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Posted by: Waren Jeffs ( )
Date: September 19, 2021 12:12AM

I see so many media reports from a publication such as the Economist that Utah has Americas most vibrant economy and unemployment is the lowest there.The reports state that Utah has the youngest aged population in America.That might be because Mormons have such large families.These reports are implied to mean it has some connection to the Mormon establishment of the state.

What is the opinion here of people regarding such reports?

There is a significant white middle class population in contrast to southern states like Alabama or Kentucky.States with a significant black population tend to have a large economic underclass.

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Posted by: Tevai ( )
Date: September 19, 2021 01:17AM

Waren Jeffs Wrote:
> I see so many media reports from a publication
> such as the Economist that Utah has Americas most
> vibrant economy and unemployment is the lowest
> there.The reports state that Utah has the youngest
> aged population in America.That might be because
> Mormons have such large families.These reports are
> implied to mean it has some connection to the
> Mormon establishment of the state.

According to the news reports I have read or heard, California has the nation's "most vibrant economy." California is cited almost daily in news broadcasts, media presentations, and books as "the fifth largest economy in the world" and is now, increasingly, being referred to as a "nation-state" (instead of simply a "state") because it IS, at the present time, such a global economic powerhouse.

> There is a significant white middle class
> population in contrast to southern states like
> Alabama or Kentucky.States with a significant
> black population tend to have a large economic
> underclass.

I believe this is true of the states who once were slave states, especially since those states are STILL (about two hundred years later) behind the states who were NOT slave states back then. It has only been in the last decades that any steps forward have been permitted by law, and also by continuing evolution of social and cultural attitudes.

This certainly is one of the most persistent problems in American history, however.

California is an exceptionally diverse state, with large population numbers of ethnicities and races (and religions!) from around the world--and these diverse ethnicities, races, and religions are reflected in all levels of economic, social, and intellectual success within the state.

Given contemporary realities, it would seem to me that racial/ethnic/religious diversity in California is a much more accurate indicator of economic success than is racial whiteness, at least in those states and regions where People of Color (PoC) are allowed--by law and by custom--to achieve their potentials.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 09/19/2021 02:19PM by Tevai.

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Posted by: Anonymous Muser ( )
Date: September 19, 2021 02:56AM

Not so fast. A few things.

There's exactly ONE article (dated 9/18) from the Economist, not "so many."

It's behind a paywall, but here is a link to the cached page:

It doesn't say "most vibrant economy," but "the most diverse economy of any state, according to the Hachman Index, which measures each state’s mix of industries against that of the nation."

Incidentally, the Hachman Index, although a common measure of economic diversity, was developed at the University of Utah. FWIW.

And it doesn't sat that "Utah" has the lowest unemployment; it says that Salt Lake City "has the lowest jobless rate among all big cities, at 2.8%, compared with a national rate of 5.2%."

As for the church?

- "Although about 61% of Utah’s population is Mormon, that number is shrinking all the time. About 48% of Salt Lake County residents identify as Mormon; the city itself — which is more diverse — probably has fewer still. Utah is the youngest state in the country, but its fertility rate is decreasing faster than the national average…"

- "Utah consistently ranks among the worst states in the country for gender equality. An annual index from WalletHub, a consumer website, found that Utah's gender-pay gap was larger than most other states'. Women in Utah are also less likely to graduate from college or be elected to political office. That Utah is such a laggard is probably down to the lasting influence of the Mormon church and believers' tendency to marry young and have large families. Yet the future looks brighter: as the state diversifies, and begins to look more like America, women should benefit."

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Posted by: thedesertrat1 ( )
Date: September 19, 2021 12:56PM

Well I am a highly skilled bookkeeper and I am unable to find employment in Utah!!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted by: ookami ( )
Date: September 19, 2021 05:31PM

My personal opinion: the claims are pure PR.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 19, 2021 06:16PM

    What the heck! What do you have against Puerto Ricans!?!?!

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Posted by: ookami ( )
Date: September 19, 2021 06:28PM

I meant Public Relations.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 19, 2021 06:31PM

    I knew that!  See, there is no such thing as a pure Puerto Rican!

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