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Posted by: poopstone ( )
Date: January 29, 2015 12:01AM

Ok so I just got off work at WalMart and decided to turn on the tube. I started to listen to Joyce Meyer (boring), next Joel Olsteen (yawn!), the Catholics (selling crap or something?), finally I turned to the 'idiots' at BYUtv. I only watched like 5 minutes tonight but oh my h*** how offensive!

First they go into this rant about how stupid it is to work for minimum wage in retail stores and no one in retail is educated, etc. I happen to work in retail and was starting to get mad when I heard this from the "church" tv. Next they started making fun of all the great literature particularly the Grapes of Wrath (which is the best American novel probably ever written?) There is nothing "funny" in Steinbeck's work about linching negros, is there? And finally after every punch line they had the 'whitest' kid there dressed up with a mexican mustache going.. eyi! eyi! eyi! is a really stupid way.

I happen to be 1/4 mexican and found this to be over top offensive. White kids should never dress up like minorities, it's cruel, mean, and stupid, period.

Crap like this would never get broadcast on network tv. What's up with the church????

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Posted by: moose ( )
Date: January 29, 2015 01:01PM

Business as usual.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/2015 01:02PM by moose.

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Posted by: Itzpapalotl ( )
Date: January 29, 2015 04:28PM

Assbadgers. They can go fuck themselves with a rusty pipe sideways.

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Posted by: saucie ( )
Date: March 21, 2016 11:35PM

Itzpapalotl Wrote:
> Assbadgers. They can go fuck themselves with a
> rusty pipe sideways.

There's always that , or I could do it for the fucktards and see how they like it. Or I could take them for a tour of East LA and watch them shit their pants in fear of the dreaded Mexicanos.

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Posted by: adoylelb ( )
Date: March 22, 2016 12:37AM

Even better, there are authentic Mexican restaurants in East LA where you find the entire menu in both Spanish and English. Not only would that freak those Utards out, they would find that the pork isn't sweet like they got used to at Cafe Rio.

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Posted by: saucie ( )
Date: March 22, 2016 11:41AM

adoylelb Wrote:
> Even better, there are authentic Mexican
> restaurants in East LA where you find the entire
> menu in both Spanish and English. Not only would
> that freak those Utards out, they would find that
> the pork isn't sweet like they got used to at Cafe
> Rio.

Another interesting idea.

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Posted by: Soft Machine ( )
Date: March 22, 2016 10:19AM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/22/2016 10:29AM by Soft Machine.

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Posted by: Itzpapalotl ( )
Date: March 22, 2016 10:23AM

I just love swearing. It's so much fun! You should hear me when I do my math homework. I had to buy a graphing calculator so I could stop scorching BF's ears. :D

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Posted by: jonny ( )
Date: January 29, 2015 04:32PM

Agreed....You would think in this day and age...stupid kids.

My son is Puerto Rican, Mexican, Caucasian. One of the things that helped to pull us out was when he was watching a borrowed vhs of the living scriptures. It was from the boa and covered the whole white and delightsome. He was 4 and I realized the racism that he would be exposed to.

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Posted by: jonny ( )
Date: January 29, 2015 04:33PM

bom, sorry. literary shit.

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Posted by: axeldc ( )
Date: January 17, 2016 05:19PM

The LDS Church is broadcasting this crap. They spend lots of money producing BYUTV and they air Studio C. THis is the same network that airs GC, BYU sports, and those boring GAs reading scriptures. They must think this type of humor is uplifting and representative of the Gospel to air it on BYUTV.

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Posted by: commoncents ( )
Date: March 21, 2016 11:32PM

I remember a lot of stupid/ignorant ones too, but remember, they were zoobies at one time in their lives too. Now they use their college education to entertain 10-year-old Mormon kids. With that in mind, there's no need for us to insult or embarrass Studio C. The corny show itself is so lame, it's self-inflicted embarrassment. So again let's lay off Studio C and let them entertain children.

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Posted by: bordergirl ( )
Date: March 22, 2016 12:53AM

But in what way is Studio C and its ilk "entertaining" them?

Do they encourage 10 year olds go to school and "entertain" their classmates and "entertain" the non "white and delightsome" kids?.

Just because it is stupid and juvenile does not mean that they don't cause a lot of hurt

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Posted by: Plaid n Paisley ( )
Date: January 29, 2015 06:13PM

I tune into Studio C for a few minutes once a week or so. It uses very juvenile "humor" and there have been many times when I've been stunned at the offensiveness of the so-called humor. Occasionally, they have an idea which would have been moderately funny *if* they had limited it to just a 15-30 second skit - but instead, they go ahead and beat a dead horse into hamburger. I can't think of what all I've found offensive over the past couple of years - but I'm sure it would include just about any subset of people who are not male, white and/or Mormon.

I'm surprised that, so far anyway, BYU and the LDS Church don't seem to have gotten any public exposure regarding the clueless and downright offensive attitudes which are regularly displayed on Studio C, which is made at BYU and is aired on BYU TV. Obviously, the powers-that-be do not see anything wrong with the content. If they ever caught the attention of a national late-night talk show - they would become a constant source of material.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/29/2015 09:54PM by Plaid n Paisley.

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Posted by: Rebecca D ( )
Date: January 17, 2016 08:43AM

I literally went mental when Studio C did 'International Relations'. I could deal with some of the British stereotypes, like the classic 'bad teeth' and whatnot.

But when the woman said 'we beat you in WW2' THAT is when I despised Studio C. How can they make a comedy sketch so offensive towards British troops and everybody else affected by WW2? That war is a serious issue and sure, maybe Horrible Histories is good but Studio C went too far and I am not happy by the American idiots who proudly display their ignorance, through humor like a fucking badge of honor. Jesus.

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Posted by: Elder What's-his-face ( )
Date: January 29, 2015 06:30PM

Back when Mexicans were still Lamanites, those kinds of jokes were considered to be in poor taste by many mormons.

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Posted by: saucie ( )
Date: January 29, 2015 07:30PM

They are ignorant, bigoted ass holes.

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: January 29, 2015 11:37PM

fucktards !

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: January 17, 2016 09:41AM

Y'all are sounding like some of my TBM relatives lamenting SNL, just because.

BYUTV has won a boatload of Emmy awards, and has a bigger boatload of nominations. It may not be your cup of tea, but they appear to be doing something right.

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: January 17, 2016 04:22PM

Brother Of Jerry Wrote:
> Y'all are sounding like some of my TBM relatives
> lamenting SNL, just because.

Or...just because they're making fun of minorities, which really isn't "just because." :)

> BYUTV has won a boatload of Emmy awards, and has a
> bigger boatload of nominations. It may not be your
> cup of tea, but they appear to be doing something
> right.

Yeah, none of which "Studio C" has won.

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Posted by: saucie ( )
Date: March 22, 2016 11:43AM

Another excellent point made by Hie...

Thank you Hie.

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: January 17, 2016 10:46AM

poopstone Wrote:

> Crap like this would never get broadcast on
> network tv. What's up with the church????

You mean: whats up with BYU studio C ?

There is a Utah county BYU affiliated MORmON group of theatrical performers who have dedicated their lives to emulating SNL
-ironically a show that LDS Inc refused to have broadcast at all from its official MORmON TV station at one time, and SNL personalities. About 8 years ago some of these people were featured in some super dorky MORmON movie about some MORmON who is obsessed with proving that Santa Claus was/ is real, titled Stalking Santa. That video features several recurring cameos of MORmON unknown wannabes doing their very best to rip off Dan Akroyd and other SNL alumn as well as a blatant extensive Jim Carry rip off. And if cheesy MORmON /BYU student rip offs of SNL characters does not have enough concentrated dorkitude to keep a viewer in tow, they got William Shatner to narrate the thing for an added dose of trekky style dorkitude to try to beef things up. Too bad that it still comes off as simply ultra lame .... and dorky. The unintended (UNINTENDED) parallels to insanely lame attempts by the MORmON academic corp to prove that the book of MORmON really is veritable is the best comedy aspect of the production. A person, those besides brainless faithFool MORmONS who find Stalking Santa to be overwhelmingly cute and inspiring -you know, the very same way that they see their MORmON Church, might think that the production is ultimately a jab at MORmONISM and insane MORmON apologetics except that the POS movie was produced by Daryn Tufts who completely ASSured people that he is part of the most devout MORmON faithfool and who tried to just beat the Hell out of everybody or at least anybody who could stand to watch his pro MORmON propagandist crap, with the supreme goodness of MORmONISM in his ultra crappy pro MORmON shlock "American MORmON". Normally, I would not really care that Daryn likes to drink wine with his meals except that the pro MORmON beating that he attempted to issue and inflict on everyone with his super sucky American MORmON videos should preclude him from indulging in such two faced duplicitous (typically MORmON) activity, and his thinking that everybody else would be too stupid to notice any glaring contradiction with those two courses of personal action is just down right insulting ........just like his expecting people to like his stupid MORmON centric videos, where even the music is super dorky from attempting to be jiggy /with it /happening and miserably failing at it.

All of this particular pent up MORmON longing for acceptance and even accolades -such a diversion from purely strictly revering MORmON Jesus and every word that comes from His highest chosen holy MORmON priestDUD leaders, ultimately manifest itself in the creation BYU's own version of SNL. The fact that this show actually exists is a very quirky and intriguing development in typically ultra pious MORmONISM, and just like the religious culture that spawned it in backlash, its bound to make some very serious screw ups. How long it will last before it has it's head cut off by the more pious MORmON leadership might be interesting to watch.

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Posted by: axeldc ( )
Date: January 17, 2016 05:21PM

I get the joke of calling Mormons morons, but it's very difficult to read "MORmON" over and over in a long post.

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Posted by: smirkorama ( )
Date: January 17, 2016 06:20PM

in the future, i will break up the text into more paragraphs, even if they are technically unwarranted, to create more space to assist you in your reading, and i will forgo capitalization of some letters to save up a reserve for using capitalization later on in more opportune instances.

Honestly, though, when I name my computer files, I use all capital letters as in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS ....because it is easier to read.

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Posted by: Myron Donnerbalken ( )
Date: January 17, 2016 03:15PM

What the fuck is "oh, my h***??"

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: January 17, 2016 03:56PM

Some of my favorite parents are Mexicans... I appreciate the melanin!

There should be a rule, somewhat like the "N-word Rule" where only if you're a member of a particular minority or group or ethnicity, are you allowed to make fun of the particular group.

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Posted by: saucie ( )
Date: March 22, 2016 11:57AM

elderolddog Wrote:
> Some of my favorite parents are Mexicans... I
> appreciate the melanin!
> There should be a rule, somewhat like the "N-word
> Rule" where only if you're a member of a
> particular minority or group or ethnicity, are you
> allowed to make fun of the particular group.

well there is that rule, its called good sense. Of course they must know in their tiny brains that its not good to say those things because you never see them in a room full of mexicans , saying these jokes ... Small brains but scared of minorities.

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Posted by: southern idaho inactive ( )
Date: January 17, 2016 04:56PM

It sounds like a cheap version of "Saturday Night Live".

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Posted by: Mason ( )
Date: January 17, 2016 05:06PM

Do you have a link or can someone tell me what the most offensive one is?

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Posted by: southern idaho inactive ( )
Date: January 17, 2016 05:24PM

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Posted by: Mason ( )
Date: January 17, 2016 05:32PM

Well thanks but I actually was asking for a specific video of the most offensive because I have seen a few and most were just painfully unfunny, so I want to know what the most offensive is.

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Posted by: Recovered Molly Mo ( )
Date: January 18, 2016 09:35AM

Mormonism breeds elitism.

Those immature yahoos were expressing the "We are special and can get away with talking about why others are not" mentality.


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Posted by: R2 ( )
Date: January 20, 2016 07:47PM

Aren't they supposed to get married and pop out babies right after high school? With no education or work experience? How can they shame working for minimum wage and a lack of formal education when that is mostly what is left for them to choose?

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Posted by: bordergirl ( )
Date: March 22, 2016 01:00AM

Satire should be judged for its content and worth.

If it is lame satire, it should be judged accordingly.

This sounds like incredibly lame satire.

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Posted by: Doxi ( )
Date: March 22, 2016 03:54AM

This needs to be publicized more. The church of latter day hate should be held accountable.

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: March 22, 2016 04:03AM

Wittiness never was Mormon.

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Posted by: Phazer ( )
Date: March 22, 2016 11:47AM

I read the OP story. All I can say, you were offended quite easily. Laugh it off. Retail does suck. Don't kid anyone here that makes wages higher than $60K that retail is the way to go.
Education has been a failure for 40 years. It's amazing we still have intelligent people today.

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