Posted by:
Date: November 24, 2015 11:50PM
Holy Crap!
From the article linked:
"As part of the plea agreement, Credit Suisse acknowledged that, for decades prior to and through 2009, it operated an illegal cross-border banking business that knowingly and willfully aided and assisted thousands of U.S. clients in opening and maintaining undeclared accounts and concealing their offshore assets and income from the IRS."
When I, Jiminycricket, read those two words, "Credit Suisse," I remembered something.
Guess who the Mission President was in San Jose, California who implemented Q12 member, Ballard's, pilot program to the Hastening?
That would be Lincoln Watkins, worth $250 million, retired director of "Credit Suisse."
(See his bio: )
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/25/2015 12:45AM by jiminycricket.