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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: May 29, 2012 10:30AM

I suspect, just like failed Second Coming prophecies, they will be able to spin this to their own satisfaction.

I'm guessing Americans will be declared too wicked to deserve Mittens, especially those with insufficiently white and delightsome skin, rebellious youth with insufficiently covered skin, and the half of the electorate lacking a penis.

If these things didn't dissuade Mormons:
the BoA papyri in the 1960s
the Sonia Johnson ERA fiasco in the 1970s
the Mark Hofmann forgeries in the 1980s
the September Six and BYU crackdowns in the 1990s
the Prop 8 and other anti-gay efforts in the 2000s

then Mittens losing an election God personally told TBMs Romney would win (via warm fuzzy confirmation of the spirit) should hardly phase them.

Yea verily, they have hardened their heads against reality.

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Posted by: xyz ( )
Date: May 29, 2012 10:33AM

Taking into consideration that the human mind is capable of outrageous elasticity in the manufacture of psychological justifications, they may well be able to spin it to their own satisfaction. The hard part will be in convincing normal people that their justification is valid.

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Posted by: Chris Deanna ( )
Date: May 29, 2012 04:41PM

Could you take a look at my post, I learn a lot from you!

RE: Mitten becomming Pres. I will seriously consider what it would take to get a working visa for Canada. And others are right with a good rationalization, "we were not yet deserving of a Mormon Pres at this time...too wicked!"

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Posted by: forbiddencokedrinker ( )
Date: May 29, 2012 10:44AM

First, the election is still up in the air, and due to how bad the economy has been, I see Romney as having a really good chance of beating Obama. The evangelical pastors are working overtime to let their flock know it is OK to vote from Romney, even though he wasn't their first choice, so Romney's biggest obstacle is being taken care of for him.

Second, as Steve Benson has pointed out, the TBMs are in a win-win scenario. If Romney wins, it is because of God wanting a Mormon president, therefore the church is true. If Romney loses, it is because of persecution and the devil hardening the hearts of men against God's one true church, therefore the church is true.

I think the worst thing that could happen for the TBMs is for Romney to win, and then to go on to be an average president. Twenty years from now when he Mormonism is only a historical footnote, it will be really hard on them.

I take that back, the worst thing that can happen for them, is for Romney to win, and then for him to slowly move away from Mormonism. I don't see his faith surviving the kind of schedule a president must keep, where he will have no time for block meetings, temple trips, busy work callings, home teachers, or any of the many other multitude of methods the church uses to keep members blind and in line.

Also, I think Ann Romney is already one of us, as evidenced by the fact that she is clearly not wearing garmies in many of her photos.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2012 10:45AM by forbiddencokedrinker.

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Posted by: Robin ( )
Date: May 29, 2012 11:23AM

Neither do the Osmonds. That is not an indication of her lack of faith, merely that she gets to live by a different set of rules and still be worthy. I think the Romneys prove they are moron to the hilt in MILLION$$$$$ of ways. If he didn't believe, he wouldn't pay his fire insurance. He would find other ways to get the write off. But what do I know?

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Posted by: idleswell ( )
Date: May 29, 2012 11:18AM

The spiritual genuflections some members go through to justify their misguided "promptings" can be even more astounding than the "revelations" that moved them in the first place.

In one ward a brother spoke in testimony meeting that he "knew" that he would finally have a son because the Lord had revealed it to him. It was shattering to his testimony when his wife gave birth to daughter number 4.

Later the bishop said he was browsing through a bookstore while awaiting a connecting flight and came upon a book entitled "Choose the Sex of Your Child." Instantly he thought of buying the book for Brother T. He then read on the cover that the author and his wife were the parents of 5 girls. The bishop said he just didn't have the heart.

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Posted by: jeff ( )
Date: May 29, 2012 04:31PM

Romney won't win. God wouldn't do that to us again so soon, would he?

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Posted by: 3X ( )
Date: May 29, 2012 04:47PM

As Steve B. described in a recent thread, whether Romney wins or loses the Oval Office, either outcome will confirm the authenticity of mormonism to the membership.

Or, as I put it some weeks ago:

"Whichever way the wind blows, mormonism is true."

[Yes, Virgina, that _is_ sarcasm ...]

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Posted by: just a thought ( )
Date: May 29, 2012 04:50PM

"It wasn't meant to be" or "Voter fraud in Illinios" or any other convienent rationality as many others have pointed out.

A much more interesting questions is how will TBM testiphonies be affected if he wins and then starts to make decisions that seem to contradict church doctrine. How will church HQ adjust to the edicts coming out of the most powerful office in the world?

If the premier of China unexpectedly makes Romney a toast of GaoLiang Jiu (or even tea) will he refuse it and risk offending millions of Chinese people?

If the onward legal challenges to gay marriage continue to fall in favor of it, how will Romney respond? Reinstate don't ask don't tell?

I doubt there is much risk of church HQ overly interferring with a potential Romney administration. They'll have their say, of course. But church members should remember to be careful what you wish for. A Romney administration may not be a blessing. Just reading today's nytimes about the Obama kill list is a stark reminder of the limits to even the most powerful position in the world.

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Posted by: NormaRae ( )
Date: May 29, 2012 06:29PM

Seeing how he deals with the gay marriage issue. He's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. I want to see him try to get a Constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage passed. It won't happen so it will be fun to see the attention the mor(m)on church will get over it. He's SO on the wrong side of history and the time is now to really put all that in the spotlight.

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Posted by: Mia ( )
Date: May 29, 2012 06:31PM

No matter the outcome, I can't wait to see how it all plays out in the world of Mormonism. People watching at its finest.

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