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Posted by: slumbering ( )
Date: March 02, 2018 06:18AM

I found this article interesting, being a "grizzled veteran of the millennal clan."
People are usually surprised when I say I am a millennial. I was born in 1982, I have always been a hard worker, and I neither want nor expect handouts.
(it seems like most folks think of millennials as being lazy or whatever)

I did have a cell phone pretty early on , as far technology goes, but I did not really get into the internet until around 1999 or 2000. I didn't jump on the smart phone bandwagon until 2012.

Back in 2014 a 22 year old asked me what it was like to grow up in the 80's. I had to explain to him that "I was born in the 80's, I was not of the 80's."

Also the stuff about millennials remembering landlines and rotary phones is interesting. It also notes that millennials were old enough to have a clear memory of 9/11 and we were greatly affected by the 2008 economic issues, as many were starting their careers at that point.

Just an interesting read!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2018 07:46AM by slumbering.

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Posted by: gemini ( )
Date: March 02, 2018 07:46AM

I was always so proud to be a baby boomer. It seemed like my generation was always being talked about as this big wave of people born after WWII.

Now my grandchildren have told me that their generation outnumber us. Yep, we are dying off. Some of my grown grandchildren are still finding their way and others are on a stable path. Just like we boomers were in the 60's.

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