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Posted by: Quoth the Raven Nevermo ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 08:58PM

After reading the waiting for missionary site, I was wondering if there are stories of getting dumped after waiting for two years?

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Posted by: anon for this ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 09:02PM

My aunt was dating a guy a few years younger than she was. He went on his mission shortly before she began hers. He got home before she did, & her so-called 'friend' stole him, when they had agreed to wait for each other.

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Posted by: spwdone ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 09:05PM

Well, I did the dumping, so can't really say. Had quite a few friends who were dumped, though. My view, after being in it, is that it was a totally "who was there" and what the timing was, situation. It was weird.

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Posted by: Mr. Neutron ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 09:12PM

A guy in my mission, who was not in my MTC group but left for the field when I did, made out with his girlfriend in the airport, then bragged about it to the rest of us. Well into his mission he got Dear Johnned.

At least he got one more in good before that happened.

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Posted by: crafty ( )
Date: March 16, 2013 12:28AM

My SIL's high school boyfriend was TBM and she was raised Catholic. He wanted her to convert and insisted she do it before he left on his mission so he could baptize her. Well, she did and waited for him, meanwhile going to church with his parents while he was gone. She applied and got into BYU and they were going to go together. He dumped her two weeks after he got back. They still drove out to UT together (that must of been a long cross country trip). She met my DH's brother soon after getting to BYU and they married less than a year later.

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Posted by: Not logged in (but ususally Duffy) ( )
Date: March 16, 2013 11:27AM

Background - I fell in love with a guy at college. We were both nevermos. We dated awhile and then he dumped me. SAD! Then he wanted to be friends and I agreed. Then he converted to LDS and he told me he would never marry outside the temple and asked if he could send the missionaries. I ended up joining the church.

He left for a mission in 1980. I made a rather large, financial contribution to him for that purpose. Unbeknownst to me at the time, so did another girl in our ward who had set her sights on him. I stopped writing him after the first year because this other girl seemed to be his preference, but I traveled to be at his parents' home the night he came back from his mission in '82. Then only a few months later, I left for my mission. He and I had a short but lovely make-out session in my mother's car a few weeks before I left, which led me to believe there was still hope for us.

He wrote to me all 18 months and toward the later part, kept talking about how exciting it would be to be able to be together when I got home. I lived on the East coast and he had moved to CA (Marine Corps). I flew out to 29 Palms within a month of my return. We spent a somewhat awkward week together where things didn't seem right. He told me that maybe if I could lose some weight he'd find me more attractive, but as I was, it just wasn't happening.

I went home in despair and went back on yet another diet. He stopped calling and writing. Finally he called, many months later after no contact, and told me that we could never marry because he was gay. The final dump, from which there is no hope of reconciliation.

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Posted by: frogdogs ( )
Date: March 16, 2013 11:36AM

As a junior in H.S. I met a guy at youth conference with whom I became infatuated. He was less enthusiastic about me but convinced me to start writing letters to his missionary older brother, because the missionary's girlfriend had just dear-johned him.

I wrote letters for the better part of his final 10 months, and we planned to start dating after his return. Then his ex-girlfriend renewed their romance right before he came home, and we never ended up meeting.

So I was dumped by a missionary I'd never even met. Kind of strange, but can't imagine I was the only one, heh heh.

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Posted by: Greyfort ( )
Date: March 16, 2013 11:44AM

I actually don't know of any stories where it did work out.

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Posted by: nomoremomo ( )
Date: March 16, 2013 12:03PM

my GF waited and we married after the mission,we were in love and had a great marriage. We had children and great life. I ignored the fact she married the TSCC not me, my love was undonditional... Hers was not!
Her true love was and still is Church and mine was not..she divorced me when I questioned the doctrine and history.

So do I blame the Church?

Damn right I do!

so in a sense I guess it didn't work out

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Posted by: gemini ( )
Date: March 16, 2013 12:14PM

We dated in high school and college. We got engaged my freshman year in college (a non-mormon university) and planned to marry the following summer. At spring break when we were planning to pick out wedding invitations, etc, he told me that he felt very strongly that he should go on a mission. It was a complete surprise to me, as he had never expressed any desire to do so (this was the late 60's) but what could I say as a molly mormon at the time?

I waited for him. We were engaged, so I didn't date anyone else and was true and faithful to this man who had "sacrificed" so much to go on a mission. I ordered the wedding invitations weeks before he came home and planned the whole wedding. He even showed the invitation to his mission president and had his TR renewed and signed by said MP. Three weeks after he arrived home, we got married in the IF temple.

Of course, most of you know the rest of the story....22 years and 4 children later, he told me he was gay and as it turned out had gone on a mission because he was terrified of getting married way back then. But because he wanted the whole family and white picket fence life and he did consider me his best friend, he convinced himself during his mission that he could do the marriage thing.

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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: March 16, 2013 04:19PM

We were just friends the first year--in family home evening group together. The next year, we I guess started dating. We just hung out a lot together and went places together. We talked a lot about him going on a mission. He was already 19 and wasn't sure he wanted to go. I, of all things, did help to talk him into going. While he was gone, I got a job working at Thiokol working with at least 20 chemists and many more technicians. Only one was a female.

I was having the time of my life. I loved most of the people I was working with. I made friends with some of the other secretaries and we had a lot of fun outside of work. He didn't allow me to talk about the men I was working with. He found it problematic. He left in May. By Christmas, there were problems. He really resented how much fun I was having. Even his zone leaders got involved.

After Christmas, I told him it would be better if we saw each other after he got home and for him to concentrate on his mission. I was such a pathetic molly. I still have the letters he and his zone leaders sent me. He called me and told me he was coming home. I told him if he did, he wouldn't be seeing me. Poor guy.

He came home the following May. During that time, I had dated the nonmormon I wished I had married. We went out a few times just for old times' sake, but that was about it.

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