Posted by:
Date: October 21, 2019 04:42PM
It is absolutely, most definitely, worth the trip from SLC to Layton if some of those volumes are (as I suspect) Talmud (or some of the other main texts--but I am thinking, mainly, Talmud).
The Talmud is a record of discussions, over about six hundred years, about--mostly but not entirely--Torah (meaning, in this context: the first five books of the Hebrew Bible).
That "record of conversations/debates" is divided into 38 volumes, which contain (collectively) over ten million words.
And here is the important-to-this-thread fact: If a given person "learns" (means: studies) one page of Talmud a day, then they will have covered the entire Talmud in 7 1/2 years. This is called Daf Yomi (the "Daily Page"), and this kind of often free-form, semi-"organized" study occurs worldwide, is growing at a startlingly rapid pace, and is constantly including more and more women constantly ("women" means, in general: females age twelve through the rest of their lives).
[I very highly recommend Ilana Kurshan's memoir: IF ALL THE SEAS WERE INK (2017, available in trade paperback). Here is the cover description of this book:
"At the age of twenty-seven, alone in Jerusalem in the wake of a painful divorce, [American born and raised] Ilana Kurshan joined the world's largest book club, learning daf yomi, Hebrew for "daily page" of the Talmud, a book of rabbinic teachings spanning about six hundred years. Her story is a tale of heartache and humor, of love and loss, of marriage and motherhood, and of learning to put one foot in front of the other by turning page after page. Kurshan takes us on a deeply accessible and personal guided tour of the Talmud. For people of the book--both Jewish and non-Jewish--IF ALL THE SEAS WERE INK is a celebration of learning, through literature, how to fall in love once again."] some of the books available for "about $2.00" each at the Deseret Industries store in Layton are volumes of Talmud, this would be an extraordinary gift of good fortune to anyone who, for example, wanted to participate in the many Daf Yomi studies (individually, in a local group, or online) taking place right now.
It is, very possibly, well worth the trip to Layton.
Thank you, Heartless!