Man gets crazy letter from the hyper-Christian father of the woman whose virginity he "stole." It's like he owns his daughter, her body, her sexuality.
That is the traditional view. That’s why the traditional European wedding ceremony is basically a property transfer ritual. The father gives the bride to the groom. She traditionally changes her last name in recognition of the property transfer.
Domestic, domicile and dominate all come from the same root. That which is under your dome, you control.
Oops, misplaced, but close enough for government work
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/23/2021 07:58PM by Brother Of Jerry.
Yes in my brief 85+ years on the planet I have seen this repeated more than I care to admit. I KNOW of one mormon father who told his son I would rather see you lying dead in your coffin than having lost your virginity on your mission. And in my opinion sex between adults is just that:: between the two adults involved
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/23/2021 05:22PM by thedesertrat1.