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Posted by: SEcular Priest ( )
Date: October 10, 2018 03:15PM

I think she is by what I saw when she and Russ did A presentation in Edmonton. It as an observation and gut feeling. But no real evidence. I think Russ is trying to change the church but not sure why. I can see Wendy with her back ground and education in the social sciences trying to bring in changes so woman play a greater role in Priesthood stuff any comments.

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Posted by: slskipper ( )
Date: October 10, 2018 03:29PM

We will never see any real evidence. Too well hidden- even from Rusty.

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Posted by: AlanXL ( )
Date: October 12, 2018 01:54AM

Yes when Rusty get a limp old boner.

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Posted by: Paintingnotloggedin ( )
Date: October 10, 2018 03:32PM

How do you think recent changes from this man she might have influenced;

1. might affect women's lives making them more empowered than before?

* does the mens priesthood monthly circle talking thing teach
men any useful communication skills? or teach a process?
does anything that happens to men in this priesthood
circle procedural talking style help women? But how? (if
its not cancelled by the new schedule) Are men more
or less empathetic compassionate demanding capricious
rigid loud rude unkind uncaring by participating in the
priesthood circle monthly thing? Are they more or less
frightened or more or less anxious about keeping church
rules, activity, and how does that empower women?

you wonder that the persons around the new prophet and their
background or concerns might, have impact on him?

You are very interesting.

I have always wanted to impact my spouse not his work but for him to have a better life, comfortable full life. Do you think that some wives drive their husbands' careers to impact politics instead of be just a companion? Do you think men accept this, even, notice this (that someone outside of their field is over riding or superceding their professional judgement trying to direct it? Well someone made reference once to the concept that Mormons are not much for compassionate regard / unconditional acceptance / the concept of unconditional love.) SAD a women using her husband's career instead of developing her own professional skills to make an impact. GOD I thought you just put them in a suit, kept their clothes clean & let them go in the morning. THere's some huge contradiction here, do you mean that traditional women parodoxically are less, are unprofessional somehow? like a lobbyist you can't unhire

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Posted by: Done & Done ( )
Date: October 10, 2018 03:39PM

I would love to see a handwriting analysis done on the notepad Russ keeps by his bed to write his dreams/revelations down on during the night.

My gut says Wendy gets her two cents in. I think dinner conversations and bed time talk could be very interesting if recorded. She's quite a "Help-Meet" that Wendy!

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Posted by: ificouldhietokolob ( )
Date: October 10, 2018 04:11PM

Are you (gasp!) insinuating that Russ might wake up one morning, and find a notation in his little book, in not-quite-his-writing, saying something like, "Jesus said in a dream that you should buy Wendy new shoes. And ditch the name mormon, it's too culty. So says Jesus." ?

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: October 10, 2018 04:20PM

I've always been suspect of older single women in the church. I have people in my own family who are older single females and still active in the church.

I have found these ladies have some similar traits. One is they really weren't the best looking ladies when they are younger. Either to not being born a looker or being overweight. The reality is guys aren't going to be knocking their door down to date them.

Also these ladies tend to be very smart academically. They do well in school. Maybe they don't have guys dating them as a distraction. They do well in school and they tend to do well for themselves in their careers.

Also with these ladies, if they came out openly as a lesbian you wouldn't really be all that shocked. They tend to live with another woman even when they can afford their own place.

It's the ones who stay in the church I really wonder about. My main question is why? They tend to have a screw loose. Wendy Nelson clearly has a screw loose. This would not be the type of person I would take any personal advice from. Who knows what her motives are or what turns her crank. I would trust an openly gay lesbian more because she seems to know who she is and is living the lifestyle that fits her personality the best.

I find older single Mormon women who never married a bit creepy and when they marry an old man 30 years older you really start to wonder. The big question. Would she marry Russ if he wasn't an apostle? They both are strange ducks. I don't want either of them giving me any advice on how to live my life.

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Posted by: jan ( )
Date: October 10, 2018 05:27PM

Rubicon Wrote:
> I've always been suspect of older single women in
> the church. I have people in my own family who
> are older single females and still active in the
> church.
> I have found these ladies have some similar
> traits. One is they really weren't the best
> looking ladies when they are younger. Either to
> not being born a looker or being overweight. The
> reality is guys aren't going to be knocking their
> door down to date them.
> Also these ladies tend to be very smart
> academically. They do well in school. Maybe they
> don't have guys dating them as a distraction.
> They do well in school and they tend to do well
> for themselves in their careers.
> Also with these ladies, if they came out openly as
> a lesbian you wouldn't really be all that shocked.
> They tend to live with another woman even when
> they can afford their own place.
> It's the ones who stay in the church I really
> wonder about. My main question is why? They tend
> to have a screw loose. Wendy Nelson clearly has a
> screw loose. This would not be the type of person
> I would take any personal advice from. Who knows
> what her motives are or what turns her crank. I
> would trust an openly gay lesbian more because she
> seems to know who she is and is living the
> lifestyle that fits her personality the best.
> I find older single Mormon women who never married
> a bit creepy and when they marry an old man 30
> years older you really start to wonder. The big
> question. Would she marry Russ if he wasn't an
> apostle? They both are strange ducks. I don't
> want either of them giving me any advice on how to
> live my life.

This is this most offensive, mysogenistic drivel I ever have read on this Board.

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Posted by: exminion ( )
Date: October 10, 2018 07:59PM

I was anticipating that someone would be offended, when I was reading Rubicon's post--yes, there it is.

I knew some of these women personally! When Rubicon mentioned they were less attractive, I didn't agree, because a few of them were quite pretty. They were at least well-maintained and fastidious about their appearance. I was roommates with one. They had enough dates, but they did have certain personality traits that were not popular with the men. They all had the common traits of being overly competitive with the men, and overly ambitious for themselves. I would define the ones I knew as Narcissistic. They thought they were superior to others, and superior to who they really were. For example, some of them acted as though they were the only women in the world to get a Master's degree--and made too big a deal about it. They felt spiritually superior, and refused to date anyone who tried to kiss them before the 5th date. They had certain rules that had to be followed. They wanted to dominate and control their relationships. I got along with them, because I was submissive, back then, and willing to be on the sidelines. Everything had to be about THEM. Even back then, they wanted to marry only the greatest of Mormon me--not just your average bishop. What I offered them was support. I also came from a prominent GA family, with money. I was friendly, and set them up on a lot of dates--because they demanded that of me. Like, I OWED them to set them up, because I didn't deserve all these boyfriends. They deserved the attention, not me. Know what I mean? Very competitive. Very ambitious. The men liked them at first, but after going out with them a few times--not so much.

These women were aggressive and manipulative, in getting what they wanted. I admit, I did admire them! They would put on a ploy of being humble, spiritual, soft-spoken, even shy, but they were the opposite. I suppose men of that generation thought they were not "feminine" enough. They weren't lesbians; in face, our other friends and I thought they were too obsessed with pursuing men. They wouldn't go skiing, but wore the fashionable ski outfits. They wouldn't go in the water at beach parties, for fear of messing up their hair. They were too obsessed with appearance. I'm talking about 5 virgins. I want to keep everything anonymous, because I'm still loyal. Two are married to major and minor GA's. One almost married one. Five of them went on dates with GA's. There really is such a group of women.

My influential GA relative died and was forgotten. I married a "nobody" from BYU, who later left the cult. He abandoned me and my children for another woman, I divorced him and went to work to earn my own living and to support my children. Because of these huge "set-backs", I could no longer belong to the symphony and opera guilds, and do all the other social stuff these women do. One of them died, recently, still a virgin. In her case, she never found a man good enough--these were her own words.

I wonder about all the re-publishing of new editions that the Deseret Book publishing company is going to have to do, to edit out "Mormon" from book titles and subject matter, lesson manuals, even hymns, etc. Lots of business for Deseret Books. There is that connection with Wendy and Sheri and Deseret Books, after all. I guess DB makes Mormon memorabilia and plaques, etc., too. They will be bu$y!

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Posted by: exminion ( )
Date: October 10, 2018 08:15PM

--Just for the record, these women are over 10 years older than I, and were closer to my sister--

It is not an insult to say they are/were virgins, because they used to actually brag about it, all the time! They would be sure to tell this to their dates, too, and it was embarrassing. We were all virgins back then, but it was considered rude to talk about sex.

It's not an insult to say they were/are ambitious and competitive, because they would consider this a compliment. They were proud of who they were.

--just so you don't think I'm an awful person. I never hated anyone, I just thought they were a "breed apart" from the rest of us.

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: October 10, 2018 08:57PM

Very insightful, exminion.

I found that interesting.

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: October 12, 2018 01:46AM

All of the women I observed were extremely driven. Some were narcissistic. Maybe they have a form of narcissism that makes them what they are.

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: October 12, 2018 01:39AM

Just my observation. I didn't sugarcoat anything. Found the other comments interesting. I didn't mean to be offensive but sometimes life is offensive.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: October 10, 2018 05:29PM

Rubicon Wrote:
> Would she marry Russ if he wasn't an
> apostle?

Would my ancestor Zina have married both Joe and Brigham had they not had "the mantle," um, NO.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/10/2018 05:29PM by Elder Berry.

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Posted by: Wally Prince ( )
Date: October 12, 2018 03:35AM

Many of the other plural marriages, you can maybe see how the ladies involved were either really impressed by the status of the blowhard they married or were really believing the revelation crap telling them how special and elect they were...

But Emma ran off with Joe Junior at a time when her own father and just about everyone else around could see that he was a no-good, fast-talkin' scam artist getting everyone to dig holes to find treasures that he knew weren't there.

Must've been the "bad-boy" appeal and...I guess we have to admit that Joe Junior must have been a charismatic, smooth-talking charm monster. We can't see or hear him in action, so we judge him by what is written and by the obvious dubiousness of all of his claims and works.

But he must have had a way about him that made it possible to hook and reel people in almost at will.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: October 10, 2018 05:56PM

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: October 10, 2018 08:22PM


there's influence



as she's been described, I don't see that she could tolerate not having any influence, Really?

But neither would let onto that, of course, not even slightly.

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Posted by: cricket ( )
Date: October 10, 2018 08:25PM

like Nancy Reagan had Ronnie check his? Maybe Wendy bestows a Matriarchal Blessing frequently upon Russ?

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Posted by: East Coast Exmo ( )
Date: October 10, 2018 08:39PM

Russ may be the head of the church, but Wendy is the neck. She can turn the head any way she wants.

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Posted by: Heartless ( )
Date: October 10, 2018 10:47PM

Obviously you've never been married.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: October 10, 2018 11:11PM

Most men like to talk about successes they've had, even if they are just minor things. And a spouse/S.O./partner is the perfect target for this chatter.

If you do things their way, they'll listen and make appropriate responses, and you'll feel really good. If you don't do things their way, you don't get the attention you want; they get too busy, or whatever.

It can be very subtle, but most of us do want that attention, the positive reinforcement and we can be trained to earn it...

Oops! I gotta go massage Saucie's feet...

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Posted by: saucie ( )
Date: October 11, 2018 11:55PM

elderolddog Wrote:
> Most men like to talk about successes they've had,
> even if they are just minor things. And a
> spouse/S.O./partner is the perfect target for this
> chatter.
> If you do things their way, they'll listen and
> make appropriate responses, and you'll feel really
> good. If you don't do things their way, you don't
> get the attention you want; they get too busy, or
> whatever.
> It can be very subtle, but most of us do want that
> attention, the positive reinforcement and we can
> be trained to earn it...
> Oops! I gotta go massage Saucie's feet...

Be quick about it dammit, these feet won't wait forever.

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