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Posted by: roslyn ( )
Date: March 25, 2014 01:02PM

I feel so much sexier without garments. It's amazing how liberating it is to wear a skirt without worrying that my garments are hanging out the bottom. Or *gasp* wear a top without it being taboo to show a little cleavage. I have boobs and I shouldn't have to cover them up completely they are nothing to be ashamed of.

I don't have the figure to wear anything too revealing and I probably wouldn't anyhow. But I do enjoy not having to worry about that layer of clothing showing. Plus my clothes just fit better.

For the first time in forever I actually feel kind of sexy for my husband which after 2 decades is amazing.

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Posted by: HangarXVIII ( )
Date: March 25, 2014 01:15PM

I can relate! I can wear shorts without worrying if my Gs are showing. I don't have to worry about the hot and itchy extra layer of false protection. And, I can wear underwear that is a little more supportive so I don't have to worry about junior sticking straight out when I get happy.

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Posted by: wanderinggeek ( )
Date: March 25, 2014 01:20PM

One of the best things I have done since I stopped going in Jan...Is when I went out and bought some new undies!!! I got all sorts of colors and was awesome! Never thought buying underwear would be so much fun!

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Posted by: Redneck wonderland nli ( )
Date: March 25, 2014 11:52PM

Stopped wearing em July 1st of last year.
I have no white underwear.

I guess technically my g's weren't white either more of an off white, with pit stains and skid marks......... Doh!!

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Posted by: DebbiePA ( )
Date: March 25, 2014 11:58PM

Just wait till summer when you can wear tank tops and shorts and not sweat your butt off. Gs in parts of the country with high humidity are torture. It was relief beyond measure the day I took them off for good.

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Posted by: roslyn ( )
Date: March 26, 2014 10:02AM

I'm in the high humidity midwest, I am so looking forward to tank tops and not having to wear capris.

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Posted by: mew ( )
Date: March 26, 2014 12:03AM

I know Roslyn, right?! I don't want to get graphic, but DAMN! lol..wonder why I've not enjoyed hubby being gone? lol. I am so glad I took them off, the last week has been so freeing.

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Posted by: morgana ( )
Date: March 26, 2014 12:06AM

I am so much less self-conscious since I stopped wearing them! I stand taller, and sometimes, honestly, I don't freaking care if someone can see up my skirt. I am not seeking that kind of attention...but I'm not going to spend another thought trying to make sure it never happens. Anyway, I'd rather someone see my undies than my grundies.

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Posted by: breedumyung ( )
Date: March 26, 2014 12:12AM

Let's not confuse Gs w/ G-String

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Posted by: not in outer darkness ( )
Date: March 26, 2014 12:26AM

A couple of summers ago my entire family was on vacation near a lake and both of my sisters had their swimming suits on and we were discussing going into town for a little bit of shopping fun. I said "OK, well go put some shorts on and we can go!" thinking that if they just put shorts on top of their one-piece bathing suits, it would be appropriate for vacation wear. Well, both of my sisters looked at each other, then looked at me, and said "We have to go change back into our garments because we're supposed to wear them everywhere except in the water." So I had to wait while my sisters re-changed into shorts and shirts and garments in order to go vacation shopping...Man, I am SO GLAD I've never had to deal with those things...

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Posted by: roslyn ( )
Date: March 26, 2014 10:05AM

I used to wonder the same thing, now I think it was just another way to control women. Honestly it's not as big of a deal for men. My husband still wears an undershirt and boxers aren't much different than his garments but for women it is a huge difference. Also women's clothing just fits differently. Up until the past month I have felt so ugly and fat and non-sexy and suddenly I feel hot. Funny thing is I am not wearing any different clothing, I'm just not wearing tanks under every even remotely lower cut shirt.

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Posted by: Ferd ( )
Date: March 27, 2014 11:10AM

Pics or it didn't happen!!

(Just kidding)

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Posted by: madalice ( )
Date: March 27, 2014 11:21AM

It's amazing what a difference your underwear can make in the way you feel, and even how your clothing fits.

It always felt like my jeans were never quite right. They weren't the problem. Once I put them on with regular undies they quit slipping and sliding all over the place. They stayed put and looked better. I felt like I'd lost 10 lbs.

It's such a relief to not be constantly monitoring my clothing in case something was showing. It was always an issue. You could be covered from head to toe, but STILL had to deal with a line across your leg, markings showing through fabric, bunched up g's that made weird lumps and bumps in weird places.

I feel so much cleaner! I don't get that nylon sweat smell. Female issues are no longer issues. G's are disgusting.

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Posted by: NormaRae ( )
Date: March 27, 2014 01:44PM

It's been years since I was imprisoned in those things, but I still have nightmares about it. Course, usually the nightmares are that I am supposed to have them on and don't and am trying to hide it from someone. Yup, all they are is another one of many control mechanisms.

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Posted by: genevieve ( )
Date: March 27, 2014 01:49PM

It took me two years to finally go out in public with non-approved clothing for G's. I was so indoctrinated and scared. Shame on the church form making me feel less than a human being!

But OH MY MORMON JEEAYZUHSS it feels awesome with out them!

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Posted by: Hedge Fund ( )
Date: March 27, 2014 03:18PM

Maybe this is a Utah thing...

I see ladies (including SIL) wear the top portion of their Gs coupled with regular undies. Top on, so people can see the frilly outline around your shoulder blades, but a thong peeking out when they sit down...hilarious!

I guess it is a process...seems a bit "half assed" on their cheek in, one cheek out kind of testimony...pun intended.

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