October "Semi-Annual Conference" is not April "Annual conference", which is when they do the numbers. So there will be no self-inflicted 'numbers' embarrassments suffered.
So I'm going to boldly predict that they will praise the way the work is ongoing but announce no new temples, because they want to work on the already announced temples.
Then when no temples are announced next April (along with the figures showing they are not the fastest growing church in the world), it'll just be part of the "we're still catching up" mantra, and not because of the not growing figures.
If they prove me wrong and announce another dozen or so temples, I'll wail and gnash my teeth...and laugh.
He announced 13 last October, including Rexburg Jr.
Nelson has his 100, so there's a chance he could stop for now. But he clearly loves to make these announcements, and he's the king, so it's anyone's guess.
I'd like to see him announce new CA temples in Barstow, Needles, and Weed, because it would be funny.
Suddenly I got an image of temple's being announced by Jon Lovitz' Liar character from Saturday Night Live!
We're gonna build 100 temples... no, no, 1000 temples. That's what I meant. Yeah. And we're gonna build one in Beijing. No, all over China. And India too. That's the ticket. And we're gonna turn the Taj Mahal into a temple, and the White House. Yeah, yeah. And we'll turn Saint Peters Basilica into a temple, and Saint Pauls cathedral in London too. We're even gonna build a temple on top of the Empire State Building. That's what I meant to say.
Ah... were Dates announced for any of these projects?
Tacoma, WA: the biggest circus in town is joint (!) Base Lewis-McCord, which became a joint base by combyining command of army Fort Lewis (one of largest on the west coast) with AF base McCord AFB.
I5 & 405 to the 'Seattle' temple (actually located in Bellevue) can be a Royal PIA, but it seems that half-way between Bellevue & Portland (they have a temple, Right?) would have made more geographic sense, BUT: this is ChurchCo we're talkin' 'bout!
Land might be cheaper on the Washington side of the Columbia, but that's not much of a care for ChurchCo!
In the late 70s Prune Hill which overlooked the Columbia River was donated to the Church by a rich local member who wanted to have a temple built there. The church instead built a chappel there. It would still be a great place for a Temple.
Think about how hard and expensive it must be to maintain a zillion "ward houses" all over the world, in addition to temples. Membership demographics change. Other religions mostly have main temples or mini-cathedrals in in main areas.
Is it remotely possible over time they might only have temples for worship and could drop all the other building crap like other religions? They could add/change the kind of worship done in the temples so it's a one stop place? Of course they would have to drop the pay to play temple entrance, so I don't see that happening for a few generations though.
I can't see the redundancy in buildings in some of these places.
are you forgetting the 10+ % kick-back that ChurchCo gets on each/all of their construction costs? pretty sure that includes the furnishings too, even the HVAC.
This is the 4th temple announced in Nigeria, but only one has been built. So there are three announced but no construction has begun on any of the others.
when they SHOUT a new temple announcement for places far away from the IMW, I (retired electrician) always wonder how much local labor & materials will aid the local economies....
many 'industrialized countries' require that skilled labor must be locally licensed, does ChurchCo have a workaround for those regulations/laws?
I remember as a teen the chapel they built in Duluth, MN; most everything that went into it bypassed local suppliers & I'm sure that locals felt stiffed.
Everyone who can enter a temple is a tithe payer. How many people who attend church services are tithe payers. Focusing on temples basically means the church is catering to the tithe payers and not the pew sitters.
In time it will be attending the temple more than anything. Maybe sacrament will be in the temple and not a meeting house. You go to the temple to receive all ordinances. They could use the font for both living and dead baptisms.
Anyways, meeting houses are out, temples are in. Church will probably go to an hour or maybe services will go online but you are expected to go to the temple for ordinances and interviews.
I’ve just learned that the Heber Valley temple site just hosted a groundbreaking ceremony. Pres. Rusty Milhaus Nelson was present and said a few words.
Why would you have a groundbreaking ceremony, but have no construction planned?
How do I know there are no hard plans for construction? Because the county planning director has stated that no plans have been submitted.
Sure, maybe the plans have been made and a general contractor hired, but construction will not be starting in anything that might qualify as ‘near future’.
I’m guessing that they noticed Rusty had a free weekend.