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Posted by: Smiling Dog ( )
Date: February 13, 2014 02:54PM

On a recent post, Anagrammy stated, "in recent history Harold B. Lee went into the hospital for a well-baby checkup and had a coincidental heart attack. (You can tell I'm in the conspiracy camp on that one, yes, I still am SLCabbie!)".

Anagrammy, can you expound upon your theory? The reason I ask, is that in my recent studying of the Church's Corporation Sole paperwork, I found that in November, 1973 Harold B. Lee amended the Articles of Incorporation to add:

"Fifth: Upon the winding up and dissolution of this corporation, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the corporation, the remaining assets shall be distributed to a nonprofit fund, foundation or corporation, which is organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, or religious and/or scientific purposes and which has established its tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code".

A month later, he was dead under questionable circumstances.

Do you think his death may be linked to this amendment?


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Posted by: Smiling Dog ( )
Date: February 13, 2014 09:51PM


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Posted by: Carol ( )
Date: February 13, 2014 10:05PM

I've thought for a long time that something is being slipped to Packer to prevent him from ever becoming church president, keeping him out 'at all costs'.

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Posted by: PapaKen ( )
Date: February 13, 2014 10:16PM

I remember hearing that Harold Lee was expected to be the prophet & president for a long long time since he was called at a relatively young age and he was in very good health.

I recall that as pres, he told the membership that if they didn't have a personal testimony, they should rely on his, until they got one of their own. When he died, I speculated that god must not have wanted him to say that, so he "called him home" early.

What a bunch of hooey I used to buy into! A TBM friend at the time said, "couldn't the man just die?"

I really do hope no one done 'im in. No one deserves that.

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Posted by: johnnyboy ( )
Date: February 13, 2014 11:27PM

Richard g Scott told us missionaries in the MTC the exact at thing. He testified he knew Jesus Christ lived "without faith" and then told us if we didn't believe we could share his testimony and it would help others believe.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/13/2014 11:27PM by johnnyboy.

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: February 14, 2014 12:28AM

If the amendment is still there, then what was the purpose of killing him because of the amendment? Inquiring Minds™ want to know.

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Posted by: anagrammy ( )
Date: February 14, 2014 01:01AM

I believe Lee's death was a coup. He was the last autonomous prophet. After his death, the financial structure changed and the actual leadership of the quasi-church became The Committee, with Gordon Hinckley at its head.

This redistribution of power was completed when the autograph machine entered the picture during the incompetency of President Benson.

The President of the church/ imaginary prophet is just a figurehead, like the Queen of England, a ribbon cutter and bumper-sticker spouter of platitudes.

Even a headstrong figurehead is just humored. They can't have an international corporation with billions at stake subjected to the whim of a loony old man like Spencer Kimball (with his oral sex debacle).

Anybody who thinks a healthy man coincidentally dies in the hospital having "just a check-up" probably also thinks Pope John Paul I's death after only 33 days has nothing to do with the banking corruption he was investigating (and which later proved to be valid).

Point is, when substantial money is involved, it is reasonable to ask yourself the questions we did NOT ask when we were looking for a burning bosom to tell us whether or not the church was true.

What should be asked, to start with, is whether it is more likely or less likely that murder is involved when a healthy man suddenly dies immediately after or before making a change that effects BILLIONS of dollars.

Is it more or less likely that God personally appeared to a man of bad character and told him all sincere protestant religions presently existing were not only not pleasing him, but an abomination?

That's what I'm talking about. It is a fact that skullduggery happens when large amounts of money are involved and when power is threatened.

Or you can believe that LDS hospital is so inept it doesn't monitor closely a living prophet of God who travels with an entourage of security to protect him from the enemies of the church (us).

And by the way, if you feel chest pains, better go to St. Marks because LDS hospital can't save you even if you are already there.



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