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Posted by: invinoveritas ( )
Date: July 04, 2018 04:21PM

Women have no role in Mormon hierarchy. Absolutely TRUE, and an absolutely flawed philosophy.

There would be NO HUMAN race without women! Women are half of the Human equation. Which half is more important? I ask you!

The INEQUALITY of a Women’s standing in Mormonism was the first thing I noticed when checking out the Mormon religion. I---as a male—can have all the wives I want—but you—as a female—are dependent upon my good standing in Joseph’s Church for your salvation. (I don’t think that sits well for all you women who may be twice as smart as your dumb ass “Elder” husband).

In the LDS philosophy, the Melchizedek Priesthood overrides any opinion a women may have. That by definition—makes a woman lesser, I don’t care how many women of the “Relief Society Presidency” or the “Young Women Presidency” are ordained as leaders in those positions. You, as a member of the female gender, are still subservient to the “supervision” of the Elders at large. (Those positions make for great Public Relations and garner points in today’s Politically Correct world, but still subservient non-the-less).

Zenobia, Cleopatra, Lakshmibai—the Rani of Jhansi, Joan of Arc, Borc Ujin, Indira Ghandi, Margaret Thatcher, Theodora, Queen Victoria, Empress Dowager Cixi, Maria Theresa of Austria, Hatsheput, Catherine the Great, Empress Wu Zetian, Queen Elizabeth the 1st, Golda Meir, Eleanor Roosevelt.

Human history is full of great and influential women, you just have to educate yourself. (Google, Wikipedia, no excuse for Misogyny in today’s world of information, and I might add, if you have one ounce of critical thinking skills no excuse to be a Mormon either.)

Since 1830, not one member of the LDS First Presidency, Quorum of Twelve Apostles, Presidency of the Seventy, General Authority of the Seventies, or the Presiding Bishopric has ever been a female—and I would offer never will be.

My friends, the Female Gender is Half of the Human population.

Am I being judgmental? You bet I am!

To my Daughter who earned two Masters Degrees and has fought many a battle against Misogyny (and who by the way is smarter and more ambitious than her old man), and to my wife of 45 years, God bless!

It’s the 21st century for hell sakes. To all you TBMs out there, pull your head out of your dumb asses, and some of you Catholics and Muslims should also take heed.

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Posted by: Aquarius123 ( )
Date: July 04, 2018 07:27PM

Invin, I think I'm in love! Do you happen to have a single and available brother who is just like you?
Seriously, you hit the nail on the head there.

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: July 04, 2018 07:53PM

You are a wise man, a good role model for a father, and your wife is blessed to have you.

My TBM grandpa used to say he thought his wife should share the priesthood duties equally with him, and have equal standing in TSCC. They were fourth generation TBM who went through life together. Nothing has changed in the interim. The GA just bunker down more on their worn out recording that the more things change, for the LDS the more they stay the same.

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Posted by: TheHumanLeague ( )
Date: July 04, 2018 10:55PM

Take that all you stupid worthless LDS dicks...

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Posted by: TheHumanLeague ( )
Date: July 04, 2018 10:59PM

(You left out Bonnie Parker) of Bonnie and CLyde fame.
She would kick azz of ANY sorry azz Mormon male around!!!

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Posted by: dagny ( )
Date: July 04, 2018 11:04PM

Thank you.

You get it.
You said it.

Thanks from my daughter too.

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Posted by: invinoveritas ( )
Date: July 04, 2018 11:12PM

Thanks to all the daughters and all the wives out there.

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Posted by: SusieQ#1 ( )
Date: July 05, 2018 01:16AM

I made a good portion of your points, and certainly, the main one in my recent post on The Role of Women in Mormonism.,2131483

Thank you for understanding how it really works in Mormonism.
And, for knowing that it is fundamentally... well... just plain wrong.

Unfortunately, true believing Mormon women, (as members of the "only true church of Jesus Christ"), accept their role in The Plan of Salvation as inspired and the only right one.

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Posted by: Soft Machine ( )
Date: July 05, 2018 03:09AM

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Posted by: Life Number Five ( )
Date: July 05, 2018 05:35AM

Hear hear! Invinoveritas!

(Raising my glass of Figi water at 2:00 AM.)

Yesterday, some friends and I were talking about how China's deliberately-lowered birth rate of females has effected that country.

BOTH sexes are necessary for the advancement of the human race.

I was a BIC Mormon female, and raised to be ruled by--and silently accept abuse from--males. I was treated as though I was nothing, being a lot younger, and only girl in the family. My brothers used to call me "a puny little nothing." My mother was on board with the male supremacist Mormon thinking, and taught me to accept that she and I were "second-class citizens."

This lack of self esteem made it extremely hard for me to find the courage to escape my abusive temple marriage. I had to save my own life. Later, I had to be strong enough to raise my children alone, and be their sole financial support, too. Every day, every hour, I heard those Mormon voices telling me that I could not do what a man could do, that I could not survive without a husband, but I had no choice!

The world outside of Mormonism is still sexist. (Hilary didn't stand a chance.) But the Mormons are outrageous! I had no help or support, but had to disobey the cult teachings and disobey the advice of the cult leaders, in order to save myself and my children. I was too preoccupied with helping my children cope with the loss of their father and our home and our income, to care about playing music or cleaning the ward house or teaching lies to children or making crafty things out of pop bottles.

The Mormons seemed angry at me for succeeding! One bishop had threatened me, and said that if I didn't start paying tithing, I would fail financially. I knew that he was not honest in his business dealings. I ended up making a lot more money than he did. I confess that I felt a sense of gratification, when his house was foreclosed.

The Mormon women were envious of my happiness, and my closeness to my children. They were taught that they had to be married in the temple--even to a jerk--in order to be truly happy, and they couldn't understand why I was happier than they were. I had true love, unconditional love, respect, purpose, freedom, a worthwhile career, new power, Truth, new self-esteem, and children were not dominated and bullied by the Mormons. The Mormon cult tries to keep women from having any of these God-given rights!

As my career grew, and my sons and daughter got older, we could no longer tolerate being marginalized and abused by the cult. It was after we resigned, that our lives took off like a rockets!

I hope your wife and daughter are out. You didn't say. With you for a father, they're probably all right. Good for you!

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