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Posted by: adamisfree2006 ( )
Date: September 13, 2017 06:51PM

years ago. He noticed that my wife and I appear, from FB pictures and posts, to either be "inactive or not members" anymore. I'm shocked that my FB pictures don't hide my ex-mormonism better. He goes on to tell me that he has determined that JS is not a prophet and he has other issues as well and is considering leaving. He has told his wife but it sounds like she is not on the same page. I am excited for him but saddened that it is going to be so challenging for him and his wife. I hope to speak to him soon to get more details.

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: September 13, 2017 07:27PM

Please pass along an "atta boy" from the gang here at RfM!

Yeah, if his wife isn't on the same page, it might be rough.
But still worth it. :)

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