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Posted by: metalhead ( )
Date: April 05, 2014 04:10AM

Okay, when my brother in law told me that watching a temple "ceremony" video on YouTube was like a one way ticket to hell, I thought he just meant that condoning sneaking in with hidden cameras was not a good thing. Well, I finally got around to watching one and I'm not gonna lie, it creeped me the hell out. I can still picture the uniformed morgbots changing and bowing before the altar. Well, needless to say, I now know why people are sworn to secrecy when they go through their endowment rituals the main reason being:

(I apologize for the wall of text but I didn't see any places fit for a text break)

They are f***ing psycho. After watching this video I was genuinely terrified. When we are younger, we are filled with "knowledge" and brainwashed with all kinds of doctrine varying from minor to larger things in the lds handbooks. We are only shown the normal part of Mormonism; the part where people shake hands and bear testimonies and talk about repentance. This is easy for us to comprehend when we are younger. If I was shown an endowment ceremony before being ordained a deacon, I would probably have ended my relations with the church right then and there. But, alas, that cunning plan of the evil one! TSCC may be filled with ignorant, deceitful people, but they have gotten extremely good at their manipulative abilities. They know that the temple rituals are odd. They know that if younger people see, they'll realize that the LDS church is a load of bull, which is why they wait 20 years to let you see it. They hammer down on you until you "KNOW" the church is true, so that they will know that you believe that anything they do is of God; including creepy chants and secret handshakes. It horrifies me to think that my parents have been through that and still believe, and I don't think I will ever, may I repeat EVER, look at them the same again. Or any adult mormons for that matter. All I will picture from now on is them in pope-like clothing chanting and bowing. Might as well just join in with those guys from Monty Python and the Holy Grail while you're at it! Sheesh...

Another thing I saw a video of was temple penalties. Unfortunately, since they were supposedly removed in 1990, there are no real footage videos of it, but from the reenactment I saw, it was equivalent to the chanting, if not sketchier. I'm not entirely sure if the portrayal was accurate, so I'd love to hear from some others who may have gone through it.

Now I just need to find a way to get this to play on the seminary projector. That would hopefully get a slough of kids thinking for themselves. That is, after I told them it's not Catholics, it's Mormons. Explain that Breh Brown you indoctrinated cowboy! Also, I'd appreciate if anyone could enlighten me on other wierd things TSCC does so I can be prepared to defend my stance when I finally do decide to come out with it.

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Posted by: dk ( )
Date: April 05, 2014 06:31AM

I wonder what young women would think if they say a video of a temple wedding?

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