What happens to members and converts in LDS church?
| 21 | Lcp - California | 08/01/2024 12:31PM |