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Posted by: lurker with nothing to lose ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 05:44PM

Pros and cons of using my real name? I have resigned, so I don't see the big deal, but is there something I'm not considering? Let me know what you all think...

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Posted by: iris ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 05:51PM

That's a question I've wanted to ask here.

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Posted by: lurker with nothing to lose ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 05:55PM

What's your opinion, iris?

I guess anything you say "can and will be used against you"... But other than that, I don't really see it being a big deal. Especially if you are resigned. It's not like they can excommunicate you or anything.

Maybe it will make you a target in other ways? (I.e., if you have a presence on here the Church will get its network online to make sure you don't get that job or promotion or land that house or car or whatever...) Or am I being too paranoid?

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Posted by: iris ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 08:33PM

I think it's a good idea to fly under the least for me. I haven't resigned yet due to DH's reluctance. It's just a matter of time though. Good comments below.

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Posted by: Dallin A. Chokes ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 05:58PM

There are a number of people who use their real-life names. Another group of people, even though they are officially out, are worried about connections that they have to Mormons in real life (whether it be family, friends, co-workers, or community members) who might have problems with their ex-mo connections and postings.

I say if you're in the free and clear (no one who would be hurt or who can hurt you because of your association with this site), then go for it.

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Posted by: WinksWinks ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 05:59PM

If you're in Utah.... Perhaps there could be social problems, maye even employment problems. Same would go for parts of Idaho, Arizona, etc.
If you have an ex-wife and kids in Utah, big problems!

I personally have a gazillion TBM relatives. They already give me enough grief without even knowing what a "rabid anti-mormon" I am.

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Posted by: lurker with nothing to lose ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 06:03PM

Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? I don't really think I have anyone out there who could hurt me for it, but I guess you never know. If I'm going to be out there speaking for the truth I might as well use my real name... But I'll wait for the accumulated wisdom of the board to help me make my choice.

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Posted by: rutabaga ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 06:05PM

I try to fly under the radar in everything I do. Not paranoid, just keeping the bright lights off me.

I have used my real name here once. Hopefully no one noticed. LOL

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Posted by: Dorothy ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 06:16PM

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you (snark, snark). Shortly after I put my first post out that had my town in it, the missionaries, who hadn't been to our door in years, were there asking about me. I've been told that TBM lurkers hang out here. The list of papered exmos from my town is probably pretty short. I sure hate those missionary visits. Folks have suggested the f word and a garden hose. If you like to fly under the radar, why awaken the beast?

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Posted by: brigantia ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 06:37PM

My family are all out and I have nothing to fear on a personal level from any mormons or others. I don't even live in the US but value my privacy for many other reasons. There are folks who can just google one's name for nefarious purposes or not, just to be nosy even so I don't give my personal information away. There are a few posters that I count as friends, know me well, who wouldn't identify me directly as they too value privacy.

Anonymity allows me to post comfortably in this forum about any subject that moves me. There is no sinister reason - it just makes sense.


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Posted by: archytas ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 06:38PM

In an era of identity theft, I would recommend battening down the hatches matey.

Your privacy is threatened enough as it is without using your real name online.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/2013 06:40PM by archytas.

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Posted by: spwdone ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 06:39PM

I have a lot of TBM family that would be terribly hurt, even though they all know I haven't had anything to do with TSCC for over ten years. That's the only reason I don't use my real name, although, from what I do use it wouldn't be very hard to figure out my real name, should anyone be so motivated. So. . . .

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Posted by: The Man in Black ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 06:40PM

We live in the information age. It’s just wise not to use your real name. Even if you have nothing to hide.

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Posted by: koriwhoremonger ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 06:40PM

My wife is a TBM. She's worked very hard to finish school and start a career here in Utah County. If I were to engage openly in hostile activities* against the church it could easily damage her career. Of course I've considered that if she were to suffer for my lack of religious beliefs, it just might shake her loose, but, another big but, I don't think I should be making that kind of unilateral choice.

So I post under a nickname but my cover isn't very deep. I don't fear the church for myself. I do fear the control they have over my wife and my children.

*To a TBM posting on RFM is considered a "hostile activity"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/15/2013 06:42PM by koriwhoremonger.

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Posted by: lurker with nothing to lose ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 06:44PM

Good points.

I do value privacy, and even though I want to be bold and give the COB a big FU I probably won't post with my real name. I've got a wife and she and I both have TBM family etc. Not really worth it, I guess. Thanks everybody.

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Posted by: Surrender Dorothy ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 08:21PM

Once you use your real name, it's out there. You won't be able to unring that bell. You might want to start out *not* using your real name and then later, if you are so moved, you can change your mind and your RfM name.

Welcome out of lurkdom.

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Posted by: cludgie ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 07:23PM

I was called in to do a deposition because I used my real name once on here. There's a lesson to not do it or at least to obfuscate in case there is something someone can hold over you.

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Posted by: Mr. Poopie-Pants ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 07:37PM

I see nothing wrong with using your real name.

I do.

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Posted by: spicyspirit ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 07:54PM

Are you of the Poopie Pants family that reins from Boulder???

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Posted by: Mr. Poopie-Pants ( )
Date: March 15, 2013 08:46PM

Naw.... those guys are losers. We have the hyphen.

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: March 16, 2013 04:53PM

I hesitated to use my real name for several months. I was BIC to a prominent LDS family. Dad was EQP and HC and Mom was RSP. But they have been dead for years...I have no close LDS friends and finaly came to the conclusion I had almost nothing to was liberating. For those of you who don't feel you can use your real name, I fully understand and you have my respect for just being here. Hopefully some day you can be completely free.

Ron Burr

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Posted by: not saying this time ( )
Date: March 16, 2013 06:12PM

board name.

But keep this in mind: Nothing you say on the internet will ever go away. So if you want to be able to speak freely here and not have it come back to bite you, then go anonymous. You never know when an employer (or anyone else) will google you, but the chances are that it WILL happen.

When I say something really personal or something that would identify me, I won't even use my regular board name, and I leave out information. Like now:

My income is client-based and I live in Utah County. I depend on referrals from clients who trust and respect me. I cannot afford to alienate potential clients by openly bashing the LDS church. I want people to be able to google my real name, and find my business website, rather than finding my thoughts on the Mormon church, or details about my personal life.

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Posted by: miner8 ( )
Date: March 16, 2013 09:07PM

No way I'd use my real name. But what is funny is when you use your fake name and they recognize you from your story enough to murmur that your story has it all wrong.

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