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Posted by: nevermogia ( )
Date: March 02, 2015 01:01PM

I'm a nevermo girl from south america and recently I've become really good friends with this mormon guy. Let's call him William. We worked together on a TV show for ByuTV and have been friends ever since. We have also become great friends with this other girl from the cast, also a nevermo. Let's call her Rachel.

Me, Rachel and William have continued to hang out after the show ended, and the three of us get along really well. Mostly his religion doesn't get in the way of our friendship, but he'd invited us to his church a few times until we agreed and visited it. Both of us definitely noticed some love bombing, but it was overall not a terrible experience. It was just something I don't feel like it's a fit for me. You see, as much as I respect his beliefs, i'm firm in my convictions regarding evolutionary science, feminism, Lgbt rights, etc., and my family shares my views.

Rachel, however, lives alone here in our city to study and all her family lives in another state. She says she wouldn't convert to mormonism, but she seems to be more of a fit for it, regarding the fact that she's definitely more conservative than me and can be more affected by the love bombing, since she is away from her family. For instance, while I refused to give my adress to the missionaries at the church, she gave hers right away.

The thing is, both William and Rachel are really nice and charming, and I've started noticing a bit of a mutual crush going on between them, and I finally got them to admit it to me. Rachel, however, as much as she really likes him, has second thoughts because of his religion, mostly regarding chastity. I, on the other hand, fear that she's gonna give in to his pressure to become a mormon if they date, and regret it afterwards. So, as much as I think they'd be an absolutely adorable couple, I wonder what I should advise her, as a friend: to go for it or to run as fast as she can?

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Posted by: Not Interested in Registering ( )
Date: March 02, 2015 01:08PM

I wouldn't pressure her to do anything, but as a friend you might want to do a little research yourself and start having conversations about why the church is a fraud.

It is easily disprovable with anyone who has an open mind.

The scientific and historical facts have spoken, and they are pretty clear when it comes to crushing Mormon claims.

It is good that you noticed the love bombing. It is a primary too l to bring people into the church. Once they are in the love bombing drops off drastically, and then the new message is get to work in a busy calling and pay your 10% tithing to remain in good standing with the club.

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Posted by: johnnyboy ( )
Date: March 02, 2015 01:10PM

I wouldn't say run as fast as you can, but speaking as an ex TBM who dated non-mormons I can say that there are a few factors your friend should consider:

1. He is horny as hell and if they aren't having sex, he will be dating her with the intent to marry, with the added bonus of sex. Sex is driving his emotional desire to marry whether he is aware or not.

2. If that is the case, he will want her to convert. This isn't some insidious or nefarious scheme he has hatched.. it will just be his natural mindset as a TBM. He is not going to understand the huge life change she will have to undergo in order to be mormon. That's not even on his radar. He most likely will see it as a natural thing and that she should just do this because the church is twoo and doesn't it make her happy and isn't is special and awesome and yadda yadda blah blah blah.

3. Advise your friend to proceed with caution.

4. I am assuming you and your friend and your mormon friend are all in your 20's possibly early mid 20's. If this is the case.. have your friend proceed with even more caution as this young man is most likely in a mormon bubble mindset.

ANyhoo, hope this advice helps. Just my thoughts

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2015 01:10PM by johnnyboy.

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: March 02, 2015 01:11PM

"William" will not marry a non-mormon.
"William" will be the "priesthood authority" in any home, and will insist that his wife obey him and treat him as such.
"William" has been indoctrinated to "believe" demonstrably false nonsense, and has been discouraged from thinking critically about it or following evidence showing it false, because in mormonism "feelings" outweigh facts.

Tell your friend about the temple rituals -- officially secret and "sacred," but widely available on the internet. Tell her about the church's history of racism, never apologized for, and for which ridiculous (and dishonest) excuses have been made. Get her to know the actual church, not the false-front, warm and fuzzy love bomb presented to her to try and get her to join.
If, after learning facts, she still wants in, there's probably not much you can do.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: March 02, 2015 01:17PM

I would emphasize to her that Mormonism is not like most other Christian faiths. It is a huge commitment not to be undertaken lightly. It will put a lot of demands on her in terms of time and money invested, clothing and dietary restrictions, etc.

Tell her that her chastitiy/sexual history will be a topic that will come up if she chooses to get baptized into the Mormon faith. It is also a possible topic for invasive Mormon interviews with the bishop. Would she really feel comfortable discussing that with an untrained clergyman, a near stranger?

You might share these websites with her:

This website discusses Joseph Smith's "plural marriages" to under aged girls and other men's wives.

This is a good introduction for those people who are thinking of converting. Richard Packham's site has many useful articles.

Mormon Think discusses the truth claims of Mormonism in a nonthreatening way.

This letter discusses problems with the foundational claims of Mormonism.

And of course, this website is a great resource.

Your friend may very well become what is often termed a "hormonal" convert.

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Posted by: Not Interested in Registering ( )
Date: March 02, 2015 01:53PM

summer Wrote:
> Your friend may very well become what is often
> termed a "hormonal" convert.

Or to put it another way, the guy is using the classic "flirt to convert" techniques that have been proven time and time again to work quite well.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: March 02, 2015 02:14PM

Right, and his interest in her may diminish markedly after she is baptized.

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Posted by: Darren Steers ( )
Date: March 02, 2015 03:43PM

summer Wrote:
> Right, and his interest in her may diminish
> markedly after she is baptized.

Unless she wants to get married right away, so he can release his pent up sexual energy.

His hormones are raging right now. He needs her to convert and marry him to give him his release. He'll be the nicest boyfriend, then fiancee ever, until he gets his wicked way with her. Then he might turn in Peter Priesthood Prick, or might be a nice guy, but the odds are that Peter Priesthood Prick is more likely.

Please help your friend to see deeper than the stupidly vapid and superficial missionary lessons, where they will love bomb her into the church.

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Posted by: torturednevermo ( )
Date: March 02, 2015 02:37PM

Friends don't let friends drive drunk.

And also,

Friends don't let friends become Mormons.

Friends do, however, let friends drive naked!

Seriously, Mormonism ruins lives. It's not a religious option ... it's a cult.

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