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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: October 22, 2018 09:50AM

She was a 60’s lovechild. Footloose, wandering, and by the time she met the Mormon missionaries she was searching for meaning and purpose in her purposeless life. She’d married young to an abusive man who dominated and controlled her every move. They had two little boys by the time the Mormon missionaries found her and gave her the lessons. She knew instantly she’d found that “something” that had been missing all her life. The meaning for life and happiness. During the course of the lessons she happened to fall in love with one of the missionaries. She was smitten.

By the time his mission ended, he returned to Provo to resume his studies. She followed him there, with her two little sons in tow. By then she’d divorced her abusive husband, and was free to get entangled yet again with the young returned missionary who had taught her the gospel. She bought a Greyhound bus ticket for herself and her children and headed west from Brooklyn.

The church leaders in Provo sat her down and had a talk with her letting her know that her duty was to her then divorced husband. She must return to him and resume her marital duties as his wife. For that is the Lord’s way. Her future was not to be with the missionary she followed out to Provo. In essence, she had stalked to Provo.

Dutifully she packed up her few belongings and returned home. She remarried her domestic abuser, and he converted to Mormonism. The abuse continued, but now it had been sanctified as the Lord’s Way. He went on to become a leader in the local branch where they lived at the time. She remained at home to be a dutiful wife and mother. She also became a malicious voice of evil among the saints and mouthpiece for gossip. According to her, her husband remained a domestic abuser throughout their lifelong marriage. During this time she herself had become: the abuser. She was perfect fodder for the cult to indoctrinate and welcome into its fold.

w/Permission given to RfM to keep and use as it wishes.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/22/2018 01:16PM by Amyjo.

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