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Posted by: Shummy ( )
Date: June 15, 2018 01:58PM

"Hi. Table for one, please."

"You have a reservation?"

"Oh, I should think so. I'm a faithful Latter Day Saint you see."

"Oh. Oh I see. Oh dear."

"Is there a problem?"

"Please come this way, your table is ready... in the 'smoking' section."

"But, but I don't-"

"You will be."

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: June 15, 2018 04:25PM

So, is that a cold day in Hell? Or a hot day in Paradise?

Wonder where the ex-Mo section is going to be seated up yonder?


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Posted by: donbagley ( )
Date: June 15, 2018 04:35PM

My wife and I specifically requested seating in a no Samaritan section.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: June 15, 2018 06:32PM

Even as we write, I'm being fitted for busboy wings...

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 12:39AM

Is there gravity in heaven ? Why else would angels have wings ?

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 09:11AM

The wings are poetic.

The ones who travel without wings use more advanced technology.

I wonder about the gravity too. When I had a NDE once in my 30's, my spirit went to this place where I felt some kind of weights being put around my middle section. I watched what did look like an angel coming from a gym class (he was dressed in gym clothes walking through a great hall with other people like himself, only he was the only one of them I got a good look at. And he had those similar weights under his gym shirt around his middle section.) He also had golden curly hair, and a bronze colored skin. We looked at each other in curiosity making eye contact, but then he walked away.

I wasn't there for very long before I was returned back to my body. I did go through the white light people describe getting there, and returning.. After someone who looked like my late grandfather asked me what was I doing there? I answered I didn't know. Next thing I knew I was turned around, and sent through a wall like a portal, that white light and all - and then back to my body again. I was relieved it wasn't my time yet. My children were very young, still in grade school. And I, their sole provider.

I haven't visibly seen a ministering angel with wings. But there was once I came home late at night from a government job, all alone in the dark. It was a silent, still night in the dead of winter. As I pulled into the driveway there was a beautifully formed pair of angel wings rising up from my chimney - they were perfectly formed and fluted. I stood in awe as I stood there in the driveway in the still of the night, admiring them for quite some time. And felt a peace and calm settle over my house I hadn't felt before in awhile. Just seeing those wings let me know someone was watching over me and my little home. My children were both away at college, and I didn't feel so alone after that.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2018 09:13AM by Amyjo.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 09:40AM


"Welcome. Are you Mormon? No? Then come right this way. But do be very quiet tiptoeing past that first door marked, 'The Celestial Kingdom.' "


"The Mormons think they are the only ones who are here. We don't want to disabuse them of that notion."

(variation of an old Catholic joke)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2018 09:41AM by summer.

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Posted by: boilerluv ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 03:42PM

summer Wrote:
> "Hi!"
> "Welcome. Are you Mormon? No? Then come right this
> way. But do be very quiet tiptoeing past that
> first door marked, 'The Celestial Kingdom.' "
> "Why?"
> "The Mormons think they are the only ones who are
> here. We don't want to disabuse them of that
> notion."
> (variation of an old Catholic joke)

When I first heard that joke, St. Peter was giving the tour and told the newcomer to take off his shoes and not talk as they passed a certain door because "That's where we keep the Baptists. They think they're the only ones here and we like to humor them." Interesting that it's making the rounds of other religions, too. I guess the new Pope means you can't use it about Catholics any more. :D

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 07:47PM

In the Catholic version that I've heard many times, Catholics make fun of themselves -- "The Catholics think they are the only ones here." They have a pretty good sense of humor, for the most part. :)

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Posted by: ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 04:11PM

Amyjo, the bronzed guy with the culy hair was my one of old BYU ski buddy, that the church used in filming the temple movie! He was with some other handsome blonde ski friends, with straight hair. They were dressed in long white robes, just slowly milling around, doing nothing, smiling vacantly. I think one of them had a tablet or clip-board. This was filmed years ago, and a new movie took its place.

There I was, in the temple, watching this "sacred" BYU movie production, and I burst out laughing! These guys skied with a flask of booze, and they "partied hard." Definitely not CK material.

I have had spiritual experiences, also--never in a church, BTW--and I think God uses symbols and language that we can understand, in order to communicate with us. Wings are symbolic. I did have a brief previous-existance memory, and I was trying to understand how God could bind us to the Earth, so that we couldn't leave, yet not tie us down with ropes, or put up walls--I couldn't grasp the concept of gravity. I love Dave The Atheist's query!

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 10:46PM


And then there is mention of the "silver cord" in scripture that is like a lifeline between here and the hereafter. Only when it's severed do we depart this life for the next world. Anything else is just a dress rehearsal.

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Posted by: JBF ( )
Date: June 16, 2018 05:51PM

Overheard at the Gates of Heaven

Thomas S Monson (TSM): Table for one with God.

St Peter: Do you have a reservation?

TSM: Don't you know who I am?

SP: No, should I?

TSM: I am the Prophet of the Living God. The Seer and revelator of the Living God! That is who I am.

SP: Oh, THAT ONE! Right this way please to the stairway.

TSM: Why do I need to use a stairway?

SP: Your God is waiting at the end of it.

TSM: Ok.

(after an hour of descending the stairway.)

TSM: We are descending a long way. Are you sure this is the right staircase?

SP: It's the right one believe me IF you really are a prophet.

(after another 2 hours of descending.)

TSM: Are you sure these are the right stairs? And it's getting very hot.

SP: Quite right. Joseph Smith and Brigham Young are waiting for you and told me to escort you personally to see them and your God.


(after another hour of descending.)

SP: right through these doors please and you will see your God and all the other Prophets that came before you.

(after TSM walks through the doors.)

TSM: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Satan: Welcome my true and faithful servant! I've been waiting for you! Meet Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. They have been waiting so long to meet you.

TSM: It's a mad House! A Mad House!

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