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Posted by: Kathleen ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 12:34PM

I can sit at my desk, not get up, and lose my glasses ... and spend the next hour hunting for them.

My house is very little. It's like losing a fish in a fish bowl.

But, sure enough ...

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 12:40PM

"Now where's that metric confabulator? I know I have one around here somewhere!"
So it's off to Home Depot to buy another, only to locate the one I already own later in the day.

And don't get me going on missing files...

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 12:51PM

I'm trying to be more careful about where I put things down after using them; I'm pretty much in the clear about food & t.p. however... Working on tools, correspondence, nail clippers, etc.

Should I return & report?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/04/2020 12:52PM by GNPE.

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Posted by: Kathleen ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 02:30PM

Yes, please return and report.

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 01:00PM

I am almost OCD about having things in designated spots. I got tired of wasting time looking for some widget for this or that. My problem now is when a grandkid comes over and moves stuff around everywhere.

What is the point of having stuff if you can't find it?
My husband keeps buying new stuff because he doesn't remember what we have or where it is.

I'm trying to use the stuff we have. We already have too much stuff. Stuff management is a challenge.

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Posted by: Devoted Exmo ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 04:46PM

I'm this way too. My work bench is loaded with tools but every item has a designated place. I can't stand wasting time looking for stuff.

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Posted by: olderelder ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 01:21PM

I've minimized my life to the point I have very little to misplace and very little room in which to misplace it. But still...

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 01:54PM

If you want to find out where that last lego piece went to just walk around your house barefoot. Hurts like hell.

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 03:42PM

Have I ever wandered around the house looking for my glasses when they were in my hand all the time? Maybe.

Don't worry that this kind of thing is a grave condition. It's not serious. Nothing to worry about. For sure. Forget it. Like, really. Don't give it another thought.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 04:02PM

I have spent longish periods of tie looking for my eyeglasses only to discover that I am wearing them.

The solution used to be prayer: that damned Elohim seemed to like to hide things from me. But ultimately the combination of Call My iPhone and Tile made it possible to outsmart the mischievous deity.

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Posted by: Roy G Biv ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 06:00PM

>> I have spent longish periods of tie looking for my eyeglasses only to discover that I am wearing them.

I do the same with my pants most days.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 06:01PM

Thank heaven for small miracles!

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 03:46PM

"I never got up from my desk since I last looked at my phone, so how in the hell could I have misplaced it!"

At least twice a week I have to ask Google to make my phone ring...

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 04:57PM

Google can do that !?

please ... tell us MORE!!!

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: August 05, 2020 07:56PM

Does Google help you find your pink scrunchy?

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 05:28PM

My keys go in a bowl on the hallway table. Sunglasses go in a designated spot in the kitchen. When I wore reading glasses, I kept about three pairs in designated spots. The cell phone goes into a little bowl on my bedside table or on my desk.

The worst thing is when something unusual happens, and I get distracted. Then all bets are off. Usually my keys are the offending items.

If there is anything else I can't find, I try to think where I would have logically put it. I have a lot of built-in habits about where I put things, and I rarely stray very far from my own internal logic.

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Posted by: cl2notloggedin ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 05:35PM

I spent a long time looking at my house. I went to my boyfriend's 8 miles away to look in his pickup. He always rides his motorcycle to work. Not yesterday. Then since his pickup wasn't there, I did look around the house. The last time I had seen it was when he found it in the dining room before he took me home and I had a bag with an afghan I was making in it.

So I took the dogs for a walk, came home, looked some more. Couldn't find it. He looked in his pickup at work and it wasn't there. I looked around his garage and in his house again. Not there. I came home and I was looking towards the window in my bedroom for some reason and I noticed something dark in my "hamper"--one of those tall baskets from walmart. I never use it for a hamper. It just sits there. I looked in there and there was my purse.

I was having a major meltdown. Then I noticed a broken tooth while I was looking for it. I'm at the point I need to get dentures (not implants--won't do that).

I had a good morning yesterday . . . Since I had cataract surgery, I can see better than I have since I was about 20. I haven't a clue where my 2 pair of glasses are.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 06:46PM

I'm glad your cataract surgery went well. I have great vision as well, but my recovery was rough. It was ultimately worth it, though!

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Posted by: cl2notloggedin ( )
Date: August 05, 2020 01:08PM

Mine was too easy and I had it all built up in my mind that it was going to be BAD. I had a C-section for my twins and that surgery and aftermath was horrible, so I was scared to death. I think I was more afraid of the COVID test than anything. I didn't think I had it, but I didn't know what to expect. It was weird. The surgery was okay. I have another one for my right eye on August 27th, but I don't even have to wear my glasses at all now. I keep reaching up to move them and they aren't there.

Kathleen, I just drop my purse wherever and I'm always looking for it. I have probably 4 sets of keys as I lose them all the time, so it is easier to have 4 or more. This has been going on FOREVER, so it isn't my age.

I have to hide 2 of my meds from my son (they aren't sure what he has yet, but he is in therapy finally) and I can't find one bottle of Xanax that I hid a few months ago.

It is always fun to find things that I thought I lost forever!!!

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: August 05, 2020 03:42PM

I think for most people, it's easy. I was the exception. My ophthalmologist felt that part of the problem was that one eye was really far gone at the time of the operation -- I think it was 20/450. That eye took a long time to resolve, maybe a month. It was kind of fun having one eye done and one not, because I could see the difference in colors and brightness. I didn't realize how drab and dull my vision had gotten over the years.

Good luck with round two! I really love not wearing glasses at all.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/05/2020 03:43PM by summer.

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Posted by: Kathleen ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 08:09PM

If you asked me where my purse is, I wouldn't know.

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Posted by: wondering ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 06:05PM

There have been days

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 06:07PM

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Posted by: anybody ( )
Date: August 04, 2020 07:41PM

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: August 05, 2020 12:05AM

Some days..

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: August 05, 2020 01:50AM

Or maybe both.

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Posted by: Kathleen ( )
Date: August 05, 2020 01:59AM

^^^^ you understand!!!

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Posted by: Kentish ( )
Date: August 05, 2020 09:44AM

I never forget where I leave things. Now if I could just get people to stop moving them.

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Posted by: wondering ( )
Date: August 09, 2020 12:16AM

Always check the freezer for lost items

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Posted by: macaRomney ( )
Date: August 05, 2020 10:13AM

Yes, I've got work tools everywhere and my house is a constant construction site. And on top of that I tend to hoard everything, and hate throwing stuff away. Most of my relatives are like this too. It's that Yankee thrift and industriousness that has been perpetuated through our family, I guess.

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: August 05, 2020 10:32AM

There's an old barn -- gonna need a lot of work -- LOADED with tools and stuff. Vintage things. Antiques. Lumber. JUNK! It's going to be interesting going through it, sorting out, figuring what to do. Old advertising art. Genuine oak barrels.

I'm thinking it's time to escape the city. I'm thinking of building there, and setting up an eBay business, selling this stuff. Once we work through this stuff, my son wants to set up a light industry/benchwork business there. But it looks like we'll have to strip the barn to beams, timbers, and roof.

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Posted by: Kathleen ( )
Date: August 05, 2020 11:05AM

That sounds like Heaven on Earth.

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Posted by: cl2notloggedin ( )
Date: August 05, 2020 01:12PM

Lots of work ahead of you, though, but I'm sure there are a lot of treasures in there as my dad was a farmer and he kept all his stuff in an old box car that my grandparents used for a garage when they were alive.

My sister just moved to a 4 acre piece of property and they have it set up like a park, all lawn and trees. There is a corral of cows next to their property and I just love it!!! I hated farming when I was a child and now I miss the peace and quiet and the animals.

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Posted by: ufotofu ( )
Date: August 05, 2020 11:07AM


AND I spend one-third losing stuff...

I spend the other third sleeping... and forgetting what I've lost, and gained.

I find I'm not a looser, but a finder. I've also found that I've lost more than most people will ever own. I'm not alone.

I'm a hunter.
I also gather.

Glasses, keys, phone, ideas, information, dates, my mind...

I think I just lost it.

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Posted by: Kathleen ( )
Date: August 05, 2020 02:04PM

Oddly, the one thing that has helped me (ever so minutely) is to enter the house through the side door. That makes the house left-ish to me. Which is good bc I'm left eyed. I come in seeing a spot to put everything.

Entering the front door puts the house to the right--completely discombummerates me. ("Discombummerates" ? Yeah, that, too.)

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Posted by: Devoted Exmo ( )
Date: August 05, 2020 06:21PM

I have always had a designated spot for my purse by the front door. It goes there first and always. And I'm picky about purses. It has to have lots of pockets so that each pair of glasses has a place and the same with keys, etc.

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: August 05, 2020 07:47PM

Ditto here about the purse control habits! That sounds exactly about how I purse-manage.

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: August 08, 2020 06:28PM

to confuse or disconcert; upset; to frustrate.

"Lot's Wife 'discombobulates' posters who don't have their facts straight."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/08/2020 06:29PM by caffiend.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: August 09, 2020 12:16AM

It's hard work but somebody's got to do it.

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Posted by: loislane ( )
Date: August 08, 2020 06:14PM

It's more like all day every day.

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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: August 08, 2020 06:39PM

Yes, that sounds like me.

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Posted by: ufotofu ( )
Date: August 09, 2020 12:12AM

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Posted by: cludgie ( )
Date: August 10, 2020 05:05PM

At least. And being a man, I have that problem (severely) of not being able to see an object amid a jumble. I can't find obvious things in the pantry or fridge, and when I just idly put down a tool, then go back to grab it, I can look right at it and still not find it. Then I go searching. Search, search, search. Finally I say, "It's somewhere right here, in this pile of stuff." So I sit in front of it all, and concentrate. My eyes dart all over everything. Finally, I begin to look at one item at a time, and voilà. I finally see it, and it's right there with everything else. I have looked at it over and over again without "seeing" it. It's very frustrating.

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Posted by: Kathleen ( )
Date: August 10, 2020 05:29PM

^^^ Yes that !

And ... I’ll take the mayonnaise out of the fridge, set it on the counter, and then spend the next 40 minutes ransacking the fridge to find the mayonnaise.

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Posted by: librarian ( )
Date: August 10, 2020 11:14PM

My deceased older brother never wasted time looking for lost tools. He just went and bought new ones.
When my kids were hired to clean his house they used shovels and wheelbarrows, when I cleaned his garage, it was like a dinosaur dig.
I burrowed down through layers of old boxes that were saved long after the appliances were gone. They might come in handy someday.
I found three hammers, six pliers of various styles, breadknife, saw, and stuff that had to be thrown out to the dump.
It is a good thing he never looked for anything, but if he needed to see a past bill, it was on the floor somewhere.Count yourselves lucky to only spend 1/3 of your lives looking for things.

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