Posted by:
Date: March 18, 2015 11:13AM
koriwhore Wrote:
> When 95% of the universe is a complete mystery to
> us we call "Dark Matter/Energy" according to
> scientists?
>> hat-is-dark-energy/
Well, at least you stopped using "96%."
However, it's not a "complete mystery." The hyperbole doesn't help your case.
> "What Is Dark Energy?
> More is unknown than is known. We know how much
> dark energy there is because we know how it
> affects the Universe's expansion. Other than that,
> it is a complete mystery.
Once again, the "complete mystery" hyperbole is unnecessary and rather silly.
> What if the word "God" is just a symbol we humans
> use to relate to that eternal mystery that makes
> up the vast majority of the universe?
The vast majority of claims using the word "god" are not that at all. Have you read any of those claims? What point does it serve to "redefine" the word "god" to mean "anything we don't know?" How about just calling stuff we don't know stuff we don't know, rather than giving it a word label that has been used tens of thousands of times to mean something else completely different? Oh, and since the universe isn't "eternal," neither is the "mystery." There's that hyperbole again.
I'm not "certain there's no god." I just point out that there's no evidence there IS such a thing, so there's no reason to "believe" such a thing exists. Even your distorted use of the term, which is nothing but an argument from ignorance.
Dark matter isn't "god." Dark energy isn't "god." The universe isn't "god." They're dark matter, dark energy, and the universe. We have perfectly good words for describing them. There's no need to tack "god" on top of those.