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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: June 28, 2019 09:42PM

Binge watching ?

Binge drinking ?

I'm doing neither. Actually having a mellow evening as the week is winding down and I'm sipping an iced tea while I fixed a downed Internet connection with my service provider, and dealt with a Walmart supplier issue of pet food (wrong size, wrong formula, wrong everything.)

Enjoying the peace and quiet because when it's not there's a puppy-in-training ... a rather large puppy !

A Swiss Bernese Mountain puppy that I brought home last week from Ohio, and we are still getting acquainted. She is a sweetheart though !

Wasn't going to get another dog anytime soon. Thought my puppy days were over. And then here I go again ... :)

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: June 28, 2019 10:31PM

Watching "Call the Midwife" (my late wife loved that show) and sipping on an Appleton's dark rum and Coke.

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Posted by: saucie ( )
Date: June 28, 2019 11:24PM

Lethbridge Reprobate Wrote:
> Watching "Call the Midwife" (my late wife loved
> that show) and sipping on an Appleton's dark rum
> and Coke.

I adore that show.
I never miss it.

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 08:43AM

I'm going to watch for that, Ron, on my local PBS. I love some of the British sitcoms, but haven't seen that one yet.

It sounds like a hoot. :o)

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Posted by: Lethbridge Reprobate ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 01:12PM

I love Brit TV....nobody does gritty police drama like then Brits. NOBODY! And Call The Midwife is a delight. Set in the late 1950's-early 60's it is beautifully written and acted.

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Posted by: Human ( )
Date: June 28, 2019 10:44PM



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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 08:58AM

Old western film, huh?

I grew up watching those on our black and white tv before we had color. When we finally got color tv it was voila! Even better.


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Posted by: Human ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 01:03PM

Me too. Loved Westerns as a kid. Hadn’t seen this one before.

Turned out to be a great film. Loved the Canadian femme fatale from Calgary angle. :^). (Not to say anything about the Mormons on their way to Pocatello angle.)

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Posted by: Hockeyrat ( )
Date: June 28, 2019 10:51PM

Amy, how old is she?Whats her name? I love big dogs. It’s closer to being with a person, plus they’re more fun. Is she going to go to puppy school,that’s if she’s old enough and has her shots .
I’m drinking iced tea and my husband is watching WW1 in colour.

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 02:30AM

Hockeyrat Wrote:
> Amy, how old is she?Whats her name? I love big
> dogs. It’s closer to being with a person, plus
> they’re more fun. Is she going to go to puppy
> school,that’s if she’s old enough and has her
> shots .

I've had big dogs before. My parents had a pair of Saint Bernards on our farm where I grew up in Idaho. Rastus and Lucia. :) They were quite the couple. ;o) I also had three SPCA dogs when my children were growing up that were between medium and large. So I have some experience with larger dogs. Though this Swiss Bernese will be the largest I will have had since Rastus and Lucia. And mom and dad kept them outside on our farm. Maisie will be kept indoors.

This sweet lolita is now only 3 1/3 months old, and already very large to pick up. I can still pick her up, but she is getting larger by the day. She has big paws, which says a lot about how much larger she will get. Female Bernese tend to grow to about 75-80 lbs. The males about 10 lbs larger. I wanted a female because they're decidedly more feminine, and I wanted a companion dog that will be easier for me to work with. Not that a male dog isn't. My Cairn terrier is male. A larger dog on a leash I figured may be easier to walk if she isn't as large as her male counterpart. (My logic at work.)

I plan to sign her up for obedience training. It will be good for her and me both. There was a dog at one of the schools where I live that is an honorary mention there who was a Swiss Bernese. She was their only cart pulling trained dog in its history. (Something the Swiss Bernese are known for apparently.) She is my inspiration for my puppy - not to pull carts, but to pass obedience training. ;o)

This is a photo of that dog in Memoriam:

She is what mine should look like when she grows up. Her mother looks like that.

Mine I'm naming Maisie. Her family in Ohio named her Macy, so it is close sounding. It will be part of her AKC registered name. Her family (of origin) are Swiss/German Mennonites. Like my Swiss German Mennonite ancestors who immigrated to Pennsylvania from Bern, Switzerland more than 200 years ago. There are quite a few Swiss Bernese breeders throughout Ohio and Pennsylvania who are Mennonite and Amish. One of the families shares my common ancestors name. So we're likely related, but I didn't make contact with them. I already have cousins I'm in contact with via my Mormon heritage. Via a 2002 Oxford England DNA study of that one surname of 13 living descendants with various spellings it was able to confirm that they were all related to the same ancestor. My cousin (a Deist genealogist, now deceased,) was a part of that study in 2002. He was the one to make the Swiss connection for my family. Our Mormon genealogists were not. He was one of the 13 included in the study. If not for him I wouldn't have known, nor for the 23 and Me I took for Mother's Day two years ago. My cousin's widow (also my cousin and his,) sent me his and hers genealogy recently that showed not only the Swiss connection but that they were from Bern.

It is bewildering to learn it over the course of 2-3 months between the DNA and the cousins I've only met online. She's elderly, but she and I grew up in the same hometown. She's as sweet as apple pie. And I feel extremely blessed to have made her acquaintance. If not for her, I'd still be in the dark.

My puppy had her puppy shots. Until I took her to the vet. The vet doesn't recognize the breeder self-administering them, so she has started them all over again. But that's alright. At least she'll be covered, and has everything she needs should I need to kennel her, including her rabies now. I plan to have her spayed since I don't want to use her for a brood dog. Although she would make beautiful pups. These dogs only live between 7-10 years on average. That is going to be hard for me because my dogs on average have lived longer than this. But I'm already attached to her. They have genetic health risks that I'm prepared to deal with out of love for their breed.

Maisie is very intelligent. I can see her breed being used as service dogs in fact because they have the temperament to be able to be used in that capacity. They are working dogs by nature. She's housebreaking okay. It isn't easy peasy. But she's catching on quickly. She has a hearty appetite which is good because she's a large breed. I just have to make sure she doesn't gobble up the Cairn's food when he's not looking lol. So I keep them separated food wise and feeding schedules.

> I’m drinking iced tea and my husband is watching
> WW1 in colour.

WW1 sounds intriguing. I read about a woman from here in upstate New York who cracked a code "Purple" it was called during WWII, as a mathematician that the Japanese used. It was a major achievement for the allied forces leading up to Pearl Harbor. She was one of quite a few women who were code crackers during the war that were unsung heroes. They kept a low profile but made major strides for defense.

I'm up late. Fighting another upper respiratory infection. May need to see the doc again. Oy. Thank God for the weekend! :o)

Enjoy that iced tea! Sounds yummy.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2019 08:47AM by Amyjo.

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Posted by: Hockeyrat ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 10:30AM

Yep, big dogs are the best. We’ve had German Shepherds growing up. We’re looking to get one , now that we’re retired. We have a big back yard, plenty of dog people around here, mainly big breeds too, so she’ll have company.
We’re looking at big paws and ears too. I want a female also
We’ll be getting her spayed too, since we’re not breeding and won’t have to worry about her being in heat and having to wear a diaper-like device.
Maisy will get big AND solid. I love the name Maisy. That’s the name of one of my favourite characters on the Canadian show “ Wind at my back “, taken place during the depression. It ran like 5 seasons and had a good Christmas special ,about a Jewish girl who comes to stay with them. They’re helping the resistance movement overseas.
I’m drinking rose tea right now , hot, it taste good iced too

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 10:46AM

Oh, thanks for sharing that with me about your dogs, and the name Maisy.

I name checked it, and it in fact is of Greek origin, and means "pearl." She's my sweet little girl pearl (soon to be big pearl.) LOL.

My larger dogs have been easier to housebreak, and the females were more maternal when it came to my children. Especially my chow mix when they were kids. She was like their Old English Sheepdog type. I always felt safe with her and them at home when I wasn't. My husky mixed breed was a happy-go-lucky dog that was just sweet and playful all the time. She was a fence climber. My vet told me there was never a fence they met that a husky could not climb, including their own inside fence at their vet office. Only a Husky scaled their six-foot fence one night and they came in the next morning to find him wandering in the main reception area. I had to keep reinforcing my fence when I had my husky. She used to go under it before I had wires installed on the lower vinyl fencing. Then I raised it by a foot to keep her from going over it. Finally it kept her in check. :D (I finally removed the vinyl altogether and replaced it with a stronger chain link.)

I think German Shepherds are fascinating but I've never owned one. If I were to own a breed similar to a shepherd I've considered the Belgian Malinois type dogs, but haven't yet gone there. Belgian Sheepdogs are pretty too. They both look like German Shepherds, only their coloring and coats are different a little.

The 'Wind at my Back' Christmas special sounds like a special tv series. I'll try to keep my eyes open to it if it comes around in my viewing area anytime soon. I get a couple Canadian channels on my tv lineup here.

Rose tea sounds good too. It's a specialty tea and favorite in Japan I noticed when I visited there in 2015. :)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2019 11:16AM by Amyjo.

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Posted by: caffiend ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 12:26AM

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 08:55AM

Was that one of the last ones w/the original crew of actors?

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Posted by: chipace ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 01:01AM

Watching Firefox (1982) after happy hour.

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 08:53AM

That sounds like an oldie but goldie.

Go Clint go! :o)

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 01:39AM

I was watching an episode of "Vera" on public television, but fell asleep just before the end. Arrgh!

After an exhausting week of interviewing, I finally have a job in my new specialty area of teaching. Now I can enjoy my summer. :)

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 01:55AM

Yeay, I concur. That puts a real test to rest.

Now you can enjoy your summer with that much less anxiety in the offing.

Congrats on landing your new position.

That has to feel good. :)

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 02:31AM

It does feel good. My new field is in demand so I had a lot of interest in my resume.

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Posted by: memikeyounot ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 10:38AM

Vera is the best along with Endeavour.

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Posted by: summer ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 01:04PM

I love Endeavour as well! I see he has a mustache in the new season.

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Posted by: memikeyounot ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 10:16AM

I didn't watch anything at home but was given some comped tickets to "RENT" at Eccles Theater here in Zion. It's not the typical musical but I like the score and the story. Not everyone does.

Free tickets=way way up in nosebleed seats, virtually the last row in the last section. Hard to see the actors faces but the music was well done and it's always fun to hear a score I've heard many times and the story that goes with it.

I took a friend (since 8th grade) and my 16 year old granddaughter and her mom. The last 2 had never been to a musical (they're both kind of jocks!) and that may not have been the one to share with them. But they seemed to enjoy it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2019 10:18AM by memikeyounot.

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Posted by: Amyjo ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 10:48AM

That sounds like a great way to spend a Friday night, with family & friends at the theater.

Super plan! Better than Family Home Evening.


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Posted by: CL2 ( )
Date: June 29, 2019 01:30PM

That's my exciting evening. I watch all those shows. When I couldn't sleep during the night, I watched the Dateline from last night and Whistleblowers (very interesting). I forgot about Nightline and polygamy, so I'll see if they have that tonight.

Myself, I like the smaller dogs, but then I "have" my boyfriend's German Shepherd mix or something we are not sure of. A woman at "Tractor Store" says she is a Shiloh Shepherd and she sure looks like one. She is 104 pounds. She was wild and crazy when he got her. She'd try to knock me down the stairs. I was with her all day and I had just lost my dog of 14 years. We didn't like each other much, but do now.

My Cocker Spaniel was the easiest to train other than my rescues, who were already trained when I got them. My CS was SO WELL TRAINED. He was something, a wise soul.

I also always tell myself I'll never get another dog. I'll say it again, something I read in a book, "Once you've loved a dog, living without one is a life diminished." (And losing one is HELL!)

I'm going to go see "Yesterday" tomorrow.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/29/2019 01:32PM by cl2.

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