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Posted by: not logged in ( )
Date: January 14, 2022 03:41PM

Interesting podcast - one of the hosts is ex-mormon. Yes, he was in a cult!

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Posted by: Nightingale ( )
Date: January 14, 2022 10:27PM

Does it have a name?

The link, that is. :)

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: January 14, 2022 10:44PM

. . . good save!

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: January 14, 2022 10:55PM

Does it have a name?

Isn't the correct answer, "I'll give it to you at the veil?"

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: January 14, 2022 11:11PM

You make me wonder if anyone has gone to the veil, and with a straight-face, uttered "Weenie"?

I don't worry as I wonder, as I wander.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: January 14, 2022 11:14PM

just me?

the word "cult" is highly pejorative, as such it doesn't serve a useful purpose except it inflames someone in most any discussion.

The meaning & significance aren't exact.

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Posted by: East Coast Exmo ( )
Date: January 15, 2022 03:47PM

It is true that there is no good definition of "cult", but like the Justice Potter Stewart's quip about porn, I know a cult when I see one.

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Posted by: ~ufotofu~ ( )
Date: January 15, 2022 06:42PM

GNPE Wrote:
> the word "cult" is...
> The meaning & significance aren't exact.

CULT is short for culture
Mormonism is a CULTure.
There. Does that help?

It is what it is
Because how it is

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Posted by: ~ufotofu~ ( )
Date: January 14, 2022 11:14PM

With that kind of question, you probably were.

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Posted by: auntsukey ( )
Date: January 15, 2022 08:56AM

Is this the one Brother of Jerry posted about?

Program is RadioWest with Doug Fabrizio - conversation with author Amanda Montell about her book Cultish.

She doesn't mention tscc by name but it's clear who and what she is talking about.

And for GNPE, the author agrees with your judgment of the word "Cult", preferring "Cultish".

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Posted by: Cftexan ( )
Date: January 15, 2022 09:08AM

I have listened to several of their podcasts. And they are okay. Mostly people who have been in cults tell their story and the hosts just make random comments throughout. Honestly, I find their comments mostly annoying.

In my opinion, a better podcast about cults (also with an exmormon host, who was also involved in an offshoot mormon cult)
Is called Trust Me:Cults, Extreme Belief, and the Abuse of Power. These two ladies actually interview former cult members, and experts on cults/control, etc, also random things like fraud psychics. As I said, one is an exmormon and the other was a member of 2by2 cult. I love their podcast.

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Posted by: cftexan ( )
Date: January 15, 2022 03:41PM

Here is the link: (I also found it in Google Podcasts)

The podcast is documentary-style. Someone tells their story, and the host intersperse with their own comments (which I found actually annoying, honestly, they don't really add anything interesting.)

Personally, I like this podcast more (also has an ex-mormon):

On this podcast, they actually interview people who have been in cults and experts. They also include other stories like fraud psychics, high control group religions/churches, etc. Both podcast hosts have been involved in these kinds of groups.

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