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Posted by: jujubee ( )
Date: October 27, 2013 05:46PM

Today, I forgot to pack my kindle for diversion at church, so I went home to get it during SS. When I got back, I heard this doozie.

Our newly called member of the bishopric was tearfully telling us how his son stopped going to church in jr. high and he has done everything to bring him back, to no avail. It is the small friendship acts that matter, yet when some YSAs came calling, their efforts where fruitless. You cannot take no for an answer. If someone says "not interested", go about it another way.

I like the quote from The Singles Ward. "I was the spy who defected. I knew my motherland's covert opperations of infiltration. I used those methods many times and they would not be used against me." He then tells the love bombing cookie bringers he is lactose intolerant.

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Posted by: jujubee ( )
Date: October 27, 2013 07:16PM


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Posted by: cludgie ( )
Date: October 27, 2013 08:29PM

Not taking "no" for an answer was the subject of many a PEC meeting. They were always scheming about how to hassle people.

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