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Posted by: 6 iron ( )
Date: April 20, 2015 07:02PM

I find that recovery from Mormons is on going. I just don't connect with Mormons in any sort of meaningful way.

Sure, Mormons are friendly, but...

They are so wrapped up in their cult, they lack heart, empathy, love for anything not Mormon.

Mormons seem to permeate a smug superiority and judgementalism. Words don't seem to work with Mormons, so I've resorted to actions. I've limited contact with my oldest tbm son. I'm not going to get into details but I refuse to play their games.

I actually get tired of people saying Mormons are nice. They can be friendly, but that is usually just to entice you back to the cult. My initial reason for leaving the cult was I stepped out of the box, looked at the Mormons in my life and realized I had been surrounded by cult addicts that lack basic heart, for my whole effing life. I even married a narcissistic cult addict.

My tbm father died a month ago and I still haven't had one ounce of sorrow. He was a Bringham Young wannabe, IMO. My kids are trapped in a cult. You'd think that as a Christian I'd feel somewhat favorably towards the cult, but I don't. Its an us verses them cult.

If your not in the cult, they look down on you. Its pretty sad when you have to resort to actions to get them to stop crossing your boundaries, and get it through their big fat thick skulls.

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Posted by: Anonymous User ( )
Date: April 20, 2015 07:07PM

What really irritates me (actually makes me really fucking angry), are the Mormons who act "normal", to the point you wouldn't know they were unless you asked them or if they told you, because they don't look like stereotypes.

They tend be the most hypocritical, fake backstabbers.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/20/2015 07:07PM by Tristan.

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: April 20, 2015 07:18PM

My TBM family acts like that too. My children are out of the cult, but I paid dearly because the cult helped to facilitate an estrangement with one of them that continues to this day.

They undermined my parental authority when my children were minors before I left it for the last time. That was why I left, was that sense of them vs us mentality, in addition to church history coming to light. They can do no effing wrong, even when they're messing with your life and family.

Two of my brothers are practicing cult members. So are their children, so far. Maybe I can think of at least one or two adult children from each family that is trying to break away, but they are still feigning TBM even though their hearts aren't in it.

Mormons can be especially "fakey nice" is a good way of looking at how they treat each other and non-members. The cult controls nearly every corner of their lives down to the undies, what they think, eat, and sleep. Breaking free from that comes with a price. You value your integrity and personal freedom over bondage and sufferage.

All you can hope is your children will come to their senses too. It may take years for that to happen. You will have been a trailblazer for them and your posterity.

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Posted by: loveskids ( )
Date: April 20, 2015 07:35PM

I'm with you all the way 6 iron. I'm also Christian and can't find much nice to say about Mormons. They are only nice if you are just like them,with the same goals and mindset. And talk about judgemental...3 of my 4 adult TBM kids are very judgemental,and I know they think they are better than me. It really bugs me when I hear someone say, "Oh,those Mormons are all so nice." NO,they aren't. Get to know them a little bit,outside of being a member of their church,and you will see a not so nice bunch.

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Posted by: msalove ( )
Date: April 20, 2015 07:48PM

Real mormons are so committed they stop extending emotional empathy to anyone who poses a threat - no matter how small.

They may be willing to smile at you, help you chop the wood as a service project, but they really don't want to know about you beyond a superficial level.

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: April 20, 2015 08:10PM

I don't care if I get called a bigot. I can't speak with Mormons past the weather. Nice day, huh.

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Posted by: torturednevermo ( )
Date: April 20, 2015 09:15PM

A funny (ha, funny he says with one eyebrow raised), but a funny thing that’s happened around here is ever since general conference when those people stood up and opposed, our cranky old Mormon terrorist neighbor has been in the vilest of moods. Of course that means that we, his favorite enemy of choice, gets to feel his anger and wrath as he lashes out at the world, which is symbolized by us (his mind your own business, don’t do anything to provoke, stay waaay out of his way neighbors.)

The mitigating force that creates a barrier between me and his vile, antagonistic behavior towards us … is this board. By connecting his behavior with the goings on at their general conference, I can rationalize that it isn’t us or anything we have done lately that has brought on the latest onslaught of punishment from him. Nope, it’s just him taking out his frustrations on someone he hates. It may sound mean of me, but after all they have put us through over the years, it kind of takes the pressure off of me to realize that his behavior is just a reflection of how ugly and bitter he feels inside. And no, I don't feel sorry for him, not after what he's thrown our way over the years.

Sorry to sound so callous, but come on … he’s not a young man. This is a man reaching retirement age who acts like a six year old child having a tantrum. Of course, some will know him as a nice Christian man, but those of us on the receiving end of his ill deserved wrath certainly see him for what he is; a total effing psycho.

Thanks for starting this thread so I had a place to express myself. He’d been so calm over the winter, now that dam general conference seems to have set him off again. I really hate being the target of his misplaced wrath, what a dickhead.


(That’s me smiling anyway.)

When I rant like this, it's usually in the hope that some spy from the church reads it, so for them ... no people don't like you, or respect you!

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: April 20, 2015 09:20PM

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Posted by: torturednevermo ( )
Date: April 20, 2015 09:27PM

:D :D :D

Oh no, they've reproduced him !

Don't worry Don, our refusal to react confuses the hell out of him and drives him batty ! He hasn't chased us off yet ... and he won't ... that's his punishment.

Him :(
Us :)

(Smile and wave kids, just smile and wave)

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