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Posted by: Johnny Canuck ( )
Date: April 22, 2015 09:21PM

I get a kick out of reading these kid's blogs from the Edmonton mission.

This week's gem,"we also got to have dinner with a family who has traced their family history back to 2697 BC."

Do these people really believe what they write and put out on the net for the whole world to see?

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Posted by: Johnny Canuck ( )
Date: April 22, 2015 09:26PM

"-we prayed for DV to be humbled and oil prices plummeted"
(DV is Drayton Valley, a town in the oil patch west of Edmonton)

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Posted by: Johnny Canuck ( )
Date: April 22, 2015 09:32PM

"-I can now do 6 real pushups in a row without falling over. Except now I can't anymore cause I have some sort of inflammation in my wrist... (perks of having a doctor for a branch president) oh well haha"

Sounds like a real porkette.

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Posted by: Johnny Canuck ( )
Date: April 22, 2015 09:35PM

If these people only knew how they looked like clowns while wearing suits and ties....

"Me and my companion dressed up in our clown costumes that my mom sent to us in a package. And of course i put my camo sweats on with my fur hat."

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Posted by: Johnny Canuck ( )
Date: April 22, 2015 09:39PM

I have been around animals when slaughtered....but a good time. Must be awfully boring as a mishy in rural Alberta....

"This week we helped one of our members butcher his cow. Thats always a good time."

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: April 22, 2015 10:01PM

Deep, deep comprehension from a sister mish in Finland. Don't try to argue with her, because she's onto you...

"We had a lesson last week with our investigator that we found through the "Because of Him" video on the street. She is older, about 82, Pentecostal, and she is really nice. She has bright red hair. Not like ginger red, but like Ronald McDonald red. She is really cool! :) We talked about the Restoration with her. She had so many questions about authority and why we think our church is the only true church. We really tried to explain it as best as we could, but it was one of those lessons where she was literally denying the Spirit. The Spirit was there, she just wasn't allowing it to touch her heart. That is always so interesting to me, but I have come to understand more as a missionary that when we teach people truth, all of the evil and bad inside of them screams and tells them that we are crazy, they don't need to listen to us, what do we know. It's darkness being afraid of the light."

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Posted by: Johnny Canuck ( )
Date: April 22, 2015 10:10PM


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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: April 22, 2015 10:18PM

The madness is strong in so many of them!

But I take a lot of solace from the fact that probably less than 10% of missionaries link their blogs to Prepare to Served.

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Posted by: Johnny Canuck ( )
Date: April 22, 2015 10:20PM

but still goes out with his equally ill partner and infests the world with their germs instead of staying at home in bed...the Priesthood Blessing earlier in the day obviously did not "take".

" The worst thing was is that we had 7 lessons planned that day so we had people to go teach. After I had said my prayer, I decided we just needed to tough it out and go out and teach. Elder Kember and I felt like we weren't doing anything because we hadn't left the apartment all day long and we didn't want to be slacking at all, so we toughed it up and went out to teach.

We stopped at a less-active family's home (the bishop asked us to visit them) that never allows missionaries in the door so I thought for sure that they wouldn't let us in. But right as they opened the door, I threw up all over the snow on their lawn... they felt way bad that I was sick and got me water and gum and let us in. We taught them a lesson though! :)"

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Posted by: Johnny Canuck ( )
Date: April 22, 2015 10:23PM

"O i was sick all week and my temp. got up to 101 or 102 im still sick, but i went to the health clinic at the mtc and they are going to be charging you 10 bucks :) haha i would be getting better but i have no time. The doctor wants me to go rest, but i cant do it on the lords time."

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: April 22, 2015 10:27PM

Yeah, but they can die on ghawd's time, which makes it special.

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Posted by: Johnny Canuck ( )
Date: April 22, 2015 10:41PM

A martyred missionary....I bet that is extra special in some quarters...

I can not believe the spittle the emerges in some of these blogs. Are they saying these outrageous things for effect, or are they truly believing this crap?

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