This was posted today on Facebook by the daughter of my ex's cousin, so she's not really related to me :) However, in my other life, she and my kids were friendly and we spent some time with that family.
She's been talking on FB for several days about making sure no porn gets into the home:
For those of you that can, login to Facebook at 6:30. Then join my Family Guard event at 6:30. Will be learning about an awesome filter for pornography in our homes. It protects all your devices in your home. I'd really like for my family and friends to learn about this. It is super important to protect our families from pornography. If you can't get on at 6:30 at least join the event so you can read the post later on that we will be posting on the event page. Thanks! ######################################################
I don't know if there's fees involved for Family Guard and if so, which mormon owned company is selling it.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/31/2015 11:24PM by memikeyounot.
Family Guard to young men--"Do not think about breasts. No curvaceous, soft, amazingly beautiful breasts. Do not click on a link to see breasts. Do not think of naked bodies, beautiful, firm, tanned, gorgeous bodies. Do not click on this link to naked bodies or we'll tell your parents."
I'm sure this will really cut down on porn use, but then again, I'm a boner, what would I know!
Stuff like this makes me sick. We should be TEACHING our children about sex and ENCOURAGING their sexuality, not repressing it! I believe that the repression of sexuality leads to nothing but grief and mental illness.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/01/2015 12:03AM by oneinbillions.
For me I say yes and no. It's like drugs or alcohol, it's better if it is a grown adult than a young kid. Kids are more likely to develop addiction than adults and to feed the addiction people can get into really hard core stuff. Also, I don't want my boys seeing women as objects to be lusted after. Does that mean I will freak out over finding they've looked? I hope not.
The problem isn't pornography (whatever that means). The problem is sexuality. People had sexual urges long before the internet, video tapes, motion pictures, printing, writing on parchment. That's how people make more people. Yes, "porn" carries specific problems, such as the occasional exploitation of the actors and actresses. But that's not what bothers religious people. What bothers them is their inability to exercise 100% dominion over the private lives of everybody else.
This will never protect from the oldies but goodies.
National geographic and related reference works.
Old Sears catalogues
Old reference books on renaissance art
And my favorite.... girls nude sunbathing on the roof because no one can see them. Especially the teenage boy across the street in the multi storied house.
That seems so strange to me. I have no porn filters on my computer. Never have. And yet, NOT ONCE has any porn image jumped onto my computer. It's not a monster; it's not going to come after you. The only reason any porn at all would show up is IF SOMEONE SEARCHED FOR IT, leaving cookies. You don't need a porn filter to protect you from porn insidiously insinuating itself magically to your computer. All you need is a little personal restraint on the part of the people using the computer.
Unless of course your definition of pron includes "JCPenney underpants ads." In which case, there's no way to "protect" yourself from smutty images.
the s/horpe effect - censoring words or images because they unintendedly impact on the filter "Mommy I have to do some homework on the Venus de Milo but the PC wont let me see any pictures of it!"
I was a kid growing up in the 60's and - even without access to the internet - I saw my fair share of porn.
filtering the PC's at home, when little johnny can access porn on a dozen other devices, is like Canute trying to hold back the tide (that analogy worked better when I used Canute's proper english spelling..... unfortunately the forum filter wouldnt let it through or maybe it was the full spelling of s/thorpe - the s/thorpe effect in its full glory.... Hurrah for filters!!)
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/01/2015 11:41AM by EssexExMo.