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Posted by: Elder Brother ( )
Date: January 26, 2022 02:33PM

Once, when I was Young Men's president, I accompanied the boys to the temple to do baptisms for the dead.
They were a little short on temple workers, so they asked me to help out.

I started with confirmations and, being the efficient person that I am, rattled off the words as fast as I could.
We were really cruising through the list of names when one of the temple workers asked me to slow down.

"Just think," he said, "some of these people have been waiting a very long time to have their work done for them. They don't want you to just RUSH through it."

"That's true," I replied. "But, I was thinking about the NEXT guy in line, who definitely DOES want me to hurry up and get to him."

That was the last time they asked me to drive the kids to the temple...for some reason.

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Posted by: heartbroken ( )
Date: January 26, 2022 07:48PM

I remember a talk I heard in sacrament meeting at least twice. I'm pretty sure it was from Especially for Mormons. The speaker stood at the podium in sacrament meeting and didn't say anything for 2 minutes. The congregation became nervous and uncomfortable. Finally the speaker said something like two minutes seemed a lot to the congregation but think of those on the other side of the veil who were waiting and waiting for years and years for their temple work to be done.

I think the temple worker's request for you to slow down was ridiculous and your response was appropriate.

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Posted by: EruditeFiend ( )
Date: January 27, 2022 09:40AM

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Posted by: cl2notloggedin ( )
Date: January 27, 2022 09:45AM

they ALWAYS spoke really, really fast. I couldn't even recognize the prayer. I could usually recognize names as they'd slow down as so many were hard to sound out. (I type up doctors' work and they don't even try to sound it out. Wonder if they can find the reports after I try to figure out the name.)

I had bad allergies when I was young. They are different now, but my nose was always tender and I got a bloody nose once when doing baptisms and they had to stop and wait for it to stop. Why didn't they just end my session and give those names to the next kid? They were SO IRRITATED.

Now, then there are the old biddies in the dressing room who would make us strip bare before they gave us a towel. I was raised a MORMON. I thought we were supposed to be modest. Not in the temple. Take you in there and strip you of all your boundaries that they've taught you all your life.

I HATED the temple. Only went a few times. I was going to be the best temple goer. After all, I had a gay husband to save. It's still my fault. I was reminded recently that it is my fault he's still gay as I obviously didn't satisfy him sexually. I WONDER WHY.

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Posted by: I ( )
Date: January 28, 2022 12:14AM

Good story- thanks el durr bruther

The DEAD don't care about speed, ANYMORE lol they're laughing... they say, you're doing it for-to yourselves (they've moved on), to tell yourselves it matters... hahha-a

That guy (temple player/ worker) might have had time, but, what if you'd finished early? Would you have to still wait for the boys? What if 60 names are skipped? Would it save 1/2 hr.? Or whatever
Would anyone notice?

If The Dead needed anything, it SURE wouldn't be saving ceremonies by USELESS humans wasting more of your, and their, time [someone later will wa$te more of their time] on LDS mind-altering CEREMONIES on earth!

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