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Posted by: thewhyalumnus ( )
Date: September 03, 2014 01:57PM

Mormon Doctrine and church policy/programs create a tedious life, filled with anxiety, shame, guilt, and the list goes on. You have to give your time, talents, and money to LD$ inc. It engulfs your life and prevents you from really living.

Then, there are the countless people who died before 1830, before the age of 8, or before given the 'opportunity' to hear the Mormon gospel. These people just have to accept all the work that the living Mormons do and they get the same 'reward'. They don't have to DO anything.

So, why do missionary work? Just let the people of the world live their lives the way they want to and do the work for them after they die.

Oh, but, the problem is, NOT doing missionary work is a 'sin of omission' for a TBM. You are commanded to 'preach the Mormon gospel'.

Sucks from all angles to be a TBM and most of the world are not aware of what Mormons are 'doing for them'.

The reality is that the Mormon God (i.e. Joseph Smith) is not interested in being efficient or effective or making sense. It's all about power, authority, and control over the Mormon people. Screams cult to me.

Makes me sad for all of my TBM family and friends.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/03/2014 01:59PM by thewhyalumnus.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: September 03, 2014 02:06PM

thewhyalumnus Wrote:
> The reality is that the Mormon God (i.e. Joseph
> Smith) is not interested in being efficient or
> effective or making sense. It's all about power,
> authority, and control over the Mormon people.
> Screams cult to me.

But it makes many feel "special" and that they have a porpoise which is important. Everyone needs an aquatic animal to feel better about themselves.

> Makes me sad for all of my TBM family and friends.

Me too. It is like living with cureloms and cumoms wandering free around the house and yard. Super annoying.

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