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Posted by: beansandbrews ( )
Date: October 20, 2011 09:53PM

I have noticed in the are I live that not many are decorating for Halloween. Lots of Mormons here. It has not been like this in years past.

I can't picture the church telling people not to celebrate a kids holiday.

So either everyone in our are just isn't decorating or maybe there was a TALK.

All I see are a pumpkin or 2 on the front porch No ghosts witches, bats, skeletons.

One thing I find funny is someone has rented an old grain mill in downtown SLC for a haunted house and have painted the numbers 666 on one of the silos. You can't miss it if you are driving north on I-15.

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Posted by: Rebeckah ( )
Date: October 20, 2011 10:33PM

So now we have orange lights in the window, a blow up black cat and a huge blow up "Frankenstyle" monster (my grandson's term) and all the gourds and window sticky things. She's a happy camper (which might have something to do with the wine tasting she just went to). ;)

Oh, and my son found a religious tract (you know, a Chick Tract) in our mailbox. It was news to me that those pagan druids were satanists. I bet it would have been news to them too. haha!

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Posted by: beansandbrews ( )
Date: October 20, 2011 10:45PM

My kids are grown but I love the decorations...and to see the costumes when the kids come.

Hope the church doesn't hi-jack it this year.

I heard there is a new bishop in this area...and he is a person I would hate to have leading a song let alone my life, my guess is the church around here will be even less fun if it's possible with him at the helm.

The guy who was bishop past 5 years was actually a kind man and not inter fearing. Really set out to help his group and be kind to all around him.

Maybe he will drive some members on the edge out.

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Posted by: Thread Killer ( )
Date: October 20, 2011 10:56PM

All I know is there's going to be a sh*tload of "Elder Prices" running around this Halloween.

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Posted by: sherlock ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 01:24AM

Our ward will have a trunk and treat and the primary kids will dress up, but the Bishop specifically stated that costumes should not be goulish.

I also sat in a ward council where a former stake president voiced his considerable opposition to the ward doing anything at all connected with Halloween - I questioned this and said it was only a bit of fun for the kids but he was adamant that the scriptures tell us it is evil and we should have no part in it. I asked him to show me where it says this. He didn't. Idiot.

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Posted by: beansandbrews ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 11:14AM

This is what I was thinking, maybe it starts out small with a few leaders expressing there own thoughts...then pretty soon it's another thing Mormons aren't supposed to do.

The change from last year is obvious. And where I live they all follow along to appear righteous.

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Posted by: ellie ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 11:16AM

Last year Halloween was on a Sunday so we had all these trick or treaters coming over on Saturday. They just all decided to change the rules I guess. I don't shop for candy until day of, otherwise I will eat it all--so did not open the door. It was annoying as my kids were thinking they were missing Halloween, DH and I were trying to watch a movie, etc. We all are just supposed to cater to them I guess.
My mom usually comes trick or treating with us and up until the last minute she was not going to because it was Sunday.

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Posted by: christieja ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 11:47AM

I couldn't believe the Mormon's were so arrogant to change the actual date of Halloween last year in Utah. It's falls on a Monday this year so wouldn't doubt if they move it to Tuesday because Monday is family home evening after all!

Currently in my very Mormon neighborhood there are a few homes decorated for Halloween but just in this last week, many are turning on their Christmas lights already. I seriously wouldn't be shocked if the church attempts to do away with Halloween. They recently "strongly encouraged" members to not allow their children to have sleep-overs. Childhood past times don't always fit in with brainwashing.

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Posted by: jeebusinasidecar ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 01:10PM

Hey-here's an idea! How about the parents go trick-or-treating with their kids. It's fun, it's family time, it's in the evening. Of course, there's no brainwashing lessons involved, so I doubt the mo-mo parents would go for it. However, it might just be the most fun FHE any Mormon kid would ever have.

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Posted by: dthenonreligious ( )
Date: October 22, 2011 02:50AM

They also like to hijack the 4th of July. Bastards.

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Posted by: goldenrule ( )
Date: October 22, 2011 06:05AM

Yeah, my community will have fireworks on another day if the 4th falls on a Sunday. So stupid.

I live on a culdesac and my neighbors all came out and we set up tables and had a potluck and handed out candy last year. It was great fun. There is a Mormon family on our street who wouldn't come because it was Sunday.

Everyone thought it was so rude and self-righteous of them.

It's just funny to me about these I'm a Mormon ads because Mormons really arent doing themselves or the church any favors by being holier than thou, unneighborly assholes.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/22/2011 06:06AM by goldenrule.

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Posted by: ellie ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 12:53PM

My mom was just saying that about sleep overs, she was appalled that my sister let my 13 year old niece have a sleep over. This must be a new thing, I had sleep overs all the time growing up (thank god) So, you know what I did? My dd immediately had a sleep over at her best friend's house, then the next weekend we had both of their best friends over for a sleep over! Sleep overs for everyone! I love to get in my digs when I can.

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Posted by: skeptifem ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 01:24PM

In utah there are huge commercial haunted houses, even in the smaller towns. It is one of the few things I like about utah. If the church wasn't ok with Halloween I doubt these places would thrive the way that they do.

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Posted by: christieja ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 02:24PM

I don't think the church is against Halloween. It just appears there's a trend among the natives to control the herd.

We wanted to help our kids feel included so last year we went to the neighborhood (a.k.a Ward) parade and Trunk-or-Treat on Saturday of course. The children weren't even smiling and appeared the only people enjoying themselves were the mom's who were huddled up gabbing the whole time.

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Posted by: bona dea ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 02:17PM

Around here the church puts on Trunk or Treat and it is a big deal. I don't think they are against Halloween, Not too many people decorate, but they never have.

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Posted by: SusieQ#1 ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 02:23PM

people decorate, etc.
Some streets seem to get into it Big Time and put up a lot of decorations for the kids to make it a fun time.

Safety seems to be the biggest issue now days. In our area, the parents take the younger ones out all dressed up as it's a fun thing to do. Sometimes the parents dress up in costumes also.

We don't have a lot of visitors, but I always enjoy them!

I don't think there is an official policy on Halloween in the LDS Church. Lots of personal opinions, but I don't know where to find an official policy, other than no full face masks at church events. Again, that's a safety issue, in my opinion.

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Posted by: bona dea ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 02:29PM

There is very little Trick or Treating around here since the church started the Trunk or Treat thing. Maybe that is why there is less decorating. What is the point if nobody comes to your house?

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Posted by: scarecrowfromoz ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 09:59PM

I've had one trick or treater in the past 15 years in the SLC area. I've had probably half a dozen fliers put on my door inviting me to trunk or treat, and I'm a nevermo.

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Posted by: bona dea ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 10:05PM

We had trick or treating up until about 5 or 6 years ago. Then the church took it over.I remember taking my nepwhew out in 2004 and there were kids all over, but no more. I really wish the church would have their thing on another day and give Halloween back to us. I do not want to go to trunk or treat at a church I don't belong to and neither do a lot of people.I would feel uncomfortable. It is great if you are a Mormon, but regardless of whether they invite the neighbors, it still leaves people out.

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Posted by: scarecrowfromoz ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 10:23PM

bona dea Wrote:
> I do not want to go to trunk
> or treat at a church I don't belong to and neither
> do a lot of people.I would feel uncomfortable.

Yep, especially in that the Morg would see attending Trunk or Treat as an invitation to send the Mishies over and have the neighbors hound you.

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Posted by: bona dea ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 10:26PM

That too, but even without that, I would feel like I was a party crasher especially if they serve chili and drinks as they often do. Besides, I wouldn't know most people. I suspect a lot of people feel the same way and there is always the fear of being the next project.Just give Halloween back to the neighborhoods and have your party on another night. You can still invite the neighborhood if you want.Along with everything else, trunk or treat just doesn't sound very fun.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/21/2011 10:36PM by bona dea.

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Posted by: Susan I/S ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 02:31PM

Back in the old days when LDSInc still had some fun in it, the Halloween party was the best of the year. Go figure. And hey even though I am OLD now I still love to do the pumpkin, decorate a bit and best of all... DRESS UP THE DOGS!

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Posted by: bona dea ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 02:34PM

They had parties in Primary and MIA that were fun. We also did hayrides and other cool things.

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Posted by: beansandbrews ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 03:13PM

I tend to notice change. Had they never decorated, it would not seem strange.

If they want to take all the fun out of kid's lives no problem for me.

Also in SLC where my folks live there is more and more decorations each year. But the ratio of members is less and less.

I did have one thought, that if the church tells the members to not go overboard on these holidays, it will mean more available funds for there Mall.

Always follow the money.

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Posted by: adoylelb ( )
Date: October 21, 2011 08:42PM

In my area, Mormons are such a minority, that people still took their kids out on the actual date of Halloween last year. I still love Halloween and seeing the costumes on the children who come to the door every year.

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Posted by: catnip ( )
Date: October 22, 2011 02:22AM

Some of our neighbors have already put up awesome (electrical) decorations.

I asked my three-year-old granddaughter what she was going to be for Halloween, and she promptly replied, "MINNIE MOUSE!" (This child absolutely loves anything "Disney," but Minnie is her favorite.)

I can hardly wait to see my very own mini-mouse!

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