Posted by:
Elder Brother
Date: January 26, 2022 02:33PM
Once, when I was Young Men's president, I accompanied the boys to the temple to do baptisms for the dead.
They were a little short on temple workers, so they asked me to help out.
I started with confirmations and, being the efficient person that I am, rattled off the words as fast as I could.
We were really cruising through the list of names when one of the temple workers asked me to slow down.
"Just think," he said, "some of these people have been waiting a very long time to have their work done for them. They don't want you to just RUSH through it."
"That's true," I replied. "But, I was thinking about the NEXT guy in line, who definitely DOES want me to hurry up and get to him."
That was the last time they asked me to drive the kids to the temple...for some reason.