Posted by:
Elder Berry
Date: November 11, 2014 08:36PM "A list of injustices suffered by Joseph’s plural wives and an exhaustive detailing of their pain and suffering."
In Sacred Loneliness was a hard read because of the emotions I felt reading it.
4. "A lengthy discussion of Emma’s trials because of the practice."
Mormon Enigma was a hard read because of the emotions I felt reading it.
3. "A defense of polygamy."
Yes, please.
2. "An apology for polygamy."
Yes, please.
And number 1.
1. "An explanation for why polygamy was not discussed openly in the past."
Yeah, I would like that more than whatever that essay was for in explaining anything!
Why are these unreasonable? Don't members deserve more than just the information with lame excusing explanations?
Don't they need their current prophet to clear a few things up for them?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/11/2014 08:39PM by Elder Berry.