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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 11:07AM

How Many bere have siffered a flight in or Out of SLC?

Yes, the terminal building is New, Modern, light, the high ceiling seems to approach flight level and/or the heavens that Mormons aspire to…

But SLC Airport has been seriously panned for the distance between TSA & the gates ‘3000 steps’…

What were they Thinking?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/25/2022 11:08AM by GNPE.

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Posted by: Elder Berry ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 11:09AM

I like it.

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 12:49PM

"The longer your stride, the fewer your steps!"

--Judic West, in chapter eight of "Odd Ode to a Node, or How to Live First Class on Second Class Values and a Third Class Education"

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 01:09PM

"Stop standing for something and lengthen your stride."

--Gordon B. Kimball, an experiment in cloning gone wrong

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Posted by: Gordon B. Stinky ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 01:17PM

“I’ll just step outside, so I can be outstanding.”

—Gordon B. Stinky, just being light minded ;)

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Posted by: elderolddog ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 04:29PM

People are silly when they try to be instanding, rather than sitting on the couch.

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Posted by: Lot's Wife ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 04:42PM

"Where's Jesus?"

"Oh, he's outstanding in the shack in the back yard. You know the one. . ."

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 01:15PM

I used to work there. I had no problem with it.

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 06:42PM

Did you used to work there before the new Concourse B was opened? If so, you have no idea...

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Posted by: Dave the Atheist ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 11:03PM

I was there in 1991-1992

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Posted by: Gordon B. Stinky ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 01:22PM

I’ve had countless layovers there over the years, but never been through security.
I always get a “weird” vibe, but perhaps it’s only because I know I’m in SLC.

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Posted by: heartbroken ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 02:10PM

The Paris CDG airport is worse. It seems that gates are as far apart as possible if you have a connecting flight so that you have to run (you won't make it if you walk) about a mile (no joke) to make it to the next flight before it leaves without you. I think the French do it on purpose, LOL

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Posted by: Gordon B. Stinky ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 06:36PM

Yes, CDG is horrible. Even with shuttles. I haven’t flown through there in at least a decade though, so it could have changed (for the better or worse).

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Posted by: alsd ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 10:03PM

Gordon B. Stinky Wrote:
> Yes, CDG is horrible. Even with shuttles. I
> haven’t flown through there in at least a decade
> though, so it could have changed (for the better
> or worse).

It hasn't. Been through there several times over the past year, and it is still a nightmare. Also, the French don't believe in AC, so the terminal is like a sauna in the summer. So you get yourself all sweaty and stinky on your 20 mile hike to connect to your trans-Atlantic flight. I HATE CDG.

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Posted by: Soft Machine ( )
Date: September 26, 2022 10:29AM

I'm surprised. I love CdG (which we call Roissy over here) - particularly after almost any of the UK airports - Heathrow, Gatwick and Manchester come to mind...

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Posted by: slskipper ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 02:26PM

Somebody got a huge "reward" for the construction contract. That's what "they" were thinking. IMO.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 05:20PM

the architect is to blame, contractors just build to the plans

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Posted by: Brother Of Jerry ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 06:45PM

In their defense, construction is far from finished, and there are moving walkways planned to eventually improve what now feels like a cross-country hike to Ogden.

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 11:38PM

I didn't see any construction happening when I was there just over a year ago, but moving sidewalks will be a welcome improvement if done right

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Posted by: Phantom Shadow ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 10:47PM

Just returned from a weekend in SLC and witnessed the new airport for the first time.

This is nuts! Surely they aren't finished with this. Aren't they going to build a rail line to whisk those of us who arrive on Southwest to the parking garage in just minutes?

When we landed Friday night and had to get to the rental car location (not a lot of signs to help us) I thought we'd never get out of there! Insanity!

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Posted by: messygoop ( )
Date: September 25, 2022 11:41PM

I think everyone knows that the SL Airport was seriously prayed over after the Q15 met, meditated and approved the original design and the current expansion and redesigns.

Nelson will be making a special announcement next week- a new temple at the Salt Lake Airport!

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Posted by: GNPE ( )
Date: September 26, 2022 11:54AM

airline CEO to be called as Temple President (?)

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Posted by: Rubicon ( )
Date: September 26, 2022 01:40AM

I usually fly charter to avoid big dumb airports. You haven’t lived until you have been stuck in Newark.

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Posted by: devoted ( )
Date: September 26, 2022 07:17AM

My understanding is that the planners believed that the future of flying is going to be on larger and larger jets. So they made the concourses much longer to accommodate the larger aircraft. Then something funny happened and airlines found that they needed smaller jets instead. Now it's miles and miles between services, etc, but no moving sidewalks or trams.

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Posted by: tumwater ( )
Date: September 26, 2022 04:29PM

Is there a reason, other than money, that moving sidewalks can't be added to the terminals?

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